Stage 4 - Cancer is back one month after clean scan

Floshoe Member Posts: 11 Member
edited February 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

My ex started having pain just a few weeks after a "clean" scan on December 28. After being told it was probably constipation, etc., and that it was unlikely the cancer since he just had a clean scan, we pushed for another scan. Sure enough, multiple mets in the peritoneum. (This was not completely unexpected, as we knew they saw tumor colonies in the abdomen during his resection).

They were going to start him on Folfiri and Avastin Friday, but he's already in the ER today with signs of a potential obstruction. I know peritoneal mets are considered the worst of the worst, but this is fast even by those measures. (He was only diagnosed at the end of August). He was pushing for HIPEC, but surgical oncologist wants to wait to see how the chemo works. He doesn't want to put him through a major surgery and have it pop up in the lungs or liver a month later.

The good news is we really like his medical team. The bad news is everything else. I appreciate this site, and if you read this, just direct a positive thought his way.


  • StonedCamaro
    StonedCamaro Member Posts: 38 Member

    Prayers and positivity for them and you all that care!🙏💗

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Cancer is a trial by fire.

    I know how it feels to be excited about a clear scan, and then the shoe drops and you're back in the game.

    I hope all goes well for your husband and the blockage can be sorted.

    We are all here for your support.


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    Best wishes and positive thoughts coming your way from this atheist. Sometimes things are not as bad as they initially seem. Hopefully an obstruction would not develop so soon. Keep us updated, we are on your side.