3+ years NED and a comment on LVSI

Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member
edited January 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

I am 3+ years NED. I had mixed clear cell and serous but was 1A. I don’t come on here too much because for me, I don’t think about the cancer I had very much. But that’s just me. I have visited lately and wanted to share a few things. I would be happy to share about my post op recovery, I had one unusual thing but mostly it went well. I had 22 lymph glands taken and all were clear. I had very slight LVSI, but my Dr described it as “ there were cells on the on-ramp but they had not merged onto the freeway yet” lol. I would say to the ladies who are in that scary time of waiting right after diagnosis to research and find the best Dr and facility you can. It’s really important that you like your Dr because this will be a long term relationship! The facility is important too because it makes a big difference in your treatment days! You want to be in a comfortable warm place. I was fortunate that the onc/GYN I wanted was also in a nice place, an oncology center, where that is all they do. It is a little over an hour drive but worth it. I had the standard 6 rounds of chemo and 3 rounds of brachytherapy. I have my next 6 month checkup next week, I get slightly nervous but manageable because I think positively about it. Spring is coming before too long and that’s a good thing to focus on! Cheryl.


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member


    Happy that you checked back in with us and that all seems well. Hope that next week's checkup confirms this.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Congrats! You posted while I was at the coast working, I think. I'm so glad to read your good news, always.

    Side note: I had the analogies doctors use. I just wish they'd use diagrams and use scientific language, but that's just me.

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hi, Ribbons! I’m so sorry that I didn’t help you celebrate. Congratulations! 3 years NED is VERY great news!

    I think cmb is correct about fewer postings recently…well, since the big change of this site. I hate change more than the average girl, and I’m very frustrated by the changes. Used to be you could easily see which posts were new and when responses were new.

    And I don’t know about anyone else, but my COVID fatigue is huge. I’ve had trouble engaging in many things….including engaging on this site :(( Despite two vaccine doses AND the booster, we both got COVID on Christmas. Yeah… OK, good….we didn’t have to be hospitalized or die, but we were quite sick. And by the time monoclonal antibodies infusions were available, it was basically too late, and they didn’t do much good. I read an article by a very well known doctor yesterday and he said of his patients, “They are furious.” Yeah…that pretty much covers it! We’re fine now, thank goodness.

    So, to all the Ladies here, I send best wishes that you stay well! It’s so, so hard coping with cancer…all of it!…diagnosis, treatment, and aftermath! And then the added burden of COVID. My goodness, it’s a lot.

    Again, congrats, Ribbons! I’m sure others will respond soon!

    😘, A

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    Cheryl, CONGRATULATIONS! This is so important for us to know and so critical to new members who can see we can THRIVE!

    I am sorry, I did not see this until today 1/16 but thank you for sharing this great news and I hope you do something special to CELEBRATE!


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    Alicia, I’m sorry you had to deal with Covid. I hope you don’t have any of the after affects

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member

    Cheryl, Congrats on your 3 years!!!! So glad you let us know that you are doing well.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Sunrise19
    Sunrise19 Member Posts: 27 Member

    So happy that you have reached your 3 year mark! Yes, this new site design is harder, but a heartfelt Congrats!

  • PrisPeck
    PrisPeck Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you so much