Complex renal cyst upper left lobe

kenren Member Posts: 6 Member
edited March 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

I had 2 Complex Renal cyst in upper left lobe discovered during a CT scan along with a kidney stone. 1cm and 2 cm cyst. I’m going to urologist this week. From what I have read they are to be taken very seriously. Im scared to death!! Just wanted to post here for info and support. Thank you!


  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Hi Kenren-

    Welcome to the forum. Sorry you had to join us, but I'm glad you found us - it's a great group here, and we know what you're going through, so if you have any questions/concerns, we're here for you.

    Being scared is totally normal, but keep in mind that you have reason to be hopeful. You found it really EARLY - and with these things, the earlier the better. Anything under 4cm is not likely to have spread.

    One tip - when you meet with your urologist, bring a pen and notepad (or your smartphone) to have your questions written down, and to be able to write down answers. Information will be coming fast and furious, and it'll be hard to keep track of it all, so make sure you write it down to remember it later.

    You're gonna do great. You've got this.

  • kenren
    kenren Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you so much for the reply, I just don’t know what to expect and this has been a shock. I know simple and complex cyst are different for sure. I did have trace blood in urine, and the kidney stone was 5 mm. Thanks for your comments and support.

  • Biner
    Biner Member Posts: 137 Member

    I had complex cyst, unfortunately turns to cancer

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Trace blood is how they found my tumor, too. But again, you're fortunate that you found yours early - mine wasn't found until it was almost 10cm.

    It's a shock for sure - no one is ever ready for such news. But if an immature potato-shaped shlub like me could get through it, you will, too!

    We're with you!

  • kenren
    kenren Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you so much for the encouragement… it means a lot!

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    Mine was also found by microscopic blood in my urine during a routine physical. At the size you stated, they’re pretty small. Mine was 1.5 cm. The urologic oncologist I had recommended active surveillance, with scans (alternating between CT and ultrasound every six months) to be sure it was malignant before having it removed. He assured me that things this size in the kidney usually grow very slowly and rarely, if ever, spread. My merry-go-round started in late 2013 and it wasn’t until April, 2016 that a scan showed very minimal growth to 1.7cm. He referred me to a surgeon and in June, it was removed through a robotic partial.

    Keep us up to date on what the urologist says. We’ll be here for you every step of the way.

  • kenren
    kenren Member Posts: 6 Member

    I appreciate you so much… Thanks for your support. Your story is comforting to know.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    At 1 or 2 (they) are small. The word Kidney Cancer sure scared the S--- out of me, but that was almost 20 years ago. Yes I had surgery to remove it. Yours may be a little small for that yet. Hopefully nothing, but you are going thru the process.

  • kenren
    kenren Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you so much… I am scheduled for an MRI and then we will go from there… I appreciate your encouraging words!

  • kenren
    kenren Member Posts: 6 Member

    I had a kidney stone removed yesterday… Urologist suggest monitoring 2pm Complex cyst every 3 months with Ultrasound…Does this sound like the appropriate path to take?