CT? Ultrasound? MRI?

LindseyChristine Member Posts: 16 Member

Hi all! It’s been a bit, some of you may remember me as the sonographer that found her own cancer back in august. I had A partial nephrectomy and the margins came back clear. But now I’m having so much anxiety that the cancer has come back or metastasized. I do still scan myself and see nothing but ultrasound can miss things. My urologist is having me follow up in March with an ultrasound… which I’m uneasy about. Would MRI be the best to see everything? CT? Just want to ease my anxiety a little 🥺


  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Those fears are natural. Scanxiety is a real thing that we all get.

    FoxHD said way back when- "We all fear recurrence. Don't let it be the anchor that sinks your ship. Know that you have dodged a bullet. Smile, love, and live on!!!! Just stay up to date with all your appointments."

    Wouldn't hurt to talk to your urologist. I'd guess that they think an ultrasound is enough since you caught it so early and had it removed, but maybe they have some other reason? Regardless, communicate with your urologist about your uneasiness and see if they (and your insurance) are okay with your follow-up scan being an MRI or CT. Nothing wrong with advocating for yourself.

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member
    edited January 2022 #3

    What stage and grade were you? If both were low numbers, perhaps you need help with your anxiety. And I'd advise that you quit scanning yourself.

    I got three CTs the first year post-op, two each the next two years, now I get one anually. I think my first one was about three months post-op, so the imaging you're scheduled for sounds reasonable to me. I've only had CTs for post-nephrectomy imaging, never an ultrasound - I wonder if that's just a physician preference?

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

  • LindseyChristine
    LindseyChristine Member Posts: 16 Member

    They gave me a grade of pT1a. Urologist was confident it was indolent. But, In my profession and through my other health issues, I’ve realized that doctors can be wrong 😕 So knowing that I think gives me anxiety too! I am going to cut back on scanning myself. It doesn’t help lately!

    Do you get CT’s with contrast? My urologist was concerned that the contrast used with the CT will hurt my kidney function

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    The general rule of thumb is CT/MRI for the first years post-neph, and then as your odds of recurrence go way down, ultrasounds and x-rays. Of course it depends on your doctor, your situation, and what insurance will pay for.

    If your urologist wants to do ultrasounds, I'm guessing it's probably because your odds are so good. If your tumor was pT1a under 3cm when removed, you are in a GREAT position to be in.

    I suppose it could be an issue with contrast, but that's why I have to take a blood test within four weeks of my CT scan to make sure my remaining kidney is healthy enough to handle the contrast.

    But it's your health, so if you have questions/concerns, talk to your doctor about it. Hope this helps!

  • LindseyChristine
    LindseyChristine Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thank you!!! I think I may ask for an MRI or CT, just to ease my mind!

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member


    As I understood, good ultrasound machine and good radiologist do wonders :-) And for Stage 1a ( and what was the grade?) it could be quite enough in the beginning.

    My husband’s sonographer sees 4 mm polyps in his gallbladder and luver and kidney cysts smaller than 5 cm. But CT would be a prudent thing after 2-3 years tomake sure all is fine

    Regarding checking yourself - well, this is a problem. I understand you, I am unfortunately a hypochondriac . What I’ve learned from hard experience - the more you check, the worse it gets :-( It is kind of OCD… You have to make a leap of faith and stop checking. It will greatly increase your anxiety at first, but as time passes it will get easier and easier.

    great that Eug91 quoted Fox. It reminds us all (especiallly me) that lots of us are so lucky to find the cancer (your own, or in loved ones so early). We should enjoy life and celebrate second chance. And not to screw our lifes in fear of recurrence

    Discuss scanning modalieties with doc you trust. But please by all means stop scanning yourself, Ok? It will make anxiety worse and worse… :-(

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Thanks for keeping Fox's wisdom and attitude going!