Another Year

Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

Hello all, yesterday was eleven years that I completed radiation. I thought the full neck disection was rough but the radiation out did that. It was HPV and decided in 2018 it wanted to do an encore in my right lung but **** got booed off the stage. Those five radiation treatments were a walk in the park compared 30 in the neck. For those of you going through it, like I have always said, if I can do it anybody can do it. On a few of the days while sitting outside the radiation room thinking I can't go thropugh this anymore they would wheel a child by in a bed with all kinds of tubes coming out of their fragile body and I use to think, you pansy **** if a child can endure it so can I. The best adivse I have given others is plan something down the road after your treatments are completed, something to look forward to it helped me a lot. My youngest brother told me not to make plans for April 24th because he was taking my wife and I out to dinner and then a surprise. I use to think all I have to do is get through the treatments and I get a surprise. It turned out to be an accoustic concert by Bryan Adams.


And now, back to your regularly scheduled program. I'm going back to my corner. I will chime in occasionally.


Enjoy the day...........I do ........every one of them







  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Jeff I

    Celebrate with Ya and wish you many more NED days and years to come. I appreciate your humorous take on things and it certainly helped you through your cancer ordeal. I'm with you on the part of when you are going through something difficult just look around and there is someone else going through something worse sometimes every day and i take inspiration from them. Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • ricksmithgolfer
    ricksmithgolfer Member Posts: 89 Member
    edited April 2021 #3

    11 years is awesome. It is always nice to see long term survivors of cancer. Curious, how did you find out that you had the cancer in the lung? Keep the NEDS going. Take care and God Bless


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited April 2021 #4
    my time, too

    Duggie, and all- tomorrow, April 3rd, will be my 12th anniversary- last day of Rads for Nasopharyngeal w/unknown Primary. Wasn't sure what day, so I just Googled the 2009 calendar to see the first Friday in April that year. So, I thank you Duggie for kicking my behind to find the exact day of the year.

    Being FT-dependent and still fighting aspiration from Rad overkill to the base of my throat, life could be better. But, it is as it is so I accept it and keep looking forward. Just bought a brand new Chevy Malibu last Thursday, so I can call it my 12th year anniversary prize!

    Best to everyone. And I would also like to know about the lung issue and how you knew.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    Congrats on your 11 years

    t would've been nice not to have to endure that encore performance, as you say, but it is what it is/was.  And you are absolutely right that we don't usually have to look very far to see someone else suffering more than we are.  I do appreciate your sense of humor.  It sounds like your wife shares it, too. Smile

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Logan51 said:

    my time, too

    Duggie, and all- tomorrow, April 3rd, will be my 12th anniversary- last day of Rads for Nasopharyngeal w/unknown Primary. Wasn't sure what day, so I just Googled the 2009 calendar to see the first Friday in April that year. So, I thank you Duggie for kicking my behind to find the exact day of the year.

    Being FT-dependent and still fighting aspiration from Rad overkill to the base of my throat, life could be better. But, it is as it is so I accept it and keep looking forward. Just bought a brand new Chevy Malibu last Thursday, so I can call it my 12th year anniversary prize!

    Best to everyone. And I would also like to know about the lung issue and how you knew.

    Bus transfer to the lung

    Rick and Logan

    In April of 2018 I was having abdominal pain and thought it may have something to do with the digestive system so I went back to the doc who did a colonoscopy in January. He thought it was a hernia that I've had for a while so he sent me for a CT Scan and then to a surgeon. Sitting in the exam room the surgeon walks in introduces himself and says yes you have a hernia but did anybody talk to you about the spot on your lower right lung? We need to find out what that is first. I know I will never win the Powerball but I consider myself lucky with them finding it. If the cancer was in the upper part of my lung they would not have found it. After a biopsy (same as the throat cancer) and a marker placed in the lung I had five radiation treatments and cancer skipped town. But I was told I will never be cured because of it coming back. Unlike my psychiatrist who told me there was nothing else he could do for me so I took that as being cured.

    On another note if anyone needs a good surgeon I refer you to mine. After we knew what was up with the lung cancer my wife asked the surgeon "Will Jeffrey have any restrictions after the surgery?" He didn't miss a beat, turned and looked at her and said "Yes, no housework for ten years"  She then asked him how many divorces he was responsible for. I've sent two buddies to him so far for hernia surgery. Matter of fact I just had stitches taken out by him Wednesday. He took a smal cyst out of my chest two weeks ago in his office that I had for years but all of a sudden it started getting bigger. I told him that I am almost three years into the ten can I have them added to whats left? By the way the cyst was my favorite bingo number B9.

    I've always been one to find the humor in things. You can't change having to deal with cancer so I figure why not find a way that you can deal with it. I've had to deal with it three times now. I also had prostate cancer unrelated to the throat cancer in 2015. That also wasn't to bad as far as treatment, just five cyberknife treatments. Except for the catheter that they needed to put in for a CT Scan to set up the treatments. That was a pain in the **** transfered around to the front. [Content removed by CSN Support Team] February of 2020 I again had pain around the hernia area naturally I had flashbacks when the doc sent me for a CT Scan. Turned out my appendix was bad so a nurse wheeled me to the emergency room at the hospital. I asked if my hernia surgeon was on duty but it turned out to be another surgeon. When he came into the room I asked if he could give me the same deal as my hernia doctor. We chatted a while and while looking at my track record he said you have been but through the ringer havent you? He then said you are really relaxed for someone going in for emergency surgery. I told him, doc there aint no way you can hurt me as much as they did for throat cancer so this is nothing more then a walk in the park.

    Anyway I talked enough, I am winded time to get this day underway.

