Recovery questions

Tobi Member Posts: 63 Member

As of today I am 2 weeks out from having a hand assisted laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. I was doing fine as of Saturday...still having pain and still taking pain meds but it wasn't crippling. Sunday the area around the top most incision started to hurt so bad I couldn't walk without holding my stomach and it still hurts that bad today. I've put back on the abdominal binder and it helps a little but I still have to basically carry all my fat to even walk to the bathroom without crying. I am just wondering about anyone else who is over weight and their experience with the surgery. I think I've gone backwards because I'm heavy and the belly fat is maybe pulling on the upper most incision area and causing the deep tissue pain I currently have. I've called the dr and they said if I cant stand it to go to the er... which is full of covid folks and I dont wanna do that unless I have to. This pain is like a mixture of nerve pain and a stabbing pulling sort of feeling...just wondering if anyone else has had that experience and how it was resolved.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Don't push yourself.

    It may tale a little longer. It will get better.







  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member
    Is the binder just to cover

    Is the binder just to cover the incision area? I didn't have one, so I'm not familiar with them. Would something like a Spanx garment help, or a control brief?

  • tgpath1
    tgpath1 Member Posts: 97 Member
    Yes, I had something similar

    Yes, I had something similar though not exactly the same.  It wasn't crippling but the pain was pretty bad, especially my lowest one (which was the largest). When I spoke to my doctor, they suggested heating pads and lidocaine patches.  They called in a prescription for the patches but I believe you can buy them OTC.  The patches cannot go ON the incisions, just on either side of them.  It was a game changer for me.  Good luck and I hope you are feeling better soon!!  

  • Tobi
    Tobi Member Posts: 63 Member
    edited September 2021 #5

    Is the binder just to cover

    Is the binder just to cover the incision area? I didn't have one, so I'm not familiar with them. Would something like a Spanx garment help, or a control brief?

    The binder is this wide

    The binder is this wide elastic thing that wraps around your body...sort of snug and keeps everything from moving around too much. 

  • Tobi
    Tobi Member Posts: 63 Member
    edited September 2021 #6
    tgpath1 said:

    Yes, I had something similar

    Yes, I had something similar though not exactly the same.  It wasn't crippling but the pain was pretty bad, especially my lowest one (which was the largest). When I spoke to my doctor, they suggested heating pads and lidocaine patches.  They called in a prescription for the patches but I believe you can buy them OTC.  The patches cannot go ON the incisions, just on either side of them.  It was a game changer for me.  Good luck and I hope you are feeling better soon!!  

    I will try the heat and if we

    I will try the heat and if we can find the patches those too. I'm not sure what will work....the pain is a deeper tissue pain, it's like inside in the muscle layer. Plus I wasn't having pain while sitting and laying down but this morning I woke up in pain so that's new and horrible too....think I might just go to the dr because I'm not sure I can take it.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited September 2021 #7
    Gravity is at work

    The incision and muscles in that region are weak, and gravity is trying to let the abdomen muscles bear the weight.  Continue to wear the Binder, or get an even wider, back surgery support until you can begin exercising.  Recovery to the point of returning to exercise, "new normal" takes about 6 weeks.

    Best Wishes,


  • Tobi
    Tobi Member Posts: 63 Member
    Lidocaine is the bestest

    I got some OTC lidocaine patches and yep game change. I had one small spot where it was a stabbing twisting burning crippling pain, I couldn't even walk upright it was so bad. When I'm wearing a patch it's just sore but not keeping me from walking around. So THANK YOU tgpath1 it feels so much better.

  • tgpath1
    tgpath1 Member Posts: 97 Member
    Tobi said:

    Lidocaine is the bestest

    I got some OTC lidocaine patches and yep game change. I had one small spot where it was a stabbing twisting burning crippling pain, I couldn't even walk upright it was so bad. When I'm wearing a patch it's just sore but not keeping me from walking around. So THANK YOU tgpath1 it feels so much better.

    I'm so glad it worked!!  It

    I'm so glad it worked!!  It was a game changer for me too!  Really helped me be able to move with less pain!  Wishing you a spoeedy recovery!

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member
    edited September 2021 #10
    Walking will help strengthen

    Walking will help strengthen your abdominal muscles, too.