Hair? Where?

Real Tar Heel
Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member

So the anticipated alopecia has begun. That's nearly 20 yrs as a dread down the (shower) drain. I actually made it to the end of FOLFOX before they started falling out, but I still had hair on my head. While I'm rapidly losing the skull cap, the hair elsewhere remains. I mean, I could really stand to lose some ear hair, but it stands there stubborn and defiant. When do I become like Powder? Will I just be, as my daughter keeps asking, "Bald like Mr. Clean?"


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    edited June 2021 #2
    Hair today, gone tomorrow

    I never became bald, bald or Mr. Clean bald, as you daughter says.  I became Gollum Bald. Yes, my hair looked like the character Gollum, in Lord of the Rings movies. Nasty my precciousssss!  I shaved it off, and I looked so much better. 

    Keep an eye on the body hair. I lost all of mine. You don't realize why its there, until you lose it.  I had awful problems when my eyelashes and eyebrows fell out. Terrible dry eye, and then minuscule droplets of swear that must be running down into the eyes, making them sting. 

    None of the hair ever grew back fully. I have patches on my legs, under my arms, in places polite people don't talk about in public. And even my eyelashes are sparse. 


  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    edited June 2021 #3
    Thanks Tru! I am pretty

    Thanks Tru! I am pretty worried about the eyebrows actually because of sweating, don't want to have to wear one of those old school headbands outside

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    Trubrit said:


    If you wear a hat - which would be a good idea in the sunshine, then you have a built-in headband. 

    You can carry a whilte hankerchief, and mop your brow, like some old guy whose guilty of something. HA!  Sorry, my sense of humour. 

    Here's hoping that you keep your lashes and brows. 


    It's kind of weird, like a

    It's kind of weird, like a stronger version of what happened on FOLFOX where I was experiencing thinning. So I'm just losing hair in spots, which really is making me look like an old man whose guilty of something. To that end, I'm buying caps since I can't decide whether to shave it all off. Body hair still with me...

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    edited June 2021 #5

    Thanks Tru! I am pretty

    Thanks Tru! I am pretty worried about the eyebrows actually because of sweating, don't want to have to wear one of those old school headbands outside


    If you wear a hat - which would be a good idea in the sunshine, then you have a built-in headband. 

    You can carry a whilte hankerchief, and mop your brow, like some old guy whose guilty of something. HA!  Sorry, my sense of humour. 

    Here's hoping that you keep your lashes and brows. 


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,288 Member
    edited June 2021 #6

    It's kind of weird, like a

    It's kind of weird, like a stronger version of what happened on FOLFOX where I was experiencing thinning. So I'm just losing hair in spots, which really is making me look like an old man whose guilty of something. To that end, I'm buying caps since I can't decide whether to shave it all off. Body hair still with me...

    I only had thinning while

    I only had thinning while doing the 12 of Folfox, but it sure habitualized me to hat wearing. You'd be hard pressed to find a photo of me without one, 12 years after. They seem like a natural ''old guy'' thing, anyway, lol

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    I only had thinning while

    I only had thinning while doing the 12 of Folfox, but it sure habitualized me to hat wearing. You'd be hard pressed to find a photo of me without one, 12 years after. They seem like a natural ''old guy'' thing, anyway, lol

    Hats - yuk

    I hate hats, and only wore one during my hair loss days, when I was out in the desert sun.  I figured I rocked the balding look, so what the heck. 

    While you 'old' guys look good in hats, a hat on this old woman makes me look 20 years older - can't have that now, can we. 


  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member
    edited June 2021 #8

    I recently asked my mom if my dad has no hair at all. Compared to younger pictures his hair was already getting less and now it is gone and tbh I was so afraid that he looses other body hair as well like eyebrows, eyelashes... But he only lost his scalp hair which is interesting to say. He still has to shave for a beard but the head hair is completely gone. It will be strange when I see him again but as long as I come home to my dad it is okay. I love him with or without hair. He does have a hait now but I am not sure he is wearing it now. We have a heat wave and it might be too hot...

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    edited June 2021 #9
    Trubrit said:

    Hats - yuk

    I hate hats, and only wore one during my hair loss days, when I was out in the desert sun.  I figured I rocked the balding look, so what the heck. 

    While you 'old' guys look good in hats, a hat on this old woman makes me look 20 years older - can't have that now, can we. 


    Before long hair I used to

    Before long hair I used to have a big collection of caps. They're all at my parents house except for one, I'm going on a big cap shopping spree. I'm giving some consideration to going bald, too. I kind of wish the hair loss were more uniform, it would be an easier decision.

    I doubt a hat has that effect on you, sure you could rock a hat with the best of them.

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    edited June 2021 #10
    Tueffel said:


    I recently asked my mom if my dad has no hair at all. Compared to younger pictures his hair was already getting less and now it is gone and tbh I was so afraid that he looses other body hair as well like eyebrows, eyelashes... But he only lost his scalp hair which is interesting to say. He still has to shave for a beard but the head hair is completely gone. It will be strange when I see him again but as long as I come home to my dad it is okay. I love him with or without hair. He does have a hait now but I am not sure he is wearing it now. We have a heat wave and it might be too hot...

    Some of the caps from the

    Some of the caps from the sports brands are good for hot weather and bright sunlight. The modern materials are cooling.If he can get some sunlight it will be great.

    Looks like I will be pretty much the same as your father, I'm losing some from the head and none from the body so far., facial hair is growing as usual. I really wanted the ear hair to go but I guess it's good for knowing when pests are on me, lol. Not having to shave would have been a bonus for awhile, lol.