

  • Unbreakable1
    Unbreakable1 Member Posts: 14 Member
    Galrim said:

    Study already completed in Denmark

    In Denmark there has already been a large study done on this (I live here and is DLBCL patient). I will spare you the details, but all patients who has received Rituximab in parallel with their Covid vaccinations are now getting a third booster shot. Requirement, they have found out, for it to work is a treatment gap/pause of 4 weeks on either side of the booster shot.

    Hi Galrim,

    Hi Galrim,

    I received my Pfizer vaccines on Jan 15, 2021 and February 8, 2021. I had my first chemo on April and Last one in early August which included Rituximab. I took an antibody test recently and was negative for igM and positive for igG which means i have had the virus recently or in the past. If that is the case I am ost likely asymptomatic. I have never had the symptoms. But I was told by a specialist that the booster will have zero effect on me. I am confused. Do I get the booster or not?


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Hi Galrim,

    Hi Galrim,

    I received my Pfizer vaccines on Jan 15, 2021 and February 8, 2021. I had my first chemo on April and Last one in early August which included Rituximab. I took an antibody test recently and was negative for igM and positive for igG which means i have had the virus recently or in the past. If that is the case I am ost likely asymptomatic. I have never had the symptoms. But I was told by a specialist that the booster will have zero effect on me. I am confused. Do I get the booster or not?


    I would...

    Go with doctor on this one. Tests will reveal how strong or weak your immune system is.   

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    ShadyGuy said:

    Third Shot

    I will probably get it some time after I arrive back in country on October 7. I did not go thru the data. You have always been so thorough and precise. When you talk I listen! Thank you!


    Medical science knows little to nothing about how well, or when, the current vaccines work in the general population (estimates vary pretty much monthly), so the liklihood of them knowing how they will work in blood cancer patients (current or former) seems most likely near zero to me.  Today's breaking news will be tomorrows laughed-at speculation.

    I have noticed that I have essentially no sense of taste for about a year now, but I had no sense of taste during chemo 12 years ago, and for approximately a year thereafter.  An old friend has in essence wandered back home....  I have never been tested for Covid, but neither have I ever met the requirements to suggest testing.   But, of course, well over 85% of those who have tested positive for it have never had symptoms, or only very minor symptoms easily attributable to other issues.   I have now known a dozen or so close friends or relatives who have tested positive at some point, but not one of them ever had symptoms, or if they did, symptoms no worse that a minor bout of the cold. 

    I have received both doses of Pfizer, and will get the booster soon.  Beyond that, it seems not worth researching or fretting over.  The refrain to the following, magisterial hit is:

    Some gotta win/ Some gotta lose/  Good Time Charlie's got the blues.        A better refrain would be:  

    Some gotta win/ Some gotta lose/  But neither one gets to chose     

    Some will have the vaccine benefit them greatly; others will die on a ventilator.   Most will never have an issue either way.


    Dwight is just soo old-school smooth.  He has been acting, very successfully in recent years also.  He had an important character in Billy Bob Thornton's series Goliath, for instance.