FT-dependent avoidance

Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
edited September 2021 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Tx side-effect of the 68 Gys to the lower part of my throat led to my becoming FT-dependent some 10 years out in 2019. Know I should have gone to the U of Iowa for an evaluation, but did not. PCP just said because of aspiration and failed swallow test I needed a FT, again, and Why never entered his mind. Well over a year later I was finally able to see the ENT Dr. I had thru C tx, and he referrred me to a GI Dr. Wasted year-plus before I could see the ENT I wanted to, and don't know if it would have made a difference, but:

Aug. 24 I had an endoscopy and dilation to the stricture in upper 1/3rd of esophagus. Sept. 28th I had my swallow test. The esophagus opening is still good, but the opening narrows quickly going south towards my stoma. Even the thinnest of the 3 liquids do not go down cleanly- 2 places the stuff just stays there and they noted how narrow the passageway is. Next thickest was far worse. So, a little over a month after the endo., only the very top of that 1/3rd area has not re-collapsed.

Only posting this for others in or about to go thru tx w/Rads: ask your Rad Dr. about the number of Gys applied that will hit your esophagus, because too much can result in long term unwanted complications. I'll be 13 years out of tx, come November, so I'm not complaining. Those of us who have been on the Forum since '09 remember Hondo, who went thru Rads twice and could only open his mouth for a 1/2" gap between his front teeth for years and ended up being FT-dependent for maybe a year before he died. And we remember Delnative, Phrannie, and others who are no longer with us. Appreciate the advances made in H&N tx, but be aware that the Rads can do more than just ace your saliva glands, make the mouth and teeth a continued problem area, and cause neuro-muscular issues in the neck.

So, talk to your Rad Dr. about the longterm side effects of what his/her Rad plan is.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited September 2021 #2
    Logan Thanks For

    Posting your experience for us and I hope it keeps others aware of what radiation can do in terms of long-term damage.
    Certainly, nothing to take chances with.
    I am sorry your dilation and swallow test did not show improvements.
    Is there anything they are considering that may help improve your situation?
    I remember all the folks you are talking about, all were a wealth of information and above all a Great Inspiration to us all.
    They are sorely missed.
    You probably also remember Longtermsurvivor who was articulate and a great supporter and a doctor to boot passed at 61 but put up a valiant fight.
    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ