My journey so far

My journey has started and am in week #3 now. I have had 11 rads and 3 chemo infusions and 2 chemo fuilds for kidneys etc. Next fluid is this Friday. Jusy having a sore uvula and some pain in surrounding area so far, which I am usiong tylenol for at the moment. I am also uasing water salt BS rinses and have lidicane and benedryl and mallox on deck for when needed. Bloodwork is in normal range so I'm told so full spered ahead for now.


My neck is a little dry but, we have Jeans Cream and Aquaphor for the rest if needed.

Just wanted to share for all of you who may be embarking on the same journey.


HPV P16 SCC of head and neck with Tonsil primary and swollw=en lymphnodes on same side of neck.

Much love to you all.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,513 Member
    Robbie You Are On Your Way

    You have your journey started to beat this beast and you will.
    It sounds like you have all rinses and meds on hand and are prepared for anything.
    Hang in there and stay ahead of any pain you have.
    It is amazing to me as it seems like yesterday you arrived on the forum and here you are
    with 11 rads and 3 chemo infusions in already, how time flies.
    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    edited September 2021 #3
    As I recall, week #3 was the

    As I recall, week #3 was the beginning of the rough road, for me at least.  But, as Russ said, you sound well prepared and ready to stay ahead of the curve.  

    All the best to you as you continue on your journey!

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    Doing good

    Start of week #2 I was put on liquid Morph. due to "scalding" of my tongue. Different tx regiment and C, and sounds like you're handling your's fine. Keep up the good fight. Like I told you, you're in a battle with something that has only one thing in mind- killing you, so you have to go thru what you do without complaints. Concerns and questions, along with mentioning negative symptoms when they get serious, yes, but we've all been where you are or worse, so keep up the fight with a Positive mindset.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    I'm glad to hear that you're hanging in there and it sounds like you're keeping your spirits up, which is incredible!

    I remember treatment seemed to take FOREVER - but, before you know it, it will all be behind you and you'll be back on the track to a normal again.

    Hang tough and pretty soon, you'll be helping other unfortunate people know that there is hope, and that life is great!!


  • Remington25
    Remington25 Member Posts: 93 Member
    Hang in there

    It will get worse and many people feel like the end will never come but YOU WILL MAKE IT THROUGH!  Keep a positive mindset as it begins to get harder and harder and just know there will be a time when it improves.  You've got this!!!

  • erinmcmi
    erinmcmi Member Posts: 9 Member
    Keep going

    Hi. I sent you an e mail earlier today because I was wondering how you are doing. Seems like you are hanging in there pretty well. Treatment will be over in a matter of weeks now. I wish you the best.