Abnormally thick endometrium

Llama44 Member Posts: 6
edited February 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

Good morning, I am a 44 year old premenapausal woman. I have been having pelvic pain for months. I had elevated CA-125 levels and finally got my pelvic ultrasound and they found a probable corpus luteum cyst, 2 probable uterine fibroids and Abnormally thickened and unusually heterogeneous endometrium with internal vascularity. They are recommending a follow up ultrasound and progressing directly to endometrial biopsy. My endometrium is at 1.5 cm or 15 mm. the two probable fibroids are located in the myometrium and the cyst is in the right ovary. I also just had a melanoma recurrence scare and have an appointment at a breast clinic for issues there as well. I am scared and a nervous wreck. Has anyone had a similar situation and can advise or at least talk me off the ledge? Thank you.


  • Spydergal
    Spydergal Member Posts: 57 Member
    edited August 2021 #2
    Not knowing sucks

    Hi, I am going through a similar situation, just found out my endometrial lining is 13mm, I'm post menapausal.  I am also awaiting having a biopsy. I am scared to death like you. I feel mad, sad and terrified. Not knowing for sure if you have cancer and how bad it is sucks. All we can do sister is pray. Let Go and let God

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited August 2021 #3

    Since the first ultrasound has already found some areas of concern and you've been experiencing pain for several months, I'd personally push for a D&C/hysteroscopy versus another ultrasound and biopsy.

    I'm not sure what information an additional ultrasound would provide at this point and biopsies can be problematic. Some women, like me, can't tolerate having them done at all (three attempts over the years – all failures). And there have been some instances where the biopsy failed to sample at the spot where cancer is located – leading to a false sense of security when the result is negative.

    My first D&C/hysteroscopy found only a benign polyp, that once removed during the procedure, fixed the vaginal bleeding I was having.

    Unfortunately, my second D&C/ hysteroscopy years later did find cancer. But the testing on the tissue removed during the procedure enabled the pathologist to identify the specific type of uterine cancer I had and helped my gynecological oncologist to plan the surgery accordingly.

    This initial period of uncertainty is stressful and hard on everyone. I happened to be very busy with work and helping my sister move during this initial period, so I didn't have much time to dwell on the possibilities. But it still wasn't an easy time.

  • Llama44
    Llama44 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2021 #4
    Thanks for your responses

    Thanks for your responses ladies. I can definitely say I am already at max stress since I am currently living away from my husband and kids. Being active duty military they moved me away from them for 2 years and I only see them every few months. I am also in a position of authority and that has been stressful. With having other medical stuff going on I am having major medical anxiety. I try to be hopeful but everytime I see the big C word I freak out. I have talked to others that have suggesting pushing for the D&C as well as it is more likely to get the correct samples needed. I see my Gynecologist on Friday for the U/S follow up and see what the next step is so I will definitely be bringing up that possibility. Thank you.

  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member
    Llama44 said:

    Thanks for your responses

    Thanks for your responses ladies. I can definitely say I am already at max stress since I am currently living away from my husband and kids. Being active duty military they moved me away from them for 2 years and I only see them every few months. I am also in a position of authority and that has been stressful. With having other medical stuff going on I am having major medical anxiety. I try to be hopeful but everytime I see the big C word I freak out. I have talked to others that have suggesting pushing for the D&C as well as it is more likely to get the correct samples needed. I see my Gynecologist on Friday for the U/S follow up and see what the next step is so I will definitely be bringing up that possibility. Thank you.

    I hear ya!

    I can sympathize with your position as an AD woman in a position of authority. I spent 29 years in the USAF and luckily didn't have to deal with anything worse than having children. I did find out the compassion that military units can provide when you are faced with personal trauma. Hopefully your leadership chain can help you through this. When I was a commander we would seek any solution possible for our troops because it's our people who make our military great.

    I hope you can find some peace while going through this turmoil. Take advantage of the resources available to you. Sending hugs and prayers for a positive outcome.


  • Llama44
    Llama44 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2021 #6
    Dak82 said:

    I hear ya!

    I can sympathize with your position as an AD woman in a position of authority. I spent 29 years in the USAF and luckily didn't have to deal with anything worse than having children. I did find out the compassion that military units can provide when you are faced with personal trauma. Hopefully your leadership chain can help you through this. When I was a commander we would seek any solution possible for our troops because it's our people who make our military great.

    I hope you can find some peace while going through this turmoil. Take advantage of the resources available to you. Sending hugs and prayers for a positive outcome.


    Thank you. I am hoping that

    Thank you. I am hoping that if this does turn out to be cancer they will PCS me back home to my husband so he can be with me through anything and everything I will have to work through. I am a nervous wreck and in the position I am in it is hard to focus on everything at work when I have this looming.

  • Llama44
    Llama44 Member Posts: 6
    Follow up

    So I had my U/S follow up today and I am scheduled for an endometrium biopsy on 9 Sept. If they do not get the right samples I have insisted on a D&C. I am also going to see another doctor after the biopsy. My doctor is always so upbeat so I felt ok at the follow up but she did say she was worried about the thickened endometrium. That along with the myometrium fibroids she wants to go straight to the biopsy. I also have a breast biopsy scheduled on 8 Spet for a probably benign fibroadenoma. Man, I feel like I am falling apart. Thanks for the responses so far ladies. Fingers crossed!

  • Llama44
    Llama44 Member Posts: 6

    So I had my breast biopsy today. In 7-10 business days hopefully it will come back as the suspected fibroadenoma. My Endometrium bipsy is tomorrow and I am very nervous. I am hopeful they will get the proper samples. If not its on to D&C. I just want all of this to be over so I can get back to my life no matter what that looks like. The waiting is the hardest part!

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member
    Llama44 said:


    So I had my breast biopsy today. In 7-10 business days hopefully it will come back as the suspected fibroadenoma. My Endometrium bipsy is tomorrow and I am very nervous. I am hopeful they will get the proper samples. If not its on to D&C. I just want all of this to be over so I can get back to my life no matter what that looks like. The waiting is the hardest part!

    Yes it is

    and its hard not to imagine the worst, but remember only one in ten biopsies is positive for cancer cells.  It is just so hard to have to go through this all.  It changed my outlook on life.  Here's hoping for smoothe sailing for you tomorrow.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member
    Llama44 said:


    So I had my breast biopsy today. In 7-10 business days hopefully it will come back as the suspected fibroadenoma. My Endometrium bipsy is tomorrow and I am very nervous. I am hopeful they will get the proper samples. If not its on to D&C. I just want all of this to be over so I can get back to my life no matter what that looks like. The waiting is the hardest part!

    Best of luck, and we sure understand your feelings

    This is very hard. We are right here waiting for results, and I wish you all the best. 

    Deb 2


  • Llama44
    Llama44 Member Posts: 6

    Well, the biopsy went well. Didn't feel great as it was happening but the Dr. claims she got a really good sample. Of course she said not to expect results for 2-3 weeks. It's crazy that it takes that long. It's going to be a nightmare of a wait, especially since I have this and the breast biopsy to wait for. Thank you for all of your kind words and I will update when I learn more.

  • Maxster
    Maxster Member Posts: 102 Member
    edited September 2021 #12
    Please keep us posted

    I am sorry you have to wait so long for the test results.  Waiting is so difficult.  I hope it all turns out benign and you can put this past you.

  • Jesskap
    Jesskap Member Posts: 8 Member
    Im in the same boat

    I am 45 years old and had a vaginal ultrasound for heavy menstrual bleeding with very large clots. I work in a hospital so i am able to view my results but i do not see my Gyno again unti Dec 30th when she will do a endometrial biopsy. 


     Thickened heterogeneous endometrium measuring up to 2.4 cm or 24 mm

    Left Ovary measures 30.5 x2.3 x 2.6 cm and contains a complicated cystic lesion within the left ovary measuring up to 2.1 cm with peripheral color floew signal

    small amount of free fluid noted dependently within the pelvis


  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Hi am wondering what happened after the biopsy Im literally to the T in the same boat as you were in endometrium is 15mm with fibroids as well as pcos. Just wanted to see if there was anyone who has been through it. My nerves are all over the place as well. Hope you and your family have been fine. Thanks in advance.