Resonated With Me - Wanted To Share

woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member
edited August 2021 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

This resonated with me and thought I would share.  I thought there was an option to embed a link so you could just click on it but I guess you have to copy and paste to browser. Happy Tuesday.


  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    edited August 2021 #2
    What a Relief!

    Thank You for recommending this article Woodstock 99.

    I enjoyed the total honesty and humor of its' author. What a relief to me personally to affirm meditation, a positive attitude and yoga breathing may not cure my cancer. Treatment can cure my cancer but no guarantees. While the fore mentioned approaches have their own advatages, I am free to express my anger, fears and doubts without guilt or reproach. It is what it is to quote the motto of a fellow survivor. 

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Great article! Thanks for

    Great article! Thanks for sharing.

    I am the type that is positive most of the time. However, there were blue days during my treatments. I think we can all relate to this.

    Love and Hugs,


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited August 2021 #4

    I would call myself pragmatic, versus being either an optimist or a pessimist. So while I hoped for a good outcome from treatment, I was realistic enough to know that the odds weren't in my favor. I tried to prepare myself for either outcome.

    I never thought that "being positive" would cure my cancer, although it can probably make someone with cancer easier to live with. But since I live alone, I didn't have to worry about this.Smile

    Thanks for sharing the article.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    Great article!! I think the

    Great article!! I think the reason women look for the "magic cure" is that imparts some degree of control to the cancer patient. Sadly, there is very little control and that's a very scary place to be.



  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member
    edited August 2021 #6
    Staying positive

    I've never thought just being positive could keep cancer from killing me. It has become a challenge to pull myself out of the dumps when I start slipping down that slope where I start imagining my world without me in it. "One day at a time" has been more valuable as a mantra. 

    It was a funny article because certain elements we can all relate to.


  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member
    edited August 2021 #7
    Brought back memories and made me smile

    I don't remember people telling me to be positive after my diagnosis, but they probably figured that there wasn't that much hope in the world!  The article brought back a lot of memories from the first few years after diagnosis.  I recall people asking, "how could you have cancer when you exercise so much and eat so well?  In my charming way, I would respond, "S**t happens."  Like the author, I remember the support group meetings, all the cancer books, the worrying, and the Ativan.  I laughed too because I passed along a number of those cancer books to those whose cancer diagnosis came after mine.  And those women probably felt about as thrilled to receive those books from me as the author did to get all the books people gave her.  I must admit to feeling a bit deprived that I never experienced the collage chapter.  In fact, I don't recall ever hearing the words "collage" and "cancer" together before.

    Thanks for bringing this enjoyable article to our attention, woodstock99! 


  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    MoeKay said:

    Brought back memories and made me smile

    I don't remember people telling me to be positive after my diagnosis, but they probably figured that there wasn't that much hope in the world!  The article brought back a lot of memories from the first few years after diagnosis.  I recall people asking, "how could you have cancer when you exercise so much and eat so well?  In my charming way, I would respond, "S**t happens."  Like the author, I remember the support group meetings, all the cancer books, the worrying, and the Ativan.  I laughed too because I passed along a number of those cancer books to those whose cancer diagnosis came after mine.  And those women probably felt about as thrilled to receive those books from me as the author did to get all the books people gave her.  I must admit to feeling a bit deprived that I never experienced the collage chapter.  In fact, I don't recall ever hearing the words "collage" and "cancer" together before.

    Thanks for bringing this enjoyable article to our attention, woodstock99! 


    The Big C

    I binge watched this TV series with Laura Linney about her cancer diagnosis (melanoma) and her crazy collection of friends and relatives. It was quite good, funny and touching.It was on for 4 Seasons. Someone within her circle made a photo collage for her on her bedroom ceiling. I remember thinking how cool an idea it was! I was very impressed. Later her son transfers it to a nursing home center ceiling for her and then back to the house. It had family pictures, fashion ads and a variety of her favorite memories and images. Funny how your post brought that back to me. 

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    Sorry, I just saw that you had posted this

    article first. Didn't mean to steal your thunder. Surprised


  • Frances081920
    Frances081920 Member Posts: 37 Member
    edited September 2021 #10
    wonderful motivating article

    how refreshing to read from a survivor thank you so much

  • RainbowRita
    RainbowRita Member Posts: 72 Member
    edited September 2021 #11
    Great minds think alike? :-)

    I too, didn't realize that Woodstock99 has posted the same article link and just checked it out last night as I haven't been "on the board" for a few days. All I can say is I'm so glad you guys thought to share it with the rest of us. :-) 

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Sorry, I just saw that you had posted this

    article first. Didn't mean to steal your thunder. Surprised


    No worries Denise.  No

    No worries Denise.  No thunder stolen.  Great minds and all that.