My Garden Style Cancer is Kicking My ***



  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member
    edited August 2021 #22
    Afoste3 said:

    Hi Deb

    Just writing to send good thoughts (I don't have anything of substance to add re: the choice that's coming up for you).  I'm glad you are out of the hospital and active again.  It also sounds like you have a committed and involved doc which is always great.  Hope you keep building your strength and come to a decision you feel good about in the next two weeks!


    Thank you

    Sure appreciate the thoughts and prayers from everyone on this board. I think we are looking a bit into an unknown future which is why "one day at a time" can be such a powerful mantra. Sure doesn't help to do what-if games at this point but it's nice to know there are more options if needed.



  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member
    edited August 2021 #23
    Dak82 said:

    Next 9 days

    The next 9 days will set a future course for me. I have a chest CT scan on Friday and depending on what we see we will either stick with dostarlimab or start a chemo treatment with Doxil. I think my oncologist wanted to move directly to the chemo due largely to my scary scan nearly a month ago that indicates rapid tumor growth in my lungs a sudden involvement of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes (down the center of the chest). This scan was done 1 week after my second dostarlimab infusion. I am inclined to give the immunotherapy at least one more try. So next week will be the decision point. I don't know if it's been the extra long break between treatments but my cough has nearly disappeared and some of my aches and pains in the rib cage areas have moderated. I know how I feel but have no idea what the scan will show. The darn hospital stay for the small bowel obstruction and subsequent surgery really threw me for a loop with respect to gauging how I feel because I definitely feel a bit wobbly and pretty weak. The extended time before the next infusion of whatever is due to my oncologists desire that I regain some weight and muscle mass. I am back to walking 4 miles and working in other exercises so doing what I can. We'll see. One day at a time.

    love to all,


    Nine Days to Go, and You Are Impressive

    Back to walking 4 m. and given that you had that obstruction and had to have surgery, well. You are quite the trooper. As you say, one day at a time. It is interesting that your pains have subsided a bit, and I hope that's a good sign. I am thinking about you a lot, and hoping for good news in charting the course. I have not been able to work out much the last three days because we had a very serious family emergency that I simply can't share, given the "open-ness" of the internet. I will just say that it has been extremely worrisome and very stressful. Fortunately, things are improving now, and we are all sleeping better. 

    I'm so glad for this day, just this day. Outside it's beautiful, inside I'm comfortable. I have adjusted what I put in my mouth so greatly it's still surprising to me. I just don't eat much "for me." I'm not too hungry, either. I was trying to remember what I ate today. Coffee...a Lara Bar...two pears...vegetables with a scrambled egg...three spaghetti noodles (wanted to check for doneness), an ounce of beef. Two bites of husband's turkey sandwich. I'm happy that I'm going "light," as I feel better. 

    Deb, I hope you're able to eat and that those innards are cooperating with you. Please keep us updated throughout this period of time, and I am interested in knowing how things turn out within this next nine (eight) days.

    All the love--


    "the other deb"