Happy Holiday

Wishing everyone and their loved ones a wonderful holiday season - whichever one you celebrate - and all the best of health, happiness, peace and joy in 2022! A collective hug and merry everything!

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Wishing you happiness.” – Helen Keller


  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    Thank you! The same to you and your family.

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    While our celebrations may be different again this year, that doesn't diminish my wish that each of you have happy and healthy festivities, no matter the form they take. 

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Thanks so much for starting this thread. Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, whatever you celebrate, in whatever way.

    In my home, we've had wildfires, ice storms, loss and disease, but we've had joy, warmth, and laughter! That is my hope for all of you!

    Thank you so much for your friendship and support this year, and I'm grateful for you all. So grateful.

    Deb 2

  • Primavera
    Primavera Member Posts: 231 Member

    Happy Holidays to everyone here. Thank you so much for all the help you all gave me (and give me; I still read the posts to find out how everyone is doing and to keep on learning). May we all find joy and peace in the little everyday things throughout 2022.

  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member

    Even though I’m late to the party—things have been quiet here—is that a good sign?—Merry Christmas season and now Happy New Year to everyone. I had 2/3 kids plus my mom here all week and it’s been nice although work has exhausted me. I certainly don’t have the ability to work long hours like I did pre-treatment. I am grateful to have completed my 5 SBRT treatments so now it’s wait and see if it did any damage to the tumor. I had a step back moment Thursday; since some liver counts were way high my oncologist decided to wait a week for the next dostarlimab infusion. We also decided to cut back on the amount of Tylenol and Aleve I’ve been taking to manage all my various aches and pains, some due to an issue in my neck I think. My oncologist wasn’t very happy that I got different pain killers from my GP so she asked me to give up the Tramadol and use Percocet instead. I needed to cut the acetaminophen and naproxen use in half. So if the Tylenol was causing the high liver numbers (LDH and AST, both very generic indicators) we may be able to tell. She wants to keep me on the dostarlimab since it seems to mostly be working. I sure hope we can; tomorrow I have more labs and if numbers are good I’ll have the infusion. If not, we’ll we will need to regroup. She will squeeze me in for an office call to discuss. So hoping for some lower numbers!

    Hugs and best wishes to all!


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    Deb, it is the "season" so all is good. However, I am more late to this party! Here is hoping as we look forward in to the new year for answers that heal. God bless all the ladies and their families on this page. You are all never far from my thoughts.

  • ronniepaisa
    ronniepaisa Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you and the same to you all brave Peeps out there. I’m new to these posts/this group and trying to learn my way around.

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member

    Welcome ronniepaisa,

    The holidays can be a quiet time here on the board but rest assured that we are here for you to offer support and try to answer your questions. If you are ready to share, please introduce yourself and make yourself at home! It might be after the New Year before things pick up again.


  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member

    My holiday has been very interesting so far, youngest daughter with two vacs got Covid from her job, also reports lots of Covid amongst her friends, vaxxed and unvaxxed. She was unable to get boosted because after the last shot in March she developed Guillan Barre. It was a mild case, but she is still suffering symptoms today. Her Covid initially was bad, but now she is doing much better. So she was unable to travel and had to spend Christmas totally alone. We burned up the Skype lines trying to cheer her up, and hope to have her fly here soon when she is able and has two neg tests. The son and daughter in law did not get boosted in time for us to spend a normal Christmas with them, luckily the weather allowed us to sit outside, masked, and have a nice time. Our two grands are 4 and 1, so not vaxxed, and both son and dil work very public facing jobs. Eldest daughter (3 V) did get to come and she was supposed to stay with us but we did not want to risk it after her being in a busy airport and plane. She is a germaphobe normally, so she is double masked and washes her hands constantly. This year is not ideal, pretty pathetic actually, but so much better than last year where we saw no one. Just glad to be healthy and looking forward to a better 2022!



  • ronniepaisa
    ronniepaisa Member Posts: 11 Member

    Wow, everyday I read something that makes me feel that I’m in the cast of a strange movie about Planet Earth, made all the worse because Im I’ll with SCC.

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member

    thanks for the update, Deb. Always glad to hear how you are doing. Let us know how your numbers turn out. Fingers crossed for low numbers!



  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member

    Sitting in infusion now—all numbers good. I managed to eliminate all stand alone Tylenol and half the Aleve. The past three days have been interesting in that I can go 15 hours or so before taking much of a pain reliever. Not in much pain if I feel anything. I can’t believe the SBRT worked that quickly or if I was over medicating and causing rebound pain or what but I seem to have reached a happy medium for now!

    Feeling good—just a bit tired but still cycling and walking and working way too much.

    Happy 2022 to you and thank you for asking!


  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member

    Glad to hear it... I used to take a prescription Nsaid for arthritis pain, I had to stop due to poor kidney numbers. It was pretty difficult for about two weeks as the medication stopped the inflammation as well as the pain, but the body did adjust. I wondered the same about taking the meds. I would definitely still take them if I could because I believe that they helped with the inflammation. Hopefully that SBRT did it's job for you. Do they scan to see if it is working?



  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member


    So grateful for you and your posts and most definitely for those good lab counts!

    I sometimes worry about pain in my future. How silly is that as you are dealing with it daily but 15 hours pain free is marvelous. Continue to enjoy the family time and Happy New Year. God Bless us everyone