Pain after Core Biopsy

I had a core Biopsy done Tuesday on a periaruricular lesion abutting the underlying lymph node. It took well the doctors over an hour but he got a few core biopsy samples and sent it out for flow cytometry.  It was a solid lesion, not a cyst as he first thought. I forgot to ask him about paim as it was numbed for the procedure. Since the numbness has wore off I've been in constant pain. Motrin and Tylenol dont help and It keeps bleeding. Is this normal after a core biopsy?  How long did it take for your pain to subside After a core needle biopsy? 


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited November 2020 #2
    You Know I Don't

    Exactly remember but maybe a couple or three days it may have been sore. I don't recall taking pain meds and no excessive bleeding. BUT from your description of the biopsy, it sounds like the doc was doing a lot of extra probing and moving around to make sure he got a good biopsy and maybe reinserting the needle. Correct me if I am wrong, please. But if that was the case it could explain why the extra problems of pain and Bleeding. If it is bleeding a good bit and the pain won't let up I would call the office. And a lot of these docs are in a group and have someone on call 24 hours. Take care-God Bless-Russ

  • AC1179
    AC1179 Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2020 #3
    wbcgaruss said:

    You Know I Don't

    Exactly remember but maybe a couple or three days it may have been sore. I don't recall taking pain meds and no excessive bleeding. BUT from your description of the biopsy, it sounds like the doc was doing a lot of extra probing and moving around to make sure he got a good biopsy and maybe reinserting the needle. Correct me if I am wrong, please. But if that was the case it could explain why the extra problems of pain and Bleeding. If it is bleeding a good bit and the pain won't let up I would call the office. And a lot of these docs are in a group and have someone on call 24 hours. Take care-God Bless-Russ

    He did seem to do a lot of

    He did seem to do a lot of extra. It wasn't just the initial core. He kept going deeper because he thought it was a cyst but he couldn't find any fluid at all. He said in a clinical setting he wouldn't want to remove anymore because of facial nerves.  Thankfully my husband is in charge of most of Thanksgiving dinner. I made pies through the pain last night and have to make cranberry sauce but other than that I am taking it easy today!  i am allergic to most pain meds so other than Tylenol/Motrin there isn't much they can do for me. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Russ!  You have been very kind with your replies and support/info --- for that I am thankful!!'