6 month check up today, all good!

Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member

I am right at the 3 year mark, and I am all good still. Yay! I had a nice chat with my onc/gyn/surgeon. She said generally speaking, recurrences happen sooner than later and 3 years is a good milestone for not recurring. That was so good to hear since my cancer was the rare clear cell/serous mixed. I will have one more ct scan in July of my lung only. I have a tiny nodule that has been there forever and never changed but she wants one last look at it. No more pelvic scans unless I develop any symptoms. My blood work was all good, my ca125 varies between 18 and 23 but is stable so that is my number range. I will still have 6 month checkups for another year.


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    That's fantastic! Congrats. I had also heard that recurrences typically happen sooner as well. I'm at six months NED, so fingers crossed there. Thanks for sharing!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member

    Congrats on your continued dance with Mr. Ned! May it last forever!!!!

    Love and Hugs,


  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Great news! Congratulations!

    I have my 6-month (second 3-month) checkup next Monday so everything is🤞

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    I can well understand your joy at reaching the 3-year NED mark. I remember how happy I felt in reaching that milestone. I really began to feel as though I might have more years ahead of me than I had previously thought.

    It's a bit hard to celebrate this great news now in the ways we might have in the past. But I hope you can find something fun to commemorate this significant time.

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Yay, Cheryl! Oh…..I can’t wait for the day when I’m 2 years away from this and 3 years will be even better! I’m so happy you got got news!

    ❤️, Alicia

  • Maxster
    Maxster Member Posts: 102 Member


  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Wow! Three years is so wonderful. It is a milestone and worthy of a celebration! Okay, with covid restrictions maybe a delivery pizza and a Netflix movie?

    Nice to hear that the more time goes by the better the statistics in your favor. I like that! (( Hugs))

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member


    Red Robin, love their jingle just never ate there! Nice, huh?

    Now Cabellas....I think of sporting goods and exercise but you have your horse and you are an outdoor Gal! Enjoy!

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Awesome news! Congratulations! 😍