The great run has hit a road block

Twinzma Member Posts: 236 Member

I can't believe I haven't been here in so long, well I have checking in....but just not posting. I found a great support group for caretakers and am very active there. It's been 37 months hard to believe that he has been fighting like a trooper. As of my last update, his meds did not change he was doing very well and responding so darn well we really were so darn close! CEA even down to the highest it hit 1,300. Back almost 2 years ago he had the y-90 and they said that a bead traveled leaving multiple burns in his stomach. He still has so much ulcer pain that they took him off of everything to do an EDG. It couldn't be completed at he was "rushed" to the ER via ambulance to the hospital in the same parking lot. (seriously I could have wheeled him there quicker than the darn ambulance took to get there). Anywhoo, the next day he had surgery.

Since that EDG he hasn't been right, diareaha more cramping and blood. So they scheduled him for another and a colonoscopy. Needless to say, his "roadblock" his a partial bowel obstruction. Monday he starts Radiation and we we[ll see yet another surgeon. Meanwhile we or should I say I am ticked. They are now saying the treatment his hurting his stomach....NO the treatment was started after the complications. I feel like I am talking to brick walls. 

We shall see how radiation goes it's just for 5 days and at least this time we don't have to worry about the kids or animals going around him while he is glowing. 


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited January 2021 #2

    What a ride - and I'm not talking about the amblance ride, whose bill I would be contesting.  

    I am sure you are feeling like it is two steps back, one step forward.  

    It is good that you have found a forum for caregivers and that it is helping you.  And thank you for the update. 

    Stay strong. 


  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    I was just thinking about you!

    I am so sorry to hear this, it must have been very scary. I hope that the radiation helps and he is back on the road to recovery soon. I hope you are feeling well also!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited January 2021 #4

    Hope you get some good answers from the surgeon and the radiation does it's work.  I'm sorry that he is going through so much.  Thank you for the update and hope he gets some relief soon.


  • Selinwine
    Selinwine Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2021 #5
    You have had a quite

    You have had a quite challenging path! I am very happy for everyone you made it through so well!

  • CobeFelon
    CobeFelon Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2021 #6
    I am terribly sorry for all of this

    I am terribly sorry that you had gone through all of this. My grandmother had breast cancer, and she has been operated almost 10 years ago, The operation was complicated, and the hospital called an air ambulance  (content removed by CSN moderators) that brought a doctor from another city. Now that I talk about this I make goosebumps. Thanks God everything is in the past, I just really hope that everyone who has this horrible illness one day will be healthy again!