Merry 🎄 and update

Never planned to post on Christmas Day, but realize it is a good time to be thankful for the many on this forum. I have made it to the 3 year mark for serous cell uterine and 2 year mark, for thyroid cancer. The checkup range is now 6 months, instead of 3 months and I find that anxiety is less. My doctors also have said that Covid anxiety and depression may be less for cancer many patients because we’ve faced much of it already.

Thank you All for the gift of ongoing support and hope!

Merry Christmas,

Sunrise 19


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Sunrise, nothing like a double whammy. I am often shocked at the women here who deal with two cancers, recurrences, etc. Anyway, congrats and Merry Christmas to you! This is a fine place to post on Christmas. We gravitate to the love, and there's plenty of that here.

    Anyway, it sounds like you have much to be grateful for, and congrats for hitting the six-month mark. I smile to consider how that will feel!

    Deb 2

  • Sunrise19
    Sunrise19 Member Posts: 27 Member

    Thank you Harmanygroves! Just read your profile and yes, we all go through a lot, and find the need for support and encouragement.

    Good thoughts and prayers for you and our group for Happiness Health and Hope in 2022!

    Sunrise 19

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Congratulations on your NED. We are about the same time frame. Almost 3 1/2 years for me too. Wonderful time of the year to check in and wish everyone blessings and a great New Year!