Long Term Survivor Hip Pain Question

islandgirlculebra Member Posts: 155 Member

Hello. It's been quite a while since I've been on. I had treatment in 2012 and thank the Lord I am still alive. Ever since treatment, though, I've had low back and hip pain. Almost four weeks ago I underwent lumbar fusion surgery on three vertabrae L4, L5, S1. The scary thing, now my hip pain when walking seems even worse, No-one has ever really explained to me why I have so much hip pain. I have always suspected it's a result of damage from radiation. My question - if you are a long term survivor, do you have hip pain (weak, tight, sore hips when walking) and have you found any treatment or exercises which have helped you? 


  • suzycruise76
    suzycruise76 Member Posts: 163 Member
    Back pain...

    I ended my colon cancer treatment by chemo and radiation in the spring 2019. It definitely helped to minimize the tumor which had been successfully removed by surgery afterwards. So,same as you,I am happy to be alive. But the price for it is high: in the summer 2020 I started having pains in the right side of my hips,and my walking was getting more and more difficult and painful. After several tests (x-ray,bone density and Ct scan) I got surprising diagnose of multiple pelvis fractures in my right side,and healing pelvis fractures in my left side (which at that time had not been painful). I was admited to hospital, had more x-rays and for 2 weeks there was mostly on bed rest, getting painkillers (Tylenol 500 and Hydromophen). After that I got another 2 weeks of rehab and was released to go home...with a walker and manual wheelchair,rented from a Senior store. For 1 month I had been allowed to bear weight only 50% on my right leg. There were several doctors (including my radiologist for cancer treatment),who assumed that my situation happened due to radiation which caused severe osteoporosis.

    I forgot to say that after my first x-ray in the summer my family doctor put me on Alendronate,which is aparently a good medication fot strengthening bones.

    After several more appointments with orthopedic surgeons,who told me that my injury is not operatable, they released me to care of osteoporosis clinic. Because of covid my only app. there happened just by video conference; the doctor agreed with the Alendronate and daily use of vitamins B12 and D3. 

    My situation is that I walk a bit better and more,bearing weight on both legs,but still need to use the walker. And after several weeks from the hospital I started getting pains in my left side and very intense lower back pain. 

    Right now I am not sure if I should have another x-ray,because I am afraid that maybe more fractures are happening.

    I am having a very good physiotherapy once a week,which I consider helpful,but as I said, I am still often in pain and not sure about my future.

    Please let me know if your situation is similar and if my story can help you a bit. You should be looked after by professionals,and I hope you'll find help.




  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member
    edited May 2021 #3

    Hi,  I’m glad you are cancer free!  I’m so sorry you are experiencing so many aches and pain...  I have been in pain for 10 years now in the same area.  I also have a lot of groin pain and thigh pain.  I have been taking pain killers since the treatment...I cannot function without them most days.  I have remained very active anyway...still think I’m 15.  Ha Ha!  I am a 10 year survivor and I remember you well.  I hope your pain eases soon.

  • islandgirlculebra
    islandgirlculebra Member Posts: 155 Member
    edited May 2021 #4

    Back pain...

    I ended my colon cancer treatment by chemo and radiation in the spring 2019. It definitely helped to minimize the tumor which had been successfully removed by surgery afterwards. So,same as you,I am happy to be alive. But the price for it is high: in the summer 2020 I started having pains in the right side of my hips,and my walking was getting more and more difficult and painful. After several tests (x-ray,bone density and Ct scan) I got surprising diagnose of multiple pelvis fractures in my right side,and healing pelvis fractures in my left side (which at that time had not been painful). I was admited to hospital, had more x-rays and for 2 weeks there was mostly on bed rest, getting painkillers (Tylenol 500 and Hydromophen). After that I got another 2 weeks of rehab and was released to go home...with a walker and manual wheelchair,rented from a Senior store. For 1 month I had been allowed to bear weight only 50% on my right leg. There were several doctors (including my radiologist for cancer treatment),who assumed that my situation happened due to radiation which caused severe osteoporosis.

    I forgot to say that after my first x-ray in the summer my family doctor put me on Alendronate,which is aparently a good medication fot strengthening bones.

    After several more appointments with orthopedic surgeons,who told me that my injury is not operatable, they released me to care of osteoporosis clinic. Because of covid my only app. there happened just by video conference; the doctor agreed with the Alendronate and daily use of vitamins B12 and D3. 

    My situation is that I walk a bit better and more,bearing weight on both legs,but still need to use the walker. And after several weeks from the hospital I started getting pains in my left side and very intense lower back pain. 

    Right now I am not sure if I should have another x-ray,because I am afraid that maybe more fractures are happening.

    I am having a very good physiotherapy once a week,which I consider helpful,but as I said, I am still often in pain and not sure about my future.

    Please let me know if your situation is similar and if my story can help you a bit. You should be looked after by professionals,and I hope you'll find help.




    Thank you so much for that

    Thank you so much for that info. Suzy. I had my one month post op appointment a few days ago. The Dr. feels that physical therapy will help me tremendously, that this is related to my muscles that have been dealing with  my back condition, and are now coping with the realiggnment of my spine. I'm going to try therapy and see if it improves. if that doesn't work, I might see if the pain could perhaps be caused with a problem with my SI joint. i hope physiotherapy continues to help you with your pain. Did the fractures that you had heal? Seems like maybe they should be monitoring those fractures ? You are right, I think we do pay a high price for the cure don't we. 

  • islandgirlculebra
    islandgirlculebra Member Posts: 155 Member


    Hi,  I’m glad you are cancer free!  I’m so sorry you are experiencing so many aches and pain...  I have been in pain for 10 years now in the same area.  I also have a lot of groin pain and thigh pain.  I have been taking pain killers since the treatment...I cannot function without them most days.  I have remained very active anyway...still think I’m 15.  Ha Ha!  I am a 10 year survivor and I remember you well.  I hope your pain eases soon.

    Thank you for your response

    Thank you for your response and I remember you too! What kind of pain killers do you take? I'm glad you have managed to remain active! My original sweet dog pictured with me passed away in 2018 and we now have another of the same breed who will turn two soon. He is young, so very active, and my walking pain has made it hard for me to walk with this young energetic boy. My Dr. feels that my pain is muscle related and that physical therapy will help me tremendously so I'm going to try that route for now. It just seems that my hips snd buttock muscles have hurt  since about four months after I completed radiation. Like the muscles shrunk and are not as flexible. So we shall see if the physical therapy helps. I am glad you are a survivor too and are managing to stay active! I wish you well and thank you for your response! 

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,028 Member
    edited May 2021 #6
    Hi I am visitor from uterine cancer page

    But I also had lumbar fusion March 3 so am 2 1/2 months post op.  L4,5.  I am also an RN so wondered about your post maybe having more than just radiation complication.  I am assuming that you had x rays of your hips and they are normal.   L4 innervates your hips and buttocks.  I had very bad pain there before surgery but it is gone now.  It's possible that you are just having nerve pain from healing nerves.  You are not very long post op.  It is a very hard recovery for fusions.  I would give it some time.  And my advice was, if it is causing you pain, stop and rest.  I hope this pain improves for you.  I have not started physical therapy yet.  They told me to walk.