New to forum - mother has Non-Hodgkin

Hello all I have been looking for a place to talk to people concerning my mom and her cancer diagnosis. 

About 5 years ago my mom was treated for Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. I believe she had R-CHOP, but not sure. She was fine for a while until this time last year when she had to get the treatment again. This past Sunday I had to call an ambulance for her as she was weak, extremely tired, and very confused. She is 74 and is still in the hospital. Yesterday she ran a fever, but that went down with medication. They have been doing all sorts of test, but there is no clear answer yet as to what happened to her. They are looking at either a mini-stroke or something new with her lymphoma. 

This has been incredibly difficult as I can't visit her because of COVID, but also she is a pretty secretive lady. I only found out she had lymphoma this year by accident. She is the type where she doesn't want people to worry about her so she thinks she is doing everyone a favor by telling everyone she is okay.

So know I am still waiting on an official diagnosis and just very scared and overwhelmed. Nurses, social workers, and palliative care people have been throwing words around like inpatient physical therapy, end of life procedures, and all types of paperwork things. COVID is making everything so much more difficult. The anxiety and anticipation is so hard. I don't know if I have to prepare to help her with another round of cancer treatments or get her affairs in order. It is like a rollercoaster with no clear communication from the doctors. She had an MRI yesterday so I am hoping thwill finally provide more info. 

I don't know if I really have a question to ask, I'm just really scared and not ready to lose her. 


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    So sorry to hear this

    At this point, it sounds overly simplistic, but just love her. From near or far. Live in the happy times, the joy you felt being with her.  How much poorer would you be had you never known her. Things like that. Certainly you can call into her room?