Mouth and Tongue Sores

Remington25 Member Posts: 93 Member

Hi Everyone - I completed my chemo and radiation trial on 1/8.  By Saturday morning I developed sores on my tongue and they start near the tip and go all the way to the back of my tongue. I tried magic mouthwash this morning and it caused the pain to INCREASE significantly.  It almost brought me to my knees.  I've searched the forum but has anyone had canker like sores on their tongue and found relief? The salt water and baking soda mix gives me some relief but as soon as I drink anything they explode in pain again.  Water really makes them burn too.  If anyone has a tip, product, prescription they used with success please let me know.  I haven't been able to Talk for 2+ days from the tongue pain. 

I sent my doctor an email this morning but thought I could ask about any remedies you all suggest. Thank you!


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited January 2021 #2

    I used the baking soda/salt mixture SEVERAL times a day (10-12?) - and it seemed to help, if I kept up with it.

    I also recall that drinking lukewarm water worked much better than cold for a while.

    I realize your situation is likely different from mine - but I offer it up, anyway.

    For the record, I don't recall the mouth pain, weird bumps etc. lasted very long, after treatment. It seemed to heal up fairly quickly.

    I hope you find relief, and get back to normal as soon as possible. Hang in there!


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    edited January 2021 #3
    Agree with MG


    I agree with MG, I too used the Baking Soda and Salt solution often each day. I couldn't tell you the number of times I would take a sip of it, rinse, gargle and spit to take the edge off of the discomfort. I kept a empty soda bottle of the solution with me at all times along with a water bottle as well. Both of these were at room temperatures. I ate and drank everything at room temperature since the shock of hot or cold brought tears to my eyes. I was also given Nuerontin/ Gabapentin to take the edge off of the discomfort as well. 

    My Radiation Oncologist warned me that the Radiation can effect us for roughly 1 year so there may be some pop up sores down the road. He was right since I had some suddenly pop up around the 8 month mark out of treatment. They healed within a week, of course I went back to the Baking Soda and Salt solution to help as well. Also, you are in what is known as the "Cooking Stage" where we feel the full effects of our treatments for almost the same amount of time we actually had treatments. 

    Fatigue may be an issue for you as well for a month or two. Listen to your body, when you are tired, rest. If you have energy, try not to over do it for a little while. I often had one good day and over do it to only have 2 fatigued days afterwards. Don't measure recovery in days, but in weeks and you won't get disappointed.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • OhNoItsMe
    OhNoItsMe Member Posts: 23 Member
    Lidocaine gel

    Get your dr to prescribe lidocaine gel if you don't already have it. Then get some sponge applicators on a stick.  i Had to put that on every couple hours especially while trying to sleep. 

  • Remington25
    Remington25 Member Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you everyone! Doc says

    Thank you everyone! Doc says thrush and prescribed me an antibiotic and steroid. Hoping that works!

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 125 Member
    edited January 2021 #6

    Thank you everyone! Doc says

    Thank you everyone! Doc says thrush and prescribed me an antibiotic and steroid. Hoping that works!

    Good you saw doctor

    My husband suffered from mouth sores after radiation.  It was described as "mucosal outbreak" and then as fungal infection.  They prescribed fluconazole and nystatin.  One sore was hard to heal and caused persistent problems.  At this point, he is 3 years out and just had a good CT scan  It took awhile for his tongue to be free of sores and lesions, but with doctor's close monitoring his tongue looks and feels pretty good.  I hope your case clears up faster than his did...but in any case, it will clear up.  The  surgeon or the oncology dentist  checks him out regularly,

  • Remington25
    Remington25 Member Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you everyone for the

    Thank you everyone for the advice.  This site has been a Godsend to someone that is an analyzer.  I need real world experiences and can't thank you all enough for replying.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited January 2021 #8

    Thank you everyone for the

    Thank you everyone for the advice.  This site has been a Godsend to someone that is an analyzer.  I need real world experiences and can't thank you all enough for replying.

    You Are

    Very Welcome. Folks on here have gone through the tough treatment, side effects, and after effects and we are just trying to help others have it a little easier and more predictable. Take Care-God Bless

  • FVR58
    FVR58 Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2021 #9

    Good you saw doctor

    My husband suffered from mouth sores after radiation.  It was described as "mucosal outbreak" and then as fungal infection.  They prescribed fluconazole and nystatin.  One sore was hard to heal and caused persistent problems.  At this point, he is 3 years out and just had a good CT scan  It took awhile for his tongue to be free of sores and lesions, but with doctor's close monitoring his tongue looks and feels pretty good.  I hope your case clears up faster than his did...but in any case, it will clear up.  The  surgeon or the oncology dentist  checks him out regularly,

    Mouth sores

    I am experiencing a mouth sore for over a month. I am rinsing with baking soda and salt, using MuGard and using Magic Mouthwash. It's frustrating. 

  • Wildman
    Wildman Member Posts: 18

    Yes I had the tongue sores running down both sides of my tongue was seriously painful for about 3 to 4 weeks and started getting better. I used the saltwater and baking soda mix to help.

    good luck my friend

  • Kimmy Poo
    Kimmy Poo Member Posts: 32 Member
    Thrush due to nebulizer drugs used for lung cancer

    I keep getting thrush in my mouth from my medication. I like to keep hydrogen peroxide in my mouth until it explodes in your mouth and you spit it out. I also use Clotrimazol lozenges and that seems to clear it up. I didn't like other mouth washes so just use the peroxide. Maybe this will help you as well? I hope so!