Vague CT results

Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member

I have not been on the board much lately. I’ve been lurking, keeping up with everyone but not commenting. But now I need some help.


So its been 5 years since my first diagnosis, stage 3 In 2016. Radiation, APR surgery, and chemo.  Recurrence in left lung 2018. VATS to remove lower left lobe, chemo.

Las t week I had my 9 month scan. 


Results were vague:


Lungs are hyperinflated. There is bronchial wall thickening. There are pleural-parenchymal changes both lung apices greater on the right, chronic. There are postoperative changes involving the left lung. Linear densities extend anteriorly in the right upper lobe. These are chronic. Linear densities in the lingula chronic. There has been interval increase in groundglass nodularity in the right lower lobe. This is noted on images 173 through 191. There is slight area of tree-in-bud opacity as well. These most likely represent infectious/inflammatory changes, however follow-up is suggested. Nodule previously described Lungs are hyperinflated. There is bronchial wall thickening. There are pleural-parenchymal changes both lung apices greater on the right, chronic. There are postoperative changes involving the left lung. Linear densities extend anteriorly in the right upper lobe. These are chronic. Linear densities in the lingula chronic. There has been interval increase in groundglass nodularity in the right lower lobe. This is noted on images 173 through 191. There is slight area of tree-in-bud opacity as well. These most likely represent infectious/inflammatory changes, however follow-up is suggested. Nodule previously described on series 3 image 63 is noted on image 188 series 3 and this appears to represent an inflamed bronchus. None of these groundglass opacities measure larger than 3 mm.

There are no pleural abnormalities. Visualized osseous structures are unremarkable. The visualized portion of the upper abdomen is unremarkable. 


I have not been sick. No fever. My onc has ordered a PET. He said the CTscan is ambiguous. He says inflammation could light up on a PET too but let's do one and go from there. He said he might have me get a biopsy or at a minimum do pulmonary tests.

To say I'm scared is an understatement. Has anyone else has this ground glass opacities and how did things turn out? 




  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member
    edited March 2021 #2
    I have no idea but try not to

    I have no idea but try not to panic to bad until PET.  What is your CEA?  Is it a good marker for you?

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited March 2021 #3
    It all sounds horrific...

    and then you will find out that it's all rather normal - that is our hope. 

    I listened to my Rad Onc talking to the radioligst one time. I was scared rigid. They were talking about dark spots and all sorts of things. I was doing my best to prepare for the worst, when the phone call ended.  

    My Rad Onc looked at me and said 'Well, it all looks pretty normal'.  I about fell out of my chair. 'What about the dark spots, and the aortic aneurysm?' I spat out. 'Oh, thats all normal for a woman your age'.  

    The moral to that story is, don't read too much into it.  My motto, Hope for the best while preparing for the worst. In that order. 

    That said, I know that, no matter what you read here, you will fret until the results of the PET are in. Sadly, no amount of meditation, drink, crying, will relieve you of the stress. The best you can do is keep telling yourself all will be well. And that doesn't necessarily mean, nothing is happeneing, but that you will face your challenges as they come. 

    You will be in my thoughts and I will send good vibes your way. 

    Keep us posted on when your PET is, and the follow-up results. 


  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    Thanks so much for the

    Thanks so much for the encouraging words. I'm so lucky to have found this group.

  • myAZmountain
    myAZmountain Member Posts: 417 Member
    edited March 2021 #5

    Wonder if they realise how much anguish and stress their "musings" cause us cancer patients. I don't think I ever had a scan read by the same radiologist the same way during this whole process.Each one has a different spin on things.  I found peace of mind by going to a lung surgeon that focused primarily on lung cancer, and he was pretty confident in recognizing malignant nodules from all the other opacities, thickenings, nodularities ets. I htink the most important thing is to look at the entirety of your scans in chrono order and note any consistent changes--my understanding is that adenocarcinoma mets to lungs do not grow rapidly so there should be a "history" and a pattern--just my 2 cents.  Pray your PET is good!

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    I can't recall all the stuff

    I can't recall all the stuff they said about my lungs, but it was disturbing to read, then they say it's no big deal. They'd be scary describing a Monet painting with their terminology. So stay in the moment, one day at a time, and hold to a good thought.  it was nothing in my lungs even the times they were acting most worried, with biopsies, scans and needle aspirations....................................................Dave  

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    The wording of the reports and scans often puts us through a wringer.  After a particularly anxiety provoking CT scan, I simply have stopped reading them and wait until I visit the doctor to get his interpretation of it.  It has reduced my anxiety greatly.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Sorry, but I'm not sure what that would mean.  Can totally understand your anxiousness about the situation so it is a good thing that they are doing a PET scan to determine a little further.  Wishing you the best.


  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited March 2021 #9

    I can't recall all the stuff

    I can't recall all the stuff they said about my lungs, but it was disturbing to read, then they say it's no big deal. They'd be scary describing a Monet painting with their terminology. So stay in the moment, one day at a time, and hold to a good thought.  it was nothing in my lungs even the times they were acting most worried, with biopsies, scans and needle aspirations....................................................Dave  


    The first time they found a nodule in my lower left lung and I did not do a biopsy, I went right to surgery. The idea of a biopsy scares me more than surgery. I feel like whenever they biopsy something,it causes it to grow. My mother had breast cancer. Five years layer it came back in her liver. They biopsied it and 1 month later she was gone. I realize that was some time ago but it still scares me. Also... I'm a baby and i think it will hurt.



  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    I Am Not A Doctor

    But I have read all my reports (PET/MRI/CT).  I am used to how reports are  written at where I go.  But I have also had reports prepared on the same scans by another place in connection with a drug trial.  The reporting style from both places are different than your report, so I could be off in reading it.  And once again, I am not a doctor nor am I qualified to offer medical advice as a doctor.   As an aside, I also think you double typed certain portions of your report?  

    That being said where the term chronic is used, it appears to be an exisiting conditions.  A lot of it seems to discuss things that could happen from a previous severe infection (penumonia?), smoking, areas that get inflamed/infected, history of bronchitis, allergies. And a lot of what is written is in line with that.  "Nodule previously described on series 3 image 63 is noted on image 188 series 3 and this appears to represent an inflamed bronchus"  And this " There has been interval increase in groundglass nodularity in the right lower lobe. This is noted on images 173 through 191. There is slight area of tree-in-bud opacity as well. These most likely represent infectious/inflammatory changes,"  I am not sure if there is a scale on your reports, but "most likely" probably has a percentage attached to it.  "Probably" on my reports means about 75%.  Also there is these good points "There are no pleural abnormalities. Visualized osseous structures are unremarkable. The visualized portion of the upper abdomen is unremarkable. "

    In light of our situation of being cancer patients, if there is any question, there is going to be a suggestion of a follow-up/further test.  I am not saying it is not something, I do not want to somehow make you think everything is fine then there is a let-down.  But keep your fingers crossed (and even the PET scan may be off as they mentioned.)  Also note that none of these are over 3mm.  That is pretty small, so if it happens to be cancer, you are fine.  You have time to figure out a course of action.  I would ask for a another CT scan in 3 months to see what changed, if anything, then take it from there. (I have gotten pretty good with waiting and seeing over the last four years to determine course of actions.  6 years ago probably not so much ;) )

    Remember, no exercise 24 hours before the PET scan, so stay out of the kayak for a day ;)  

    Hoping for good news for you soon.


  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    NewHere said:

    I Am Not A Doctor

    But I have read all my reports (PET/MRI/CT).  I am used to how reports are  written at where I go.  But I have also had reports prepared on the same scans by another place in connection with a drug trial.  The reporting style from both places are different than your report, so I could be off in reading it.  And once again, I am not a doctor nor am I qualified to offer medical advice as a doctor.   As an aside, I also think you double typed certain portions of your report?  

    That being said where the term chronic is used, it appears to be an exisiting conditions.  A lot of it seems to discuss things that could happen from a previous severe infection (penumonia?), smoking, areas that get inflamed/infected, history of bronchitis, allergies. And a lot of what is written is in line with that.  "Nodule previously described on series 3 image 63 is noted on image 188 series 3 and this appears to represent an inflamed bronchus"  And this " There has been interval increase in groundglass nodularity in the right lower lobe. This is noted on images 173 through 191. There is slight area of tree-in-bud opacity as well. These most likely represent infectious/inflammatory changes,"  I am not sure if there is a scale on your reports, but "most likely" probably has a percentage attached to it.  "Probably" on my reports means about 75%.  Also there is these good points "There are no pleural abnormalities. Visualized osseous structures are unremarkable. The visualized portion of the upper abdomen is unremarkable. "

    In light of our situation of being cancer patients, if there is any question, there is going to be a suggestion of a follow-up/further test.  I am not saying it is not something, I do not want to somehow make you think everything is fine then there is a let-down.  But keep your fingers crossed (and even the PET scan may be off as they mentioned.)  Also note that none of these are over 3mm.  That is pretty small, so if it happens to be cancer, you are fine.  You have time to figure out a course of action.  I would ask for a another CT scan in 3 months to see what changed, if anything, then take it from there. (I have gotten pretty good with waiting and seeing over the last four years to determine course of actions.  6 years ago probably not so much ;) )

    Remember, no exercise 24 hours before the PET scan, so stay out of the kayak for a day ;)  

    Hoping for good news for you soon.


    You are so right. I have had

    You are so right. I have had many ct scans that have said stuff about "chromix" areas. I had pneumonia years ago. I was a smoker about 30 years ago and I've had chronic bronchitis.

    I am keeping positive. i feel like I most likely have asthma that is aggrevated by allergies. 
    this past week was spring break for my grandkids (1 boy, 1 girl). I got to have them, one at a time, to spend a couple nights with was wonderful and really perked me up!

    Again, thanks all for the encouragement, You all have my ❤️


  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited April 2021 #12
    All Clear!

    All Clear!

    Whatever was there was completely gone!  Oncologist said it must have been an inflammation. No more ground glass opacities. No more tree in bud. 

    I broke down when I got the results. It's crazy the great fear this disease can cause. Now I'm back on 6 month intervals.

    Thanks for all your support, k




  • myAZmountain
    myAZmountain Member Posts: 417 Member
    edited April 2021 #13
    Kazenmax said:

    All Clear!

    All Clear!

    Whatever was there was completely gone!  Oncologist said it must have been an inflammation. No more ground glass opacities. No more tree in bud. 

    I broke down when I got the results. It's crazy the great fear this disease can cause. Now I'm back on 6 month intervals.

    Thanks for all your support, k




    Thats Fantastic!!

    So delighted to hear you got the all clear --wow what a sigh of relief! 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited April 2021 #14
    Kazenmax said:

    All Clear!

    All Clear!

    Whatever was there was completely gone!  Oncologist said it must have been an inflammation. No more ground glass opacities. No more tree in bud. 

    I broke down when I got the results. It's crazy the great fear this disease can cause. Now I'm back on 6 month intervals.

    Thanks for all your support, k




    So happy for you.

    I think your good news, deserves our little man. 

    image  HAPPY DAY!


  • DanNH
    DanNH Member Posts: 186 Member
    edited April 2021 #15
    A sigh of relief!

    So glad you got good news! You are right about the suspense of getting results. My stomach is in knots every time I read a new report...

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    edited April 2021 #16
    Kazenmax said:

    All Clear!

    All Clear!

    Whatever was there was completely gone!  Oncologist said it must have been an inflammation. No more ground glass opacities. No more tree in bud. 

    I broke down when I got the results. It's crazy the great fear this disease can cause. Now I'm back on 6 month intervals.

    Thanks for all your support, k




    Awesome Kazenmax

    That is great news.  It is warming up.  Time to kayak :)

  • suzycruise76
    suzycruise76 Member Posts: 163 Member
    edited April 2021 #17

    Kazenmax, so for this summer it's going to be a kayak, and later maybe your dream cruise!Wink

    All the best,


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    Kazenmax said:

    All Clear!

    All Clear!

    Whatever was there was completely gone!  Oncologist said it must have been an inflammation. No more ground glass opacities. No more tree in bud. 

    I broke down when I got the results. It's crazy the great fear this disease can cause. Now I'm back on 6 month intervals.

    Thanks for all your support, k




    Great news

    Great news.  We are always walking on eggshells and waiting for another shoe to drop.  I guess that is the nature of the condition.  It is so good to hear that the worrying was for nothing.  I hope you will find an opportunity to go out and celebrate!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited April 2021 #19
    Kazenmax said:

    All Clear!

    All Clear!

    Whatever was there was completely gone!  Oncologist said it must have been an inflammation. No more ground glass opacities. No more tree in bud. 

    I broke down when I got the results. It's crazy the great fear this disease can cause. Now I'm back on 6 month intervals.

    Thanks for all your support, k





    That is wonderful news.  Time to celebate and just take a deep breath and start living life again.  Can't blame you for being so scared and having all these emotions.  It's a scary time.  So glad that you shared the good news.
