Just A Quick Update

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
edited July 2021 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I have had a recent visit with my ENT from Hershey Medical Center and he says everything looks OK, clear, and stable after scoping me about 2 weeks ago.


Last week I had a follow-up visit with the dermatologist and she gave me the whole upper body, head, etc exam and removed one more suspect spot. Previous to that several months ago I had a Basal cell Carcinoma spot removed surgically and a precancerous area frozen with liquid nitrogen to remove it.

I have a follow-up in 6 months and figure if nothing else is suspect I should be good for a while.


Also last week I had my regular dental visit and had no cavities and the dentist and dental hygienist are very satisfied with my dental maintenance at home. X-rays were taken with no problems seen for now.

The dentist is watching some questionable spots but I have no cavities so what I think he is looking at is the effect of aging and gum recession and the effects of dry mouth from less saliva from my radiation treatments.


So right now as far as I am concerned I am living in the best of times for an H&N survivor and am extremely Blessed by the Good Lord for providing His Great Healing and wonderful doctors, nurses, specialists, and a host of other folks from one end of the spectrum to the other of the medical community who have taken such good care of me. I have nothing but praise for my caretakers in every way they are top-notch....


Here is a link to a song I have run into recently that sums it up—I Have Been Blessed





  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Great news Russ.

    Great news Russ.

    You have been in my prayers too.  (I know you said I was in yours)

    I thank God every day for giving me another.


    : )

  • ricksmithgolfer
    ricksmithgolfer Member Posts: 88 Member
    edited July 2021 #3
    Awesome report

    Hi Russ,

    Glad to see all areas are looking good. Keep the positive reports coming. Take care and God Bless.

    Rick  Smile

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited July 2021 #4
    Thanks ozy and Rick

    Your well wishes and prayers are always appreciated.

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    edited July 2021 #5
    wbcgaruss said:

    Thanks ozy and Rick

    Your well wishes and prayers are always appreciated.

    Great news!

    Well deserved news Russ, you have helped many on here including myself, It feels good to surround yourself with the lord and good people. Take care.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    Great report!

    You are indeed blessed.  Year 9 is not too far ahead and the BIG 10 is next year! Here's to wishing for many more good years!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    One Thing To Add

    I got a call yesterday from the dermatoligist. As it turns out the suspect spot I thought they were removing was in fact a biopsy and it came back positive for Squamus cell cancer. So I go back in about 10 days to have the area removed. It should be similar to my first removal of a Basal cell Carcinoma spot where they numb the area and they say scrape it, cauterize, scrape till I guess the dermatologist's training tells them they have gone deep enough. This cancer treatments easy compared to what brought us here. Wishing You all The Best-Everyone-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    edited July 2021 #8

    Lisa here, sorry about Derm had 4 spots froze on face of course in Rad field since he started high & did so much.  The 1 on shoulder she biospied after scraping out a section, all's good.  But same place yrly she has to freeze those spots on face just keep coming back.  Have to admit was since a kid a sun baby & they warned you get bad burns young expect problems later in life. So I assume between sun than Rads why my face.  Can no longer go in sun get overheated so bad in 1/2 hr thanks thyroid.  Do miss the warmth & feeling of sun in your face but now shadebaby.  Gets so hot here in Fla just sitting on deck under shade have to watch time & make sure go into air tho We keep it close to outside temps so I don't freeze.  Other wise same old, same old.  Did have about little over a week ago wonderful dinner out at new place.  Best steak, broccol, even tried a salad first time in 3 yrs, couldn't before.  Wonderful follow up with creme brûlé.  Boy best meal in months.  Gotta make time to go again.  So even with all my BS once in a blue moon, a nice moment where his beast is gone from mind.  But so glad your fine & doing better eating.  Think I told you I have to drink a beer or 2 with lunch & a dinner like that to wash down, water won't?  Maybe it's the carbonation but don't drink soda gave up yrs ago...to much sugar & not that great for you not that alcohol is but after Clear water or Propel no flavor, all day it's wonderful to taste something different.  Sometimes if I can find La Crox lemon carbonated water in a can tastes good but getting, harder & harder to find. Suz & I had a falling out but not here email, so hope she gets what's owed to her.  Not fair in her condition.   So many sad stories so far and you are an Angel helping as you do!  You just are so sweet & I always wish you even better days ahead.  Mine is permanent but getting port next Tuesday 20th & husband working on getting order from Chemo Dr or Surgeon to write a script to get IVs weekly at home how wonderful & Insurance told him about it & will pay.  I'm so excited and not in a poor worn out vein.  A little nervous any surgery a risk but no more searching for a vein & the pain of constant sticks so worth it.  May you stay well, your a sweet man & very caring, hugs, Lisa

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lisa Thanks For

    Your support, help, and caring. So you have these cancer spots on your skin also. It's always something. Well, it sounds like you have finally had some improvements and it's about time. I am so glad for you that you could finally go out and have a good meal and actually eat and enjoy it, I know it had been a rare happening for you in the past. I am glad for you also that you decided to get a port. It is a minor operation and you should be home the same day. But what a blessing it is that it saves your veins, no more vein access is needed, and in your case should work out great. I think you will be glad once you have it done. Sounds like you can do the infusions at home very nice. I had no idea about ports till my first cancer and the doctors recommended a port since I was going to get a lot of intravenous chemo and possible infusions for hydration and probably similar to what you get. but it was my choice. At the time I figured I would take their recommendations as they were the pros and knew what they were talking about and I am so glad I did. The amount of and number of times my veins would have been used I am sure it would have wreaked havoc on them and scarred them badly. Lisa wish you many more good days and good meals-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Hi Russ

    Sounds like you have it all under control.  Sorry for the nerve pain had with bad back but only decent Dr here in Sarasota is a Neurospine & Neurologis who cks eye on My brain healing.  Others of NO value just prescription pushing "Sick Heath". Care Drs. Charge you but don't help for squat.  Suffer daily now port tomorrow getting very nervous since so skinny & being uncomfortable after like my tiny, thin niece.  Couldn't sleep hurt.  Can see & feel since nothing much coving it & she weights about 10 lbs more than Me.  Please pray for Me I'm really scared & not sleeping at all.  I know will help so much but not into pain too much in My life!  Hope get some pain killers at least for a week.  I would love My old favorite Morphine ER but know forget that.  miss My old pain Drs would never survived recovery and end of treatments with out their help.  Now all our Drs opids scared yet prescriptions for everything else fist not looking or discussing natural.  Too many antibiotics this yr & last when often needed anti-fungal.  So sick for nothing from the antibiotics for months.  But thrilled everything but nerve which appears you've learned to control!  Everytime I do that it changes again.  That drives Me insane.  I get on a routine & rug gets pulled out.  Start from Scratch.  Hugs from a far ........Lisa