Hernia after hysterectomy

Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
edited February 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1


I just had my second 6 month Chest/Pelvis CT and celebrating No Enlarged or Inflamed Lymph Nodes and No Mass!

However, I now have a 2 cm umbilical hernia I did not have last CT. I also have a thickened urinary bladder wall sine the last CT. Has anyone else developed these after surgery or radiation?


  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Yay, Lyn! Congratulations on the clean CT! That is a huge relief!

    I had a small hernia after my hysterectomy at the spot of the tiny incision on the right side of my torso. When I asked GYN/ONC about it, he said, “You must have done something.” ….like lifted something I shouldn’t have. I said several times, “No. I’ve been very careful.” Then he says at some point, …” and we never put stitches there..” Well, there you go!! That would explain it! He said he would fix it during staging surgery (he did). I said, “ And could you put a stitch there, please???”

    I didn’t have radiation, so I can’t help with the bladder question.

    Hugs, Alicia

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member

    Congrats, Lyn. No, I did not experience those issues. Hoping for another 6 months NED for you!


  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Thanks, Alicia,

    I am glad you were able to have your hernia repaired. My oncologist usually refers any questions or concerns, other than cancer concerns, to my Primary. I need to make an appointment for February with her. I am curious to see what my Oncologist Doc will say about the need for fixing mine but that is not until April. I go to my second Cancer Survivors meeting on March with the NP at the oncologist office. She is very open and honest with me. I will seek her input, too.

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hi, Lyn!

    As I recall, most of the research I did kind of advised leaving it alone until it was a problem. I wasn’t too comfortable with that idea! My luck…..we’re in the middle of some big road trip - in the middle of probably nowhere! -and suddenly I have a big problem!

    I hope it’s something you don’t have to have another surgery to repair. Let us know what you hear!

    😎, A

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Thanks, Alicia

    I will let you know what both docs say. In the meantime I am wearing my Spanx.

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member

    Hi Lyn, on your question about the bladder wall thickening, I pulled out the old scans of my pelvis. I had surgery and internal and external radiation for endometrial cancer in 1999. A CT scan of the pelvis from 2001 showed no bladder wall thickening. However, a 2018 MRI states that "the bladder wall appears mildly thickened." The MRI was ordered by my urologist, because I was experiencing visible blood in my urine due to my history of radiation cystitis. Every few years, starting about 15 years after I completed radiation, I began to experience episodes of hemorrhagic cystitis that have so far ultimately resolved on their own with varying amounts of time.

    I found this article on bladder wall thickening that I thought you might find interesting:


    Are you experiencing any urinary symptoms? The article mentions that inflammation due to urinary tract infections is a common cause of bladder wall thickening.

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Hi, MoeKay,

    I will read that article and thank you very much. I have never had a urinary tract infection. There was some blood in my urine on a few occasions pre dx but the level did not indicate an infection. Another issue for Primary. I made my Feb appt.


  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hey, Lyn!

    Your spanx remark made me think of this!

    It wouldn’t be as comfortable, but I was thinking that an abdominal binder might really help you. Did they give you one after your surgery? They didn’t give me one, so I got one on Amazon. It helped A LOT! It completely shutdown the “higgily-jiggly!” I hated even just walking around the house and feeling like my insides were jumping all around in my newly created wide-open spaces! And riding in the car felt really bad! I wore it pretty much all day for weeks after both surgeries.

    I got the 12 inch wide (vertical) one, so it covered from under my breasts to the top of my legs. You can pick a length (horizontal), and I got one that would go way past where it needed to! More support! I wore a thin tank top with spaghetti straps underneath it to keep it away from my skin. After my 2nd surgery I woke up with one that was about 9 inches and it wasn’t near as comfortable as the 12!

    I read somewhere much later that the uterus serves as a bumper basically….kind of keeps other organs in their places and keeps them from bumping into each other. Hah! So that feeling was NOT my imagination!

    Hugs, A

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Thanks, Alicia,

    I thought about ordering an abdominal binder online, you know just researching the options but just haven't ordered it yet. Thanks for the info. I will check out Amazon for the vertical and horizontal variety and the various sizes. The tank top underneath is a great idea, too. Thanks.

    I have been feeling 'tummy puffy' lately but not higgily-jiggily. Now I know mine wasn't my imagination either!

  • LisaPizza
    LisaPizza Member Posts: 358 Member

    I believe I have had mild bladder thickening mentioned on one or two scans. And usually bowel thickening. All from radiation. But I have had no bladder symptoms. Bowel is another story.

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Hi, LisaPizza,

    Thank you for your response. I made my Primary appt to address hernia and bladder wall thickening. Sounds like you didn't require any treatment for the bladder issue. I am not experiencing any symptoms so I am hoping for the same.

    BTW We share the same diagnosis and tumor grade.Endometrial adenocarcinoma IIIA with spread to ovaries grade 2 and same treatment. Did you have brachy radiation? Did you have LVSI on your pathology report?

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Primary said the umbilical hernia should not be an issue as long as there is no pain. Right now, I would not have known I had it, until the ct showed it.

    My blood work all looked good, a little low on red and white. My urine analysis was good so that took that fear away.

    I am definitely buying pre/pro biotics for colon issues!

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hey, Lyn!

    I’m so glad you got some reassurance about the hernia! And happy the bloodwork is good!

    I only knew about mine because it was so close to the surface I could see it and also feel it when showering or dressing. Now that’s it’s gone I have a nice dimple at my waist (sarcasm!).

    ❤️, A

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Hi, A,

    I understand that a protruding hernia is very troublesome and the need for your surgery dimple.

    I am hoping mine doesn't come to that. I am trying to be cautious and lift with the legs and wear my spanx.