I have papilary thyroid carcinoma and my mass associate with blood vessels

zain88 Member Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2022 in Thyroid Cancer #1

I have PTC and my mass associates with blood vessels and surgeon ask surgery not possible but before surgery you will get radiation theraphy and radio iodine treatment for shrink a nodule. I that possible with radiation cancer nodule shrink? What I have to do please give me suggestion.


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    I'm sorry that you are going through this. I know radiation treatment can shrink tumours. I will pray for you to have wisdom and peace going forward.

  • Junctionflyer
    Junctionflyer Member Posts: 3 Member

    I had the same type of thyroid cancer that metastasized into a cancer tumor firmly attached to my shoulder bone and underneath major blood vessels. My "local" doctor, BEFORE surgery, told me this type of surgery was too risky. So, I contacted Mayo Clinic in Rochester, and to summarize, they did the thyroid and tumor surgeries and removed the tumor/nodule attached to the blood vessels and bone and many lymph nodes too. My total surgery was successful, and I am presently undergoing RAI this week, locally, and will tell 'you all' of my results and success after this week's treatment is complete.

  • Junctionflyer
    Junctionflyer Member Posts: 3 Member

    One extra note. Since the RAI treatment, my eyesight seems to have become blurry for close-ups. I do wear glasses since childhood but have had no changes recently. Also, I've gotten a double vision once or twice as I moved my head. It was quick but it was definitely there. At present, I can't read through my reading lenses anymore. I hope this goes away.

  • zain88
    zain88 Member Posts: 2 Member

    When taking radiation does my cancer spread to other parts or not ? Or stop on one place ?

  • Junctionflyer
    Junctionflyer Member Posts: 3 Member

    I'm not a doctor, but my oncologist told me Radiation DOES NOT spread cancer, or move it around the body. It only seeks out cancerous thyroid cells and radiates and kills them. Of course, this does not always fully accomplish this, though most times it does. Unfortunately, my oncologist told me there are Papillary cancer cells that are resistant to this treatment, and need different radiation such as BEAM radiation or chemotherapy. I'm going today for the final test of the RAI to see if it has killed off any and all stray thyroid cancer cells. I will let you folks know my results in a day or so. I hope this answers your request. May the Lord bless us all as we go through these trying events of life.

  • Miles' mom
    Miles' mom Member Posts: 49 Member
    edited March 2022 #7

    Please let us know. I have had 3 surgeries to remove these pesky cancer cells that like to jump around. 1 has totally messed up my right shoulder. I can't raise my arm to the side and everything rotates forward and down. This after 2 years and PT, massage etc. However, I do count my blessings and life is good. My surgeon (same for all) has said since I tested positive for braf mutation and the cancer has already jumped around, it will continue to do so. She didn't even say "will most likely continue...". I have learned to be grateful for the "in btwns". The breaks I get btwn scans, visits, surgeries etc. She said next time beam and or oral chemo.

    We all know this is a mental as well as physical game. Perhaps even more so (mental/emotional). [Content removed by CSN Support Team.]