DAK <3 Our Deb 1

Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member
edited February 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

Dear Deb 1,

I know you're very busy taking care of yourself, and I was afraid that it would be hard for you to find a note from me, and perhaps from all of us. I know others who love you may add a note below. I just want you to know I am so grateful for all the love and encouragement I've gotten from you in this last year. I am so, so grateful, and am waiting, watching, and hoping you are okay and comfortable.

Grateful for your amazing spirit,

Deb 2


  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Deb #1, Forever #1,

    You are a bright and shining star, a dazzling light in the night sky. I have followed your posts since I joined this site. You share all of your hopes, struggles and your heart in your posts. I thank you for your friendship as a fellow sister.

    Look around at the people that surround you now in the hospital and at home and those who post on this site. You see people whose lives have been greatly impacted by you!

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member


    I am thinking of you every day.

    Deb2, Thanks for posting this.


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    I would like to see a way to put Red Alert posts at the very top of the page, for when our sisters are in a bad way---hospital, etc. Some way they can hop in, see our love, and scoot out.

  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 242
    edited February 2022 #5

    Thanks for the suggestion, Harmanygroves, we appreciate what you're wanting to have done. Just a reminder, members are able to turn on notifications, which will allow them to be alerted to messages and comments.  Notifications can go straight to a members inbox without needing to even log in to the site. Also, as people comment, the discussion will be at the top of the page and should make it easier for members to find.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Yes, I do know that. I'm trying to keep our friend Deb's notes at the top of the page, as she is so very ill, or at least, she was--three days ago. Thanks. As an English teacher, I also know the correct spelling of "harmony," but it's a play on my last name, which is spelled with an --an as the suffix part! We are all so grateful for CSN, and appreciate you so much! Thanks for always being here for all of us.

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    You make me smile, Deb 2!

    If there is ever any hint that someone is doubting my abilities to properly use the language, I always say with a bit of a smirk and a grin, “Yes, I know. I was raised by a woman with a master’s degree in English.” It never occurred to me that you had misspelled your own name! 😆

    Thanks for looking out for our dear friend. I know we’re all very upset and desperately wish we could do something for her. I know what the ST is saying, but in the case of someone who is so ill, and is maybe asking a loved one to write for her, it would be way too much to ask them to also accomplish changing notifications.

    And a big red flag on the board’s page might help the rest of us not miss something so important! And you’re exactly right about keeping Deb at the top of the list of threads! I read yours FIRST, and then went straight to looking for Deb’s original, thinking OMGoodness! I’ve missed something very important!

    ❤️❤️❤️, Alicia

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hey…..I just thought of this, Deb2.

    Can you go back and edit your thread title to include something like 🚩🚩🚩🚩or ☎️☎️☎️?

    ❤️, A

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Dear Deb 1,

    I know you're very busy taking care of yourself, and I was afraid that it would be hard for you to find a note from me, and perhaps from all of us. I know others who love you may add a note below. I just want you to know I am so grateful for all the love and encouragement I've gotten from you in this last year. I am so, so grateful, and am waiting, watching, and hoping you are okay and comfortable.

    Grateful for your amazing spirit,

    Deb 2

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Alicia - I usually use my computer, but will try to log in with my phone and add some red emoji's to the title. Great suggestion.

    Ah, yes----I have a BA in English (magna **** laude, Phi Beta Kappa), and an M.Ed., and I am kind of a weirdo with editing, but make all sorts of mistakes and overlook them!

  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 242

    My mistake with the typo in the name, it is corrected in the original comment. Thanks for pointing it out, Harmanygroves.

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member

    Good Morning Deb1.

    I hope your oncology team has been able to come up with a plan that has quickly provided you with good pain relief and peaceful, comfortable days.

    Thanks to Deb2 for starting this thread, so we can let Deb1 know how much we are thinking of her and wishing her nothing but the best!!