PSA Test Result after 5 years of RP



  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,599 Member
    Yes, you are right

    The adrenal glands also produce some PSA, but it is so little as to be insignificant with respect to prostate cancer issues. What is important is the trend when using the ultrasensitive assay.

  • JOHNJR515
    JOHNJR515 Member Posts: 7
    i had Robotic surgery for

    i had Robotic surgery for prostate cancer Gleason 6 on Jan 2017 my numbers have fluctuated over past 4 1/2 years the first year 0.01 0.06 0.01  in past two years Pretty much the same 0.1 then 0.6 then 0.8 then again 0.1 undetectable then 0.08 My Doctor Who I had since my surgery retired and now I have gotten a new young doctor I should say nurse practitioner she's pushing for me to get a pet scan and all this has put the scare of life and me with my numbers do I need to worry I feel great everything's working fine. Your intake would mean a lot.    John.  66 yrs old

  • JOHNJR515
    JOHNJR515 Member Posts: 7
    JOHNJR515 said:

    i had Robotic surgery for

    i had Robotic surgery for prostate cancer Gleason 6 on Jan 2017 my numbers have fluctuated over past 4 1/2 years the first year 0.01 0.06 0.01  in past two years Pretty much the same 0.1 then 0.6 then 0.8 then again 0.1 undetectable then 0.08 My Doctor Who I had since my surgery retired and now I have gotten a new young doctor I should say nurse practitioner she's pushing for me to get a pet scan and all this has put the scare of life and me with my numbers do I need to worry I feel great everything's working fine. Your intake would mean a lot.    John.  66 yrs old

    Prostate numbers

    The numbers I gave in my conceren are all 0.01.   0.06 and 0.08. Not 0.8 did not know made a difference 

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    edited September 2021 #25
    Not a lot in that

    Hi there,

    I would say that your numbers are in the not to worry range, depending on the lab, the machine that they use, changes in standard solutions, etc, you expect to see some variation.
    If you had a Gleason 6 on the biopsy, confirmed on the post-operative pathology report, then you are in a very low risk group.
    If I were in your shoes, I would wait for it to tick up above 0.1 and stay there for several months on a rising trend, then I would start to sweat.
    If the PET scan is free, then maybe it is worth a whirl, if it costs then maybe hold off until you have some signs of definite movement?

    Best wishes,


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited September 2021 #26
    3 points make a trend


    I would wait for several readings looking for a trend to develope.  Your readings are low and as long as the number does not start "trending" upward you have nothing to worry about.

    Dave 3+4

  • JOHNJR515
    JOHNJR515 Member Posts: 7

    Robotic surgery

  • JOHNJR515
    JOHNJR515 Member Posts: 7

    3 points make a trend


    I would wait for several readings looking for a trend to develope.  Your readings are low and as long as the number does not start "trending" upward you have nothing to worry about.

    Dave 3+4

    Prostate numbers

    So 4 half years after robotic surgery is the 0.08 still considered low and what number to I need be concerned 

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited September 2021 #29

    Hi John,

    The generally accepted PSA number that your cancer has returned after surgery is .2 ng/ml. You need a few more PSA tests under your belt to see if you have a upward trend.

    Dave 3-4

  • ASAdvocate
    ASAdvocate Member Posts: 193 Member
    edited September 2021 #30
    This is a very old thread

    John, you may want to start a new thread that is entirely about your situation and questions. This thread was started over eight years ago by someone with a different set of questions.

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    edited September 2021 #31
    New thread
    Hi there,

    He has started a new thread, it is here.

    Best wishes,
