3 years today

big G
big G Member Posts: 177 Member

It has been 3 yrs. today since my last treatment. I am doing pretty good I have 85 to 90 % taste back and went back to work after the 7 months that I was out for treatment which included TORS, radical neck dissection, and 33 rad tx. You can go to my bio for the full take if you would like. I still have dry mouth and some neck cramps on the right side of the neck where I received the rads.

I am still here and am thankful for everyday and life is good all in all. When this first started I turned to this site for guidance and inspiration and got it from Russ, Phrannie which is no longer with us and a host of others. For those of you that didn't know her when I saw what she was going through and how she refused to never give up. NGU that's the way I wanted to be. Russ is another that has given others needed replies time after time. There are many others I just wanted to say THANK YOU!


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,493 Member

    big G I am so happy for you, hitting the 3-year mark. I celebrate with you.

    Every milestone we get we celebrate and enjoy every day.

    I am so glad I and many others on here could offer some help that was part of bringing you through this. I am sure you had a good cancer team also. It looks like you got through it without any severe after effects, just a couple of mild ones what a blessing. Thanks for the acknowledgment I appreciate it because that is my goal to help folks and make the trip for them a little easier and to hear my help and others on here helped you are good to hear and it means we helped some others that just haven't commented yet.

    OK big G glad you are recovered, 3 years out, back to work, and feelin good-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    3 YEARS - great news!! (Now it's time for the next 10, or 40 or more!)

    I'm glad to hear you're doing well!...

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 470 Member

    Congrats, and may you have many more.

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member

    Thanks Russ, MG, and Logan, may we all have many years. I appreciate it.

  • ricksmithgolfer
    ricksmithgolfer Member Posts: 89 Member

    Congrats on the 3 year mark Big G. I too just had my 3 year mark on September 15. I am doing well also. I also have the neck cramps like you. Kind of freaks me out when I get them. Almost like getting a leg cramp. I would say I get them 2-3 times a month. I do daily neck exercises to help combat them. Here's looking towards the 4 year mark. Take care and God Bless. Rick

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member

    Thanks Rick, yea the neck cramps are strange. Glad you are doing well also and looking forward to more milestones.