Biopsy confirms Tonsil Cancer HP16 positive

Derpyderp65 Member Posts: 16 Member
edited February 2022 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Well, even though I “knew” it is still a gut punch.

I have read up on tonsil cancer and have a good idea of what is to come but I’m still scared and anxious.

So the next step appears to be PET scan then, Off to the Races!


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member

    Well, it seems you had a strong feeling your problem was cancer, and unfortunately, it turns out to be so. You have been educating yourself quite a bit but yes no matter what it is an unsettling time no matter how much you prepare. Trust in your cancer/care team and be confident in their expertise. Also if you have been reading up on it you know these days H&N cancer has a good success rate. Try and keep busy till your scan and they come up with a plan of treatment and even then keep as busy as possible it keeps your mind off of it. Strengthen and resolve yourself for your battle ahead and know you got this. And don't forget to pray a lot because prayer is powerful. We are here for ya.

    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Remington25
    Remington25 Member Posts: 93 Member

    If I can be any help at all please reach out to me as I finished treatment a year ago and have been happy with the results thus far. It was scary, painful, uncomfortable but it worked and you will get through it! Ask for second opinions on treatments, ask about trials you may qualify for and be an advocate for yourself. Again, feel free to ask me/us any question as someone probably has had the exact same question answered in their journey!

  • Derpyderp65
    Derpyderp65 Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thank you for the reach out!

    Still having to wait for PET and appointment with the Radiation Oncologist…

    nothing is going very fast…lol

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member

    little over 2 months from the time I pointed to the 2 swollen lymphs on my neck to my PCP and start of tx, which I did not think made sense. now though, it does. need the biopsy, PET to see if elsewhere and surrounding area, then a Power Port and Feeding Tube installed while they decided on the specifics of the C&R, or an Op.

  • Derpyderp65
    Derpyderp65 Member Posts: 16 Member

    So who is the ‘lead’ doctor in the treatment?

    The ENT or the radiation oncologist?

    Who will decide if surgery is warranted or not after looking at the PET scan?

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member

    Well Derp I was always told your ENT is your go-to guy. When I had my first cancer of the throat it was an ENT I went to sent by my family doctor. He scoped me and could see an obvious tumor so his office then next set up the CAT Scan, the biopsy which he took, the PET scan, and set me up with appointments with a radiologist and a chemo doctor. So I guess the ENT pretty much knows which way to direct you. I had chemo and rads only for my first cancer so no surgeon was involved. All my follow-ups after treatments for 5 years were with my ENT they keep watch on you and decide how often to get chest X-rays, cat scans, etc. My second cancer was on my tongue and my ENT took a biopsy in his office and it came back positive for cancer so he also operated on me and remove it with clear margins in the hospital. The third cancer was a lymph node on the left side of my neck, one lymph node, but it was not encapsulated meaning the cancer was outside the node and spreading into the tissue and surrounding area. When he checked the scan I guess he felt that with my previous radiation and cancer treatment and the possibility that I may not be able to have more follow-up radiation he did not do the operation I needed. I think with the cancer involvement in the tissue he felt I would be better served by going to a teaching hospital and an Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgeon who specialized in more complex cases. Actually, he referred me to an ENT at the hospital and the ENT at the teaching hospital set me up with a surgeon and oversees me now to this day. I still see him every 3 months. So this is a long story but it shows how the ENT scopes you and directs you for scans etc. to determine your problem and he may treat you or direct your treatment. So your ENT should be able to decide the appropriate treatment and treat you or direct you to a surgeon or whatever treatment is best for your situation.

    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Derpyderp65
    Derpyderp65 Member Posts: 16 Member

    Seems like the ENT remembered I exist.

    Flurry of calls by the ENT’s office the last couple of days and they were able to have all my appointments moved up by a couple of weeks.

    Guess that is a good thing…

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member

    I would hope he would. it's a good deal I am glad they got your appointments moved up that's great. You will find it is better if things are happening like say scans, or some kind of treatment because it keeps your mind focused on the treatment and finishing treatments and keeps you occupied. And I think most folks that had to deal with this want to just get it started and get it done and get to NED. Glad for you Derp-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Derpyderp65
    Derpyderp65 Member Posts: 16 Member


    Thank you for your insightful info!

    you are spot on and it is truly helpful.

    i definitely want to get this moving and get thru it!

  • Stephie75
    Stephie75 Member Posts: 185 Member

    Any updates? How are you fairing?

  • Derpyderp65
    Derpyderp65 Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thanks for asking, over all doing well!

    I’ve had my PET and met with the radiation oncologist, I am now T2N2 and will definitely require chemotherapy.

    The radiation oncologist is bringing in a medical oncologist for chemo and has asked for a MRI.

    I meet with my ENT this Friday. The ENT has set aside a surgery date early March, but I have not talked with with the ENT after the PET scan to see if surgery is still viable/preferred if I am needing chemo.

    So, still do not have the final plan of attack but looks like it is all moving along now.


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member

    Sounds good D65- your Drs./C team are getting the pre-tx plan lined-up for you. Keep us informed, please.

  • Stephie75
    Stephie75 Member Posts: 185 Member
    edited February 2022 #14

    I agree with Logan. Once they got my tx plan in place, I was so busy! You will have a full calendar! We're all here for you, and definitely keep us updated!