RP 5 years ago

MK1965 Member Posts: 233 Member

RP 5 years ago

post author
Nov 12, 2021, 8:22:25 AM 


Just recently, had my 5 years since my prostate removal surgery. My prostatectomy was with bilaterally saved nerves, but that did not helped me to recover sexual function until I received penile implant. Also, I never regained orgasmic function. I was not very lucky one. Still struggle with stress incontinece which is getting worst in the last year or so. With any strenuous activity or sneezing and coughing or passing gas, I leak some urine. Sometimes enough to be seen on my shorts especially with lighter colors. I never recovered lost lenght 2+inches and never recovered girth. As for PSA, I lost < less then sign lost December. My doctor was doing ultra sensitive PSA 3rd generation. Last September, doc switched to 2nd generation PSA which came back 0.12. Urologist want me to recheck my PSA next month (December) to see the trend. I told him, whatever happens, I am not doing SRT nor any other treatment modality. MK


  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    edited November 2021 #2

    I'm sorry for the negative experiences that you have suffered. ....thank you for continuing to being an advocate for others who are contemplating radical prostatectomy.
    Please focus on the positives in your life; the bagel, not the hole 


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited November 2021 #3
    Avoid diving into the unknown


    You are not alone. Advantages are proceeded by disadvantages and we need to adapt to the circumstances, no matter how dreadful that can be.

    I do not recall your age or the  PSA histology or initial diagnosis but the choice for the nerve spared technique 5 years ago should have been based on a low risk case. The present PSA of 0.12 is relatively low and the next test can go in both directions. It is too early to think on a radical salvage therapy but there will be ways if such becomes necessary. 

    Let's confront the situation with positive thoughts. 


  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
    edited November 2021 #4
    Tough Journey

    Well, you certainly have had a tough journey with the beast.  In most cases, folks like yourself just come out and tell it like it is.  To that point I have enjoyed reading your posts.  Also, my journey with the beast has been almost the complete opposite of yours.  So with that said, take care and keep posting.

  • MK1965
    MK1965 Member Posts: 233 Member


    I was 51 years old at times of dx and RP. Was incidentally diagnosed with prostate cancer affter mini TURP for bladder neck resection. It was Gleason 6. Few months later, had TRUS biopsy and came as 4+3 in one core approx 15% I had 55% of 4.

    After RP, downgraded to 3+4 but with 40% of 4. Limphnodes were negative, no EPE, no positive margins. My PSA at diagnosis was 1.3 and that was my highest PSA. I am now 56 y/o. Cancer was multi focal and bilateral.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited November 2021 #6
    Three tests for confirmation

    Well,  MK,

    My story has some similarities to yours at the start. I  was 50, diagnosed with Gs 6, T2cN0, but soon recurred at a PSA of 0.12. The big difference was that after open surgery I become pT3a pN0 where you had pT2c pN0. The unique similarity of concern in both cases is the voluminous cancer occupying the gland. Mine was about 2/3 of Gs6 but yours was Gs7 with Grade 4 in 40%. If recurrence is confirmed in your case, one could think of existing Gs6 micrometastases at the time  of the TURP.

    In the decade of 2000-2010, earlier blindfold SRT covering a wider field was recommended but now we got pet scans providing the possibility in radiating solo the spots identified at cellular level.

    I am not a doctor but in your shoes I would research the never ways of intervention that seem friendlier to the patient not the doctor. 

    Different PSA assays produce different results. You need to follow this last PSA test at the same laboratory with the same assay, in three consecutive tests,  preferably 3 months apart. 

    Thanks for sharing your story. 




  • MK1965
    MK1965 Member Posts: 233 Member

    Good news! My most recent PSA (12/17) is again <0.1. My Uro said: I could bounce back and forth between undetectable and low detectable for years.


  • MK1965
    MK1965 Member Posts: 233 Member

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    Earlier Christmas present

    Great news on the decreasing PSA. Let's hope that it keeps this level for many months to come.

    Happy holiday.


  • eonore
    eonore Member Posts: 185 Member

    Great news! This cancer stuff is not for the faint of heart.


  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 486 Member

    Great news! Let's hope for another great result at the next test.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member


    Great news MK on your recent PSA test, hope for many more undetectables. As a Robotic removal guy myself my PSA has been undetectable since 2014. No matter with surgery or radiation ya just never know what’s around the next corner. I too drip a drop when I strain, and yes if I hold my legs a certain way I don’t drip a drop when I pass gas. I use a daily light pad which saves me the embarrassment of a wet spot. Don’t give up hope, sounds like you have adapted to your situation as we all have. Is it perfect? No but better than the alternative. Happy holidays to all on the board.

    Dave 3+4

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    Congratulations on the PSA result. Glad to hear that. Take care young man.