Need help

Liely Member Posts: 17 Member

Hello Everyone,

please help as i am very worried and anxious. 

I had Ct Scan for other issues and the report shows 1.4 Cm cysts in the left kidney and 1.1 in the right kidney. It says 

the largest has lesions have higher HU for simple cysts. Further evaluation with US needed.

I did follow up with US and the report is: there is a mildly irregular echogenic mass in the left upper kidney and there's a small adjacent 1 Cm cysts. And the cysts in the right kidney which showed on CT Scan is simple cysts.   And also it's overall the sonography appearance is nonspecific. And further evaluation by  MRI is needed. Gp called me and said not to worry you had this since 2017 And he placed referral to see urologis. should i make an appointment with urologist or do the MRI first. Thank you so much for your time!

by the way this is the first I am posting on forum. i amvery happy to find this great community.

wishing you all the best!



  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member
    edited April 2021 #2
    Just relax

    There very small and they haven't changed since 2017 go have a mri that will ease your mind hope the best for you your going to be fine there very small

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited April 2021 #3
    Try not to worry.  If there

    Try not to worry.  If there hasn't been any change since 2017 chances are they're benign cysts. Get the MRI and hopefully it'll put your mind at ease. Even if worse came to worst it's very small and could be taken care of. All the best to you. 

  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2021 #4
    Need help

    Thank you so much for your replies!

    The reason i am worried the reports says it has higher Hsounsfield unit.

    once again thank you so much!


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member
    A suspected cyst is usually a cyst

    Check my user name to read my story about cancerous shows on CT"s, etc.  I still have cysts in my remaining kidney, what's left of my liver and in my pancreas.  Tests like that show a lot of things you may have been living with for years....and they never bothered you.

    If you are having them monitored, so much the better for you.  Try to relax.

    Air hugs,


  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2021 #6
    Thank you so Much Donna!

    Thank you so Much Donna!

    I read your story and I am glad you are doing fine.

    wishing You all the best. 

  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    donna_lee said:

    A suspected cyst is usually a cyst

    Check my user name to read my story about cancerous shows on CT"s, etc.  I still have cysts in my remaining kidney, what's left of my liver and in my pancreas.  Tests like that show a lot of things you may have been living with for years....and they never bothered you.

    If you are having them monitored, so much the better for you.  Try to relax.

    Air hugs,


    Do you know what's the

    Do you know what's the importance of hounsfield units on a mass?


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Get the MRI AND see the URO.

    My first thougt is it may be  too small to diagnose. Second, because it possibly effects both kidneys get the follow up with the Uro, asap. Hopefully only active surveilallance for now.







  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2021 #9
    icemantoo said:

    Get the MRI AND see the URO.

    My first thougt is it may be  too small to diagnose. Second, because it possibly effects both kidneys get the follow up with the Uro, asap. Hopefully only active surveilallance for now.







    Hello Icemantoo,

    Hello Icemantoo,

    The cysts on my right kidney is simple cyst.

    The one I am worried is the left kidney 1.4 with High hounsfield. What's the hounsfield unit means? Is the high number worrisom?



  • Koman
    Koman Member Posts: 1
    Liely said:

    Do you know what's the

    Do you know what's the importance of hounsfield units on a mass?



    Hounsfield units are a measure of light intensity/density on CT scan. Things like water/cyst have low HU while solid organs have high HU. Contrast in blood vessels or blood outside vessels have higher HU that water. It does not tell u anything about if something is cancer vs non-cancer. In your case HU is used to determine simple cyst vs solid mass. A slightLy higher value only means cannot tell or there is a more solid structure to the cyst making it either a complex cyst. doctors can only confirm diagnosis with histology when they review tissue under microscope after mass/cyst removal or biopsy. Biopsy limited in Renal mass/cyst. However removal invasive so often times, doctors review if size grows as larger sizes or rapid growth have higher probability of cancer. Hope that helps.

  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2021 #11
    Koman said:


    Hounsfield units are a measure of light intensity/density on CT scan. Things like water/cyst have low HU while solid organs have high HU. Contrast in blood vessels or blood outside vessels have higher HU that water. It does not tell u anything about if something is cancer vs non-cancer. In your case HU is used to determine simple cyst vs solid mass. A slightLy higher value only means cannot tell or there is a more solid structure to the cyst making it either a complex cyst. doctors can only confirm diagnosis with histology when they review tissue under microscope after mass/cyst removal or biopsy. Biopsy limited in Renal mass/cyst. However removal invasive so often times, doctors review if size grows as larger sizes or rapid growth have higher probability of cancer. Hope that helps.

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much!

    I am wondering if the Hu was higher number due to contrast they give me. Since i am allergic to contrast and the technision was worried and wasn't comfortable administrating the dye. Kept asking me if I am ok. She was new and told me she will raise the flow faster to finish the scan faster. First she was struggling to find my veins. just a thought I do t know if it make sens. 

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    edited May 2021 #12
    Schedule both appts.

    I would schedule an appointment with a urologist asap and also get the MRI as soon as you can.   Doesnt matter which is first, just take first available.

    Also get copies of all your own lab work and scans.   It sounds like your GP didnt tell you about the 2017 scan result.   If thats true, its outrageous, and yet unfortunately all to common.   

    Please be your own protector and advocate for your health.

  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    a_oaklee said:

    Schedule both appts.

    I would schedule an appointment with a urologist asap and also get the MRI as soon as you can.   Doesnt matter which is first, just take first available.

    Also get copies of all your own lab work and scans.   It sounds like your GP didnt tell you about the 2017 scan result.   If thats true, its outrageous, and yet unfortunately all to common.   

    Please be your own protector and advocate for your health.

    a_Oaklee Tganjs for your

    a_Oaklee Thanks for your comment!

    The report from 2017 says simple cysts. 

  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2021 #14
    Where sould I go and see an

    Where sould I go and see an expert Urologist in SF Bay Area? 
    please let me know 


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited May 2021 #15
    Give Stanford a call.

    Cysts on both kidneys  deserve a look from the experts.









  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Give Stanford a call.

    Cysts on both kidneys  deserve a look from the experts.









    Thanks Iceman!

    Thanks Iceman!

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    Ucsf ?

    Generally your insurance company and your GP help you with a referral.  Anyone at UCSF would be a good choice I imagine.   Specialists in my area wont book an appt with me without referral from my GP.  It still can happen fast.  We've seen specialists within 1 day.   Im sure it depends on the urgency of the situation, and the size of the institution, among other things.

    I realize you are diagnosed with cysts.  Im just giving you advice of reading your own reports.  Ive heard of way too many times when important information was not told to the patient.  Thats all I am saying regarding your reports.

    Personally, I love seeing specialists if there is any problem.  A good doctor refers people to other specialties, as your doctor has done.

  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2021 #18
    Hello everyone,

    Hello everyone,

    I have an appointment with urologist tomorrow.

    What should I ask the doctor? I have a few questions. 
    but I would like to ask you guys to help me out as what should ask. 
    Thank you so much!

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    Liely said:

    Hello everyone,

    Hello everyone,

    I have an appointment with urologist tomorrow.

    What should I ask the doctor? I have a few questions. 
    but I would like to ask you guys to help me out as what should ask. 
    Thank you so much!

    Good luck!

    One piece of advice-

    Bring a notebook or piece of paper and pen to write with. You'll be able to have your questions written down so you don't forget to ask the doctor - and you'll be able to write down the answers as they come. The info will be coming fast and furious, so you don't forget anything, write down the answers you get. 

    From what you've told us, it sounds like your next step is an MRI - to compare with your 2017 MRI and see if your cysts have grown or changed. But your doctor may have their own way forward, so write down what they tell you - you can check back with it later in case you have questions. 

    Good luck! 


  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2021 #20
    eug91 said:

    Good luck!

    One piece of advice-

    Bring a notebook or piece of paper and pen to write with. You'll be able to have your questions written down so you don't forget to ask the doctor - and you'll be able to write down the answers as they come. The info will be coming fast and furious, so you don't forget anything, write down the answers you get. 

    From what you've told us, it sounds like your next step is an MRI - to compare with your 2017 MRI and see if your cysts have grown or changed. But your doctor may have their own way forward, so write down what they tell you - you can check back with it later in case you have questions. 

    Good luck! 


    Thanks for your reply!

    Thanks for your reply!

  • Liely
    Liely Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited June 2021 #21

    Good Morning,

    I am sceduled for MRI next week. I am very concerned about the contrast. Can you please let me know about your experience and also if I ask the order without using the contrast.Also I am allergic to CT scan contrast. I am nervous and wondering if I am allergic to MRI contrast as well. I just don't feel comfortable about the contrast and the toxicity it may cause. 
    Regards to all,