Don's AMAZING Chicken Broth Recipe

BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member

Don's AMAZING Chicken Broth Recipe.

After my TORS surgery I could not eat - and am just now able to swallow soft foods like pudding.  This broth provided TASTE and very healthy nutrients.  I look forward to when I can enjoy the veggies and meat that are byproducts of making it.  Soon, I hope!  I hope you will find this taste sensation to be useful during your recovery.

Sounds boring you say? BROTH? Wait till you make it and try it ... you can use broth rather than water to make instant mashed potatoes, instant rice, even in sautéed recipes.

Buy 1 or 2 already hot and fresh rotisserie chickens from your favorite store; ours is Walmart. Cleave as much meat off the bones as you like. Eat the meat or store it for later, it can even be frozen.
Do not take the meat from the wings.
Be generous with the amount of meat you leave on the carcass.
Drop the rest in the crock pot.
Use cheesecloth and wrap up a quartered-chopped onion, some sliced carrots, several cloves of fresh garlic, and some celery. Secure these vegetables and drop into crock pot.
Fill to line with water. Add salt. I use about 4 tablespoons.
Place on slow and let cook for 36-40 hours. Yes, that was hours.
When done, pull veggies out place in container. Wring broth from cheesecloth and throw cheesecloth away.
Use fine strainer and strain remaining broth and place in mason jars.
Pick through meat/bone remnants to remove all bone parts. Throw them and fat strands away.
This will yield almost a pound of soft and flavorful chicken meat.
This will give you a container of very flavorful vegetables, and same of chicken meat and 6-8 (depending upon size; we use medium) jars of broth.
Place all in refrigerator.
Then get creative with how you utilize the 3.
Try drinking the broth straight after heating up. The sheer flavor with the rich texture and healthy fats and proteins will coat your throat and be a taste sensation all by itself.
The veggies can be mixed with potatoes, an omelet, eaten as stand alone, whatever you like. The slow cooked meat can be added to anything or eaten alone as well.
I like to use the broth to make instant mashed potatoes, sauté the meat and veggies together and mix in with the taters and make a great easy to eat meal. The options are endless.
And each one is delicious to your taste.
It ALL starts with the broth.

Don (Beagledad)


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,345 Member
    edited December 2020 #2
    Thanks For The Recipe

    It should be a very rich broth.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 482 Member
    edited December 2020 #3

    When I read this, I had to grin. For a while after treatment, all I could eat was eggs over easy. But, the next food after that was chicken broth, from the little buffet they had in the motel I was staying at! I'd skim broth off the top, and it tasted good; I'd eat 3 or 4 bowls of it.

    (If I got so much as a small piece of chicken, at that time though - I would gag immediately. I just couldn't handle it,yet!)

    I'm 17 months out of treatment, and I ate fish n chips for lunch today. In fact, the serving was so big, I put it in the fridge on the construction site, and I'll eat the rest for dinner...

    For those of you getting treatment - the loss of taste thing can be VERY challenging for a while. But - hang in there - it will come back!!

    I hope all of you are having the best possible Holiday Season. Please be SAFE out there!!



  • The Cincinnati Kid
    The Cincinnati Kid Member Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2020 #4
    We should make this the

    We should make this the awesome recipies thread. I've got a few but i'll wait until treatment starts to see how they roll. If they are good. i'll post here.