2nd cancer

Accw Member Posts: 15 Member

Hello and I hope this email finds you well.

Has anyone on this site, or has anyone ever heard of someone getting a second Cancer caused by HPV? I am 1 year post treatment for stage 2 anal cancer. I constantly worry, with any type of sore throat, itching in other areas etc that a second cancer is forming such as throat, vaginal, etc. just wondering if anyone has any experience with this happening or knows of this happening to anyone. Appreciate any feedback. Thank you.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited June 2019 #2

    I am sure that there are people who have had a second HPV-related cancer after having had anal cancer.  As you know, HPV causes several different types of cancer, including those you mentioned.

  • Accw
    Accw Member Posts: 15 Member
    mp327 said:


    I am sure that there are people who have had a second HPV-related cancer after having had anal cancer.  As you know, HPV causes several different types of cancer, including those you mentioned.

    Yes know causes other cancers

    Yes know causes other cancers. Just wondering the stats of getting a second and if anyone has had experience with this. Mainly trying to relieve constant worry. Thank you

  • Ohmy
    Ohmy Member Posts: 102 Member
    I had a reoccurrence on the

    I had a reoccurrence on the outside of my rectum and a metasis in my lung. I worry about my husband or me getting throat cancer.  I read about the actress with anal cancer saying her husband had HPV throat cancer 10 years ago.  It is a virus so it stays with us.  I was Stage 3 with positive lymph nodes in January 2017.  Now I get a PET scan every three months so I just enjoy every day and try not to worry too much.

  • annie4145
    annie4145 Member Posts: 218 Member
    I worry about this too. 

    I worry about this too.  Throat cancer seems even worse than anal cancer terms of side effects.  I sure hope that I don't get it.  But at least we will be alert to any symptoms. Most people write off symptoms and don't pay attention to them at the early stages.  I know I did for my cancer.   I will be more on guard in the future.

    What I don't know is whether the immunization would have any benefit if we have been exposed already.  I don't think so. 

  • kevans9092
    kevans9092 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2019 #6
    I worry as well.

    Hello, I am just one year from treatment for anal cancer stage 2, I worry about HPV showing up as well. 3 months ago I decided to tackle my fears. I had a pap smear and had them test for HPV. No signs of HPV!

    I have a CT on my lungs every 6 months. I consulted my dentist ahead of time about my concerns. He read up on the symptoms and he checked me thoroughly, plus ex rays. I will continue to do so every 6 months.

    We also consulted by family doctor for my husband. He gave him the HPV vaccination his final shot is this Septemebr. It is recommendated for ages 26-45 now.My husband is a extermely healthy 63 years old. We have stay away from anything that could have transmiited HPV since my treatment. I truly believe I am HPV free based on the symptoms I lived with for the last 30 years. 

    I can only monitor each possiablity, and try not to let the fear and anxiety take up too much of my life. I hope this helps you.

  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 494 Member

    I worry as well.

    Hello, I am just one year from treatment for anal cancer stage 2, I worry about HPV showing up as well. 3 months ago I decided to tackle my fears. I had a pap smear and had them test for HPV. No signs of HPV!

    I have a CT on my lungs every 6 months. I consulted my dentist ahead of time about my concerns. He read up on the symptoms and he checked me thoroughly, plus ex rays. I will continue to do so every 6 months.

    We also consulted by family doctor for my husband. He gave him the HPV vaccination his final shot is this Septemebr. It is recommendated for ages 26-45 now.My husband is a extermely healthy 63 years old. We have stay away from anything that could have transmiited HPV since my treatment. I truly believe I am HPV free based on the symptoms I lived with for the last 30 years. 

    I can only monitor each possiablity, and try not to let the fear and anxiety take up too much of my life. I hope this helps you.

    Be Careful With Xrays

    My primary care physician said he did not want to xray my back when I was in an auto accident due to the fact I already was treated with 30 treatments of radiation.  He said he was cautious having me have more radiation unless absolutely necessary.  I was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2008 and finished Stage 2 anal cancer treatments in 2009. 

  • Eileencj
    Eileencj Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2021 #8
    HPV - My husband

    My husband had 35 rounds of radiation for tonsil cancer this past Xmas and he still shows cancer on the tonsil, so now they have to remove them.  His CT Scan also picked up something going on in the Anal :(  So now he has to have an Anal Biopsy, just before they remove his tonsils. 

  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    edited August 2021 #9
    2nd cancer

    Anal cancer was my second HPV cancer. The good news is my first one, cervical cancer, was in 1976 and I didn't get anal cancer until 2011! In 2019, I got a squamous cell skin cancer that was easily treatable with mohs surgery. It was also an HPV cancer. So I can say now I have had three, all successfully treated. 


    I had a Guardasil shot this year and hope it helps fend off future HPV cancers.