Hair Loss

mkmilburn Member Posts: 18 Member


I started Taxol/Carboplatin a month ago (2 treatments so far). My hair was definitely coming out when I ran my fingers through it. I shaved. After 2nd it became really patchy. I shaved it even tighter. It seems like in areas it's growing back. Does this happen? My underarm hair is gone and my legs are stubbly, but not much more growth. Is this normal?


  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hi! I think so! I’m not sure I’m the best person to answer your question because I did cold-capping to save my hair. I still lost 40-50% of my hair, but for a lot of people it is more successful. So my situation was different than yours, but did I started getting new growth on my scalp about 2 weeks after my third infusion. My cold-capping provider had told me that it would happen, so he must see it a lot.

    I did a ton of reading about chemo, hair loss, and regrowth. Nowhere did I read this: even 8 mths post-chemo I was still feeling little stubbles! I guess you don’t want it ALL coming back at once or eventually it would ALL fall out again at the same time!

    Good luck with the rest of your treatments. 🙏🏻

    😎, Alicia

  • mkmilburn
    mkmilburn Member Posts: 18 Member

    Thank you! I guess I thought I would just lose it all and no new growth.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    mkmilburn, while I think losing it all is common, hearing what you have is possible. Since I had the sandwich treatment I lost it all during the first three chemos but noticed it didn't react the same during the second round of three chemos. I decided I couldn't live with the patchiness of it all and shaved it during the second round, and even then when it grew back it seemed to be at different rates.

    I had a friend who cold capped and told me she lost hers similar to Alicia's story of still losing quite a bit.

    I do remember someone joking about one good thing about chemo was not having to shave your legs. As much as I hated it all, I found that to be a very true statement.

    Hugs dear! You may have heard "chemo is doable" and I think that is because it isn't a picnic, but most people can get through it. Lots of good tips here which is truly a blessing.

  • mkmilburn
    mkmilburn Member Posts: 18 Member

    Thank you so much! Ha - yes, the no shaving legs and underarms is nice! 😬

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    What I found most annoying about the whole hair loss business was losing my eyelashes. I never realized how much crap they keep out of your eyes until they were gone. A friend who had had uterine cancer years earlier told me that eyelashes were the last to go and the first to come back. That was true in my case.

  • mkmilburn
    mkmilburn Member Posts: 18 Member

    Thank you! Yeah, my eyelashes are still there and my eyebrows. The first to go was my underarm and legs. My hair was definitely thinning within 10 days of the first. That's when I shaved. Then after the 2nd it was coming out when I just grabbed it, in spots. It's so odd. I literally looked like I had patches. Then I shaved more and it feels like it's growing back (just stubble). Oh, and upper lip hair mostly gone.

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member
    edited January 2022 #8

    Well here’s what mine did. Started coming out just before the second treatment. Then just like all at once , I could just pull it all out, it was all loose. There was a very small ruffle on the very back that never fell out though! I trimmed that short. Eyelashes and brows were the last to go but never fully. A little while after my last chemo (#6) my hair started growing. It came in super curly! Like a tight perm. Was kind of cute for a while. As it grew it kept getting straighter and is now just like it was before chemo. I have to say that I am not a vain person but being bald was pretty stressful to me. I was very self conscious about it. My husband said it made all this seem more real. I got a wig which I hated and luckily it was during the winter when stocking caps and beanies are worn by a lot of people, (NW Oregon)so I didn’t feel too out of place just wearing those.

  • mkmilburn
    mkmilburn Member Posts: 18 Member

    Thank you! Yeah, super loose when pulling. But not all. It seemed to be the top and back. The sides by my ears not do much. I know that ruffle you're talking about same for me. I just find it odd that I have stubble. I have my 3rd treatment in 5 days. I'm with you on the wigs. I have a bunch of beanies. Ohhh, curly. Interesting.

  • chol6860
    chol6860 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Mine started coming out when I brushed it about a week before 2nd chemo then just came out in hunks after. My daughter shaved my head for me after Christmas and I felt better but the baldness has been really stressful for me. I didn’t expect it to bother me so much but I still hate for anyone to see me without a beanie or hat. My hair was super thick but straight as a board - I could do curly for awhile - just hope mine comes back whether it’s curly or straight. CT scan in 2 weeks then 4th chemo. Hope all of us have hair growing back soon!

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    I felt the same as cmb about the eyelashes! We mostly don’t think of their real purpose! And, too, mine were last to go and came back in a few weeks. And they were out and came back multiple times…although not completely gone, like originally.

    Even with the cold-capping, the hair I did lose caused more tears around here than almost anything else. It’s a heart wrenching process. It’s bad enough to go through this whole mess as it is, but it’s worse not looking like yourself. Absolutely everyone that knows me was so wonderful, loving, and supportive… was amazing and I was very appreciative! As I’ve said somewhere here before, I’m a head-sweater and in Houston I knew that wigs would NOT work for me. I have a fabulous collection of hats. They’re also great at covering up the wild mess it is now!

    I tried something new last night! I actually put my hair in about 10 little pin curls with a bobby pin … effort to kinda wrangle the mess! I looked like a woman from the 50’s! My husband didn’t notice..again my hair is a giant mess 100% of the time! When I said something to him this morning he said, “Bobby pin? Wow, I haven’t heard about those in a while!” I said, “Well, my hair has never been like it is now, like ever!!!” You have to laugh when you can. I did kinda like the result! And at this point, just having survived and being here at all is worth a big smile!

    Best to all my friends here!

    😎, A

  • chol6860
    chol6860 Member Posts: 7 Member

    I’m now the proud owner of 3 beanies and 1 hat - another hat coming this week. Haven’t lost my lashes or brows yet but figure it’s coming (or going😂) soon. I’m also in the Houston area and glad the hot weather has gone away for a few weeks anyway - have a feeling the headwear is going to be a problem for me in the heat - I’m hot-natured anyway. But honestly, as long as the chemo does it’s job and kicks this cancer’s butt I’ll handle the heat. I’m sure we all feel that way.

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Straw hats in summer! 😃

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    My thick red hair was something that was important to me more in my youth, yet still, although grey/red, important and difficult to lose. I pulled my hair out in the shower (used drain trap), as it was loose but required a tug. It did come out in patches. I found information in my Infusion Welcome Folder that Great Clips would do a courtesy shave or buzz pre chemo. I went Early for appt. Nothing required but my request. I left a nice tip. My chemo started in winter and Infusion Center offered hand crocheted beanies there as a courtesy from kind people. Friends of friends offered specialty scarfs and I bought some handkerchief type in stores. I would wear two for volume. I would fold each into triangle and tie the under scarf at the top by forehead and tuck in side gaps. Then I would tie the second in the conventional way in back. The under scarf peaked out adding more color.

    My hair came in curly and sufficient enough after about 3 months post chemo. I still have curl 8 months later but I know from before it will revert back.

    I am a hat person, too. It is important to keep from sunburn. I wear a ball cap type hat with a large bill in the summer, a bucket hat in spring that I obtained from a company specializing in hats and accessories for cancer survivors (Infusion Welcome Folder) and a thick band fake fur trimmed ear warmer in winter.

    A wig given to me by a breast cancer survivor sits on my dresser on the head. Too hot and too itchy around my face for me.

    I plan on donating many of these at the infusion center or elsewhere but I keep forgetting them.

    ((Hugs)) to All Ladies.

  • tnbc_a_c_t
    tnbc_a_c_t Member Posts: 6 *

    Dont be alarmed if your eyelashes and eyebrows fall out every few months after chemo. My last chemo was 10/7/22. I completely lost my eyelashes and brows two weeks later. They grew back my Christmas and I thought that would be that. Low and behold they fell out again in March 2022. Grew back pretty quickly and fully. Move to end of June 2022 and here we go again. They all fell out again over the course of two weeks. Luckily they come back quick and the new growth is right behind the fall out. Its mid July and they are almost at full length again. In another thread someone suggested since they all fell out at once with chemo they are on the same growth and die cycle as opposed to being staggered from growing them in as a baby. Don’t be discouraged. We have all endured worse, but I didn’t want anyone to worried. It doesn’t seem to happen to everyone because this was not something people tell you when they hear you are getting chemo or had chemo. Much love

  • tnbc_a_c_t
    tnbc_a_c_t Member Posts: 6 *

    Side note- not losing any hair on my head after original regrowth after chemo…thank goodness

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    A friend who had gone through chemo for uterine cancer years ago told me that my eyelashes would be the last to go and the first to grow back. That was true for me too. I didn't , however, have the periodic "shedding" problem you experienced post chemo. That's very interesting. Thanks for the heads-up as that might occur for others too.

  • SpringerSpanielMom
    SpringerSpanielMom Member Posts: 137 Member

    I had that neck ruffle too. I just left it because it kind of looked cute peeking out of my couture caps, and I thought I'd want it for body after my hair came back. I did not shave or cut my hair. I did not cold cap and lost all but the ruffle. My eyelashes & eye brows never completely left. At almost 6 months from my last chemo, I have a full head of baby soft curly hair...if I were an 8 year old boy that is! Color is completely different--very salt & pepper. Dark part is almost black.