biopsy for reoccurrence - what to consider

Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member

Hi All,


I had gone thru this journey in 2012 and had found this group extremely friendly - could not have done without all the information and support. 


I have sores in mouth that are not going away from almost 3 weeks so need a biopsy. 


I had toungue cancer on right hand side and I had 30 radiation treatments.  I am concerned about biospy as becuase of radiation healing power is less in mouth. 


I will also read thru other post but would really like to hear from someone who got biopsy done after radiation.




  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    First Thing

    We always say on here "it is not cancer till they say it's cancer" so don't figure you have cancer because there are many reasons for mouth sores. Easier to say than do I know very well anything around our head and neck being sore or just not feeling right our mind goes to the thought of cancer again. I had throat cancer around the time you had your cancer in late 2012 and treated starting in 2013. Radiation 35 treatments and chemo. About 2017 I had a sore spot on the left side of the tongue and it was biopsied and determined to be cancer and was removed with clear margins. Then about 1 1/2 years later I had a sore neck left side and was biopsied and determined I had lymph node cancer with a non encapsulated lymph node (spread beyond the node). I was operated on and had the cancer removed and had 30 follow up rads. Then just recently on a routine visit with my ENT he noticed a wort near my left tonsil more less above it and said just to be safe biopsy it. It was biopsied and came back, negative-Thank God. So since my first cancer I have had 2 biopsies in my mouth and one outside the mouth for the lymph node. Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    First Thing

    We always say on here "it is not cancer till they say it's cancer" so don't figure you have cancer because there are many reasons for mouth sores. Easier to say than do I know very well anything around our head and neck being sore or just not feeling right our mind goes to the thought of cancer again. I had throat cancer around the time you had your cancer in late 2012 and treated starting in 2013. Radiation 35 treatments and chemo. About 2017 I had a sore spot on the left side of the tongue and it was biopsied and determined to be cancer and was removed with clear margins. Then about 1 1/2 years later I had a sore neck left side and was biopsied and determined I had lymph node cancer with a non encapsulated lymph node (spread beyond the node). I was operated on and had the cancer removed and had 30 follow up rads. Then just recently on a routine visit with my ENT he noticed a wort near my left tonsil more less above it and said just to be safe biopsy it. It was biopsied and came back, negative-Thank God. So since my first cancer I have had 2 biopsies in my mouth and one outside the mouth for the lymph node. Take Care-God Bless-Russ

    Thanks So much for replying. 

    Thanks So much for replying.  Since we had the radiation earlier, our healing is slower in the mouth and throat area. That did not pose any problem after biopsy? And you are right it is not cancer unless it is named so with biopsy :) But I am having much tougher time emotionaly this time then I had the first time around 10 years ago. 

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 121 Member
    Biopsy after Radiation

    Dear Sam999.  My husband had two biopsies since tongue surgery (2016) and more surgery, chemo, and radiation (2018), but also two CO2 laser ablations to deal with new lesions  ("sores") that developed near site of original cancer.  The biopsy for the first sore showed severe dysplasia/cancer in-situ, and the second sore, about a year later, showed lesser dysplasia.  Given my husband's history, the surgeon advised another laser ablation to halt further growth.  The biopsies caused no issues.  The healing from the ablations did take a while in both cases, but his tongue healed and his last CT scan was good.  His tongue actually looks better than it has in a while.  I sincerely hope your sores don't require treatment, but you do need a biopsy.  If my husband's experience is standard, the biopsy won't cause any problems for you.   

  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    edited January 2021 #5

    Biopsy after Radiation

    Dear Sam999.  My husband had two biopsies since tongue surgery (2016) and more surgery, chemo, and radiation (2018), but also two CO2 laser ablations to deal with new lesions  ("sores") that developed near site of original cancer.  The biopsy for the first sore showed severe dysplasia/cancer in-situ, and the second sore, about a year later, showed lesser dysplasia.  Given my husband's history, the surgeon advised another laser ablation to halt further growth.  The biopsies caused no issues.  The healing from the ablations did take a while in both cases, but his tongue healed and his last CT scan was good.  His tongue actually looks better than it has in a while.  I sincerely hope your sores don't require treatment, but you do need a biopsy.  If my husband's experience is standard, the biopsy won't cause any problems for you.   

    Thanks so much. This really

    Thanks so much. This really helps my anxiety. I will update this post when I have the visit with my oncologist. In your husband's case, did the sore that required biopsy heal at all? In my case sore keeps coming at the same surgery spot from original cancer, but then it heals on its own. What bothers me is that it is always the same spot of original surgery. 

    I had met with oncologist two months back on the same issue and he did not want to do biopsy.  But this time I am going to insists they do biopsy and possibly CT scan.




  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited January 2021 #6
    Sam I Would Agree

    With your plan going forward. I would think they would be wanting a biopsy especially since it is in the same spot/area. I feel once you have cancer you have to be overly cautious and pro-active so that if there is a recurrence or new cancer it is found and dealt with as soon as possible and as small as possible. Especially the head & neck area because there is so much function in this area that can affect our quality of life. After 5 years out of treatment, I felt pretty comfortable but that's when the tongue cancer occurred. Again prayers your way and wishing you the best-Take care-God Bless-Russ

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 121 Member
    edited January 2021 #7
    Sam999 said:

    Thanks so much. This really

    Thanks so much. This really helps my anxiety. I will update this post when I have the visit with my oncologist. In your husband's case, did the sore that required biopsy heal at all? In my case sore keeps coming at the same surgery spot from original cancer, but then it heals on its own. What bothers me is that it is always the same spot of original surgery. 

    I had met with oncologist two months back on the same issue and he did not want to do biopsy.  But this time I am going to insists they do biopsy and possibly CT scan.




    Husband's sores were also

    Husband's sores were also close to site of first surgery.  They did not heal on their own.  He had the laser ablations to deal with them.  Doctor assured him the first sore, which had become cancer in-situ, was A "new" cancer, not recurrence of the first.  It was not invasive, and the ablation got rid of it, though healing took awhile.  In his case, leukoplakia is a big factor, and the lesions may recur.  He says his tongue feels "weird," but it has managed to heal and does not hurt.   I know It's hard, but try to relax.  It could be a lot of things. 


  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    edited January 2021 #8

    Husband's sores were also

    Husband's sores were also close to site of first surgery.  They did not heal on their own.  He had the laser ablations to deal with them.  Doctor assured him the first sore, which had become cancer in-situ, was A "new" cancer, not recurrence of the first.  It was not invasive, and the ablation got rid of it, though healing took awhile.  In his case, leukoplakia is a big factor, and the lesions may recur.  He says his tongue feels "weird," but it has managed to heal and does not hurt.   I know It's hard, but try to relax.  It could be a lot of things. 


    ok thanks so much for the

    ok thanks so much for the info. Will update once my appt is done. 

  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    edited January 2021 #9
    wbcgaruss said:

    Sam I Would Agree

    With your plan going forward. I would think they would be wanting a biopsy especially since it is in the same spot/area. I feel once you have cancer you have to be overly cautious and pro-active so that if there is a recurrence or new cancer it is found and dealt with as soon as possible and as small as possible. Especially the head & neck area because there is so much function in this area that can affect our quality of life. After 5 years out of treatment, I felt pretty comfortable but that's when the tongue cancer occurred. Again prayers your way and wishing you the best-Take care-God Bless-Russ

    yes agree. Earlier detection

    yes agree. Earlier detection is our best chance. Will update after my appt. 

  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    All Clear!

    Hi All,

    I saw the oncologist yesterday and he said my sore is definately  NOT cancer. Anything that heals on its own is not cancer. I still worry why it keeps coming back and also at the same spot as original cancer but he said not to worry at all! I am hoping the docs are correct. He said there is absolutely no need for biopsy either.

    I have to work with other regular doc to find out what is causing my flare up's - looks like either I have some deficiency or am allergic to something.


    Will post if I find anything more. As always rely so much on you friends for support ! 


    thanks All,


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited January 2021 #11
    Well Sam

    You got the best news of all, no cancer. Can't ask for any more than that. Fantastic-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    edited April 2021 #12
    it is cancer

    So the sore did not go away and finally we did biopsy and it is cancer. I created another thread on this so that someone else searching later on will also see it. 

    I dont know know how far it has spread as it has been going for 3 minths. I went to two oncologist and they both thought biopsy was not needed at the time.

    Biopsy healed fairly quickly.


    Anyone who sees these messages are wondering to get biospy or not  -- please do ASAP. It heals pretty quickly.