Radiation Hack 3 of 3 - Mitigating Dry Mouth & Throat

BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member

[P=L tonsil, S= 2 nodes in lymph.  TORS with MRND.  4 of 5 negative margins, + on deep margin.  This was followed up by 7 Cisplatin chemos and 33 bilateral rads 60/54g]

I have to come clean here ... I think I was pretty fortunate.  During my radiation I never lost my saliva.  And I even maintained *some* taste; I could taste chocolate on my tongue, I could taste (faintly) a canned peach, I could tast ginger ale.  So it is very possible that this hack may not be as effective for you as it has been for me as I understand that most folks deal with SEVERE dry mouth and throat and lose their saliva 100%.  

One of the problems I experienced during and now after rads was that, at night, my mouth would open on its own and cause me to breathe orally.  This, of course, hastened the dryness and *really* caused my throat to hurt and be sensitive.  

So, I finally decided enough of that tomfoolery!  I reached over, grabbed my surgical tape (stuffI use to keep my Gtube secured), pulled off a piece (My roll came perforated every 2") and slapped that bad boy over my pie hole.  I could still use a straw, I could pull it off and re-attach until it lost its adhesive, I could even mumble some words if needed.  But most importantly, I kept my trap SHUT all night long.  This, combined with Radiation Hack #2 (Qtips + water for snout) and I was able to avoid that horrible mouth dryness upon waking that so many of us experience(d).  

Word to the wise, since this is a predominantly male audience... DO NOT get any ideas here.  This hack WILL NOT end well when trying to deploy it on a talkative spouse.  You know, that adorable woman that has been helping you through this icky journey these past 5, 8, 10 weeks?  Yeah, her.  :)

I wish you well in your treatmetns and recovery.

Don (Beagledad)Mouth Tape



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Great Tip And

    So simple I did not think of it. At times my nose is stopped up a bit and at night I am tending to breathe through my mouth as you did so I will give this a shot and easy and cheap-Take care-God Bless-Russ