Made my choice for treatment

Robbie Lowery
Robbie Lowery Member Posts: 24 Member

So, I de ided before meetung with radiation Dr today, that I will go with Rads and Chemo for 7 weeks.

During my meeting, the Rad Dr advised that surgein said during tumor board duscussion, that he felt that gking the surgery route would shiw that they could nit get clean margins, si he advised rads and chemo would be a better option.

So, turns out I was right ti gi with my gut feeling on this.

So, now.just.gotta get a molar out and another tooth filled, and then after a few days, go in to get mask made and during the time they take to design a rad plan, I will do the Chemo Teach, and then we can start.

Rad Dr also advised he was lretty sure they will not zap the other tonsil or other side of neck. Unless pre tx CT shows a reason to.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    Robbie Glad You

    Are set on a plan.
    That in itself gives some relief from concern and worry knowing the pathway you are taking.
    Now you can prepare yourself for this treatment path and your care team can help get you ready with any questions you have.
    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Robbie Lowery
    Robbie Lowery Member Posts: 24 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    Robbie Glad You

    Are set on a plan.
    That in itself gives some relief from concern and worry knowing the pathway you are taking.
    Now you can prepare yourself for this treatment path and your care team can help get you ready with any questions you have.
    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

    Thank you

    Thank you

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member

    Thank you

    Thank you

    Decisions made

    Hi Robbie,


    I bet it feels at least like you are set, and have a treatment/ battle plan.  That itself helps you in planning and gives you things to do, which in turn relieves a lot of anxiety. Now you know what comes next, now you know how to proceed. It puts a little bit of certainty in your life and you can brace for what's next. 

    I cannot write much ( and you are so glad, right ??!)-- because I have a 7 am clinic appointment in Pre Op.Assessment, with my Anesthesia team. Lovely...

    Good night Robbie.  I hope you feel a little better now.


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    to hear the plan is set. They have areas to focus the Rads on, which is a plus. Gonna be a life experience, the 7 weeks, like it is or was for all of us, but very doable. Just keep the Dr.s informed on how you're doing, so they'll know, and let them do their C & R things. Your #1 focus should just be getting rid of the C. All other concerns, now, take a back seat to the prime objective. 

    Best of luck.

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    Logan51 said:


    to hear the plan is set. They have areas to focus the Rads on, which is a plus. Gonna be a life experience, the 7 weeks, like it is or was for all of us, but very doable. Just keep the Dr.s informed on how you're doing, so they'll know, and let them do their C & R things. Your #1 focus should just be getting rid of the C. All other concerns, now, take a back seat to the prime objective. 

    Best of luck.


    Glad you have made your choice along with your medical team. Do everything you can to prepare yourself, mentally, eat all you can and do what you have to do. You can do this. Good Luck.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    I'm glad you have a plan, and you'll soon be kicking Cancer's butt! It's a rough trip, but if you hang tough, and get the support you'll need - you WILL get through this!..

    EAT EAT EAT - ALL of your favorites and LOTS of them!


  • BeagleDad
    BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited August 2021 #8
    Course of treatment

    Sounds pretty normal for those of us that have gone through this.  

    I am glad you are focused and ready to go.  Ain't no fun, but we have all been there.


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    An idea for infusion days

    Hi Robbie,

    Here is an idea to help on the days you go for Chemotherapy infusions in the hospital or infusion clinic. Some people call it their Chemo Bag. Its a collection of items to help keep you more comfortable during the time you spend getting the infusions.  Note:: this is completely customizable!! You choose what helps you most. Here are some suggestions to get you started::

    ( Hey, is this idea in the Super thread ?)


    Chemo bag ( satchel, duffel bag, etc)

    -- A water bottle. Its very important to Keep Hydrated!

    ---Saltine crackers to fight the metallic taste chemo can cause

    ---Regular or Ginger mints to calm an upset stomach

    ---Lip balm or lip gloss

    ---Blanket, socks, and a sweater. Chemo units can get cold!

    ---A small pillow or neck roll

    ----A personal music player

    ---A book or crossword puzzles

    ----A close friend or family member. ( Just keep in mind they might not actually fit in the bag  !)

    Hey, these are just suggestions.  Make it personal by adding your favorite things .

    This might help you in days to come!

    From Crystal