


  • BeagleDad
    BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited October 2021 #22
    Good to hear

    Good on ya, Kurt.  Glad to hear you met others while at Chemo.  I was pretty solitary there ..spent my 4-5 hours doing computer work or just reading the net.  On 2 occasions, my soccer team, Arsenal, had matches so I was able to watch them.  

    Not too bad so far, but keep up with the skin treatments early and maintain that attitude; you'll need it soon.  :)

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

    Don Beagledad for my next series of videos ..I will be discussing "early treatment" issues.  

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    I am also glad that you're able to meet others, and share experiences at your treatment center.

    I recall being so struck by the wide variety of responses to treatment. I saw people who kept a fantastic positive humor about the whole thing, spanning all the way to those who had given in to complete defeat! (Of course, it's impossible to know someone's whole story - and what they're going through...)

    That's why I enjoy interacting with people like yourself, whom I KNOW is actively helping others ... even while going through it, yourself.

    I hope this week goes OK. I recall that it was the end of week 2 or 3, when my taste started to fade. So if it HASN'T - you KNOW what to DO!!
