PSA test came back as 11. Oh boy here we go!

tae111 Member Posts: 5

I'm 67 and recently had a PSA test done during a routine physical and it was 11. The last time I had a PSA test was 5 years ago by another doctor and it was 4. I actually found out about that one right after my last test because my new doctor wanted my past medical records. That first doctor never said anything about it back then. I was pretty lax in going to the doctor for regular check ups as I was in pretty good shape and rarely sick. Now of course I'm on the fast track for prostate cancer detection. My urologist did a 4k PSA test and that came back as 12. I had a MRI and am getting a biopsy in a few weeks. The MRI came back as a PI-RADS v2 score 1 but my Urologist says I'm not out of the woods yet and the biopsy will tell more. Of course I am Googling everything about prostate cancer I can find. I can't help doing that but it's probably not helping me mentally. The positive side of that is finding out that catching prostate cancer early it can be cured. The bad part is finding out that the cure is living longer but with probable life long devastating ( if you love sex, erections, and orgasms) side effects that I'm not going to like at all. A small percentage of men get to escape these side effects somewhat and the medical community seems to latch onto those figures in order to tout their success of nerve sparing procedures. I'm pretty sure many doctors avoid telling their patients beforehand what's likely to happen so they won't avoid the procedure. The prospect of one day you can get an erection and have a powerful orgasm and a few hours later it's gone as you knew it for the last 50 years is pretty daunting for most men. Me included. Of course you get to live longer but that's still quite a major sacrifice and to know this going in is terrifying. 


  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member
    edited August 2021 #2

    Keep doing the research.  Hopefully the biopsy will define where you are on your journey.  All factors should be considered.  Personally, to me I was looking for a cure.  I knew going in what the side effects are.  I had a RP (radical prostatectomy) in March of 2018.  I am 70 years old, now.  I am in remission (PSA undetectable last 3 years).  I am fully continent.  I am intimate with my wife.  By all means, keep the quaility of life issues in front of you.  Sooner or later you will make a decision.  As far as my surgeon goes , he gave me percentages on the side effects.  I signed a paper that I understood the side effects.  At this time, 2 paths to cure, radiation or surgery.  Surgery is a tough road, but so is radiation.  Wish you the best of luck on your journey.

  • tae111
    tae111 Member Posts: 5


    Keep doing the research.  Hopefully the biopsy will define where you are on your journey.  All factors should be considered.  Personally, to me I was looking for a cure.  I knew going in what the side effects are.  I had a RP (radical prostatectomy) in March of 2018.  I am 70 years old, now.  I am in remission (PSA undetectable last 3 years).  I am fully continent.  I am intimate with my wife.  By all means, keep the quaility of life issues in front of you.  Sooner or later you will make a decision.  As far as my surgeon goes , he gave me percentages on the side effects.  I signed a paper that I understood the side effects.  At this time, 2 paths to cure, radiation or surgery.  Surgery is a tough road, but so is radiation.  Wish you the best of luck on your journey.

    Thanks I am looking for a

    Thanks I am looking for a cure as well so I will do whatever it takes. I guess I'm at the scariest part of the journey. Not knowing yet and just really learning about what this means. 

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,599 Member
    I second lighterwood's post.

    Of course we are all looking for a cure, but that isn't always possible. There are many that live many happy years with the cancer under control.

    Let's hope for the best for you.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited August 2021 #5
    Biopsy results


    Your biopsy results should guide you on what type of path to go down be it AS, surgery or radiation.  Good that you are doing your research so you can discuss with your doctor team the best chance for remission. 

    Dave 3+4