Outpatient nephrectomy?

Sheila Mc
Sheila Mc Member Posts: 20

Good morning, I have asked several questions in this forum and received clear and concise answers which I appreciate. I am seeing my surgeon this week for an upcoming nephrectomy.  This will be a robotic procedure. 

He is going to attempt a partial, but because I have had two ablations with resulting scar tissue, he doesn't know if it will be possible; he may need to remove the entire kidney.


My question, who has had this procedure and how long was your hospital stay. Has anyone had this as an outpatient procedure? 
Thanks in advance


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited October 2020 #2
    A nephrectomy is major surgery

    Ine or two days in the hospital, And then a week at home in the couch.






  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    edited October 2020 #3
    I had a robotic partial in

    I had a robotic partial in mid-2016.  I checked in at noon the day of the surgery.  The operation was from 3 to about 6PM.  I was in my room at about 7PM, woken up by my niece screaming in my ear.  i was released the next day at 1:30PM, so 25-1/2 hours in the hospital.

    I've never heard of the partial being done as an outpatient, although, because the robotic equipment was housed there, my operation was done in the outpatient surgery clinic.  With me, they wanted to be sure I could urinate (because of the damn catheter) and that any pain was under control (I had very little).

  • Biner
    Biner Member Posts: 137 Member
    edited October 2020 #4
    I did partial next day

    I did partial next day realized home

  • misterace
    misterace Member Posts: 37 Member
    edited October 2020 #5
    My hospital stay was 6 days

    Not to alarm you, but this was my experience. 

    Because of my health (thin, athletic, good labs) and  age at the time of surgery (33), they told me I should be "in and out" with only a one night stay.

    It didn't work out that way. Since my partial was very difficult, I lost a lot of blood and had to stay for 6 days with lots of pain. Recovery was also rough, as I had to sleep on a recliner for 5 weeks. 

    I am only telling you this in the off chance that you get "unlucky" like me and need an extended stay - don't be alarmed, it happens. Since everyone told me it would be 1-2 days tops, I had gone in with certain expectations, and got very scared when it didn't work out the way I had anticipated. 

    My only advice is to take your "Pre-hab" seriously. Make sure you are staying positive and calm as you get to the surgery date, and that you are going on walks and moving around. I was a nervous stationary wreck for the 4 weeks leading up to my surgery and I think it really took its toll on me and that may be why I needed such a long stay.

    Again, not to be alarmist, but I wish someone that had a long stay shared their story with me becuase it scared me a lot.

    Sending you love and positivity.


  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    edited October 2020 #6
    only one night for me-

    My neph (radical robotic laparoscopic) was just one night in the hospital. 


  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member
    edited October 2020 #7
    misterace said:

    My hospital stay was 6 days

    Not to alarm you, but this was my experience. 

    Because of my health (thin, athletic, good labs) and  age at the time of surgery (33), they told me I should be "in and out" with only a one night stay.

    It didn't work out that way. Since my partial was very difficult, I lost a lot of blood and had to stay for 6 days with lots of pain. Recovery was also rough, as I had to sleep on a recliner for 5 weeks. 

    I am only telling you this in the off chance that you get "unlucky" like me and need an extended stay - don't be alarmed, it happens. Since everyone told me it would be 1-2 days tops, I had gone in with certain expectations, and got very scared when it didn't work out the way I had anticipated. 

    My only advice is to take your "Pre-hab" seriously. Make sure you are staying positive and calm as you get to the surgery date, and that you are going on walks and moving around. I was a nervous stationary wreck for the 4 weeks leading up to my surgery and I think it really took its toll on me and that may be why I needed such a long stay.

    Again, not to be alarmist, but I wish someone that had a long stay shared their story with me becuase it scared me a lot.

    Sending you love and positivity.


    Hey, I was a 68-year old

    Hey, I was a 68-year old couch potato recovering from two other surgeries when I had my nephrectomy. Three consecutive surgeries in as many months.  I only stayed one night in the hospital, and was hiking (rather slowly) the next week because I knew I needed to walk. You didn't do anything to cause your post-op and recovery problems.  There's very few things anyone does to affect how their body reacts to surgery, anesthesia, and pain meds.

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Sheila Mc

    Hope it goes well for you. I'll share my experience. I had an open full nephrectomy. I ended up staying in the hospital about 5 days but i had a very large tumor and I ended up losing a lot of blood so I think that was why my stay was longer than expected. I've never heard of an outpatient nephrectomy. Good vibes and prayers headed your way. I agree with the petson who suggested being active pre surgery. Also they will get you up to walm asap try to walk as much as you are able. 

  • Sheila Mc
    Sheila Mc Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2020 #9
    icemantoo said:

    A nephrectomy is major surgery

    Ine or two days in the hospital, And then a week at home in the couch.






    Robotic nephrectomy

    thanks, I spoke to the surgeon today and he stated at least one night in the hospital, depending if he is able to perform a partial or go for a full

  • Sheila Mc
    Sheila Mc Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2020 #10

    I had a robotic partial in

    I had a robotic partial in mid-2016.  I checked in at noon the day of the surgery.  The operation was from 3 to about 6PM.  I was in my room at about 7PM, woken up by my niece screaming in my ear.  i was released the next day at 1:30PM, so 25-1/2 hours in the hospital.

    I've never heard of the partial being done as an outpatient, although, because the robotic equipment was housed there, my operation was done in the outpatient surgery clinic.  With me, they wanted to be sure I could urinate (because of the damn catheter) and that any pain was under control (I had very little).

    Thank you

    thanks, I spoke to the surgeon today and he stated at least one night in hospital

  • Sheila Mc
    Sheila Mc Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2020 #11
    misterace said:

    My hospital stay was 6 days

    Not to alarm you, but this was my experience. 

    Because of my health (thin, athletic, good labs) and  age at the time of surgery (33), they told me I should be "in and out" with only a one night stay.

    It didn't work out that way. Since my partial was very difficult, I lost a lot of blood and had to stay for 6 days with lots of pain. Recovery was also rough, as I had to sleep on a recliner for 5 weeks. 

    I am only telling you this in the off chance that you get "unlucky" like me and need an extended stay - don't be alarmed, it happens. Since everyone told me it would be 1-2 days tops, I had gone in with certain expectations, and got very scared when it didn't work out the way I had anticipated. 

    My only advice is to take your "Pre-hab" seriously. Make sure you are staying positive and calm as you get to the surgery date, and that you are going on walks and moving around. I was a nervous stationary wreck for the 4 weeks leading up to my surgery and I think it really took its toll on me and that may be why I needed such a long stay.

    Again, not to be alarmist, but I wish someone that had a long stay shared their story with me becuase it scared me a lot.

    Sending you love and positivity.


    Long stay

    thanks, I was able to ask many questions today during my visit. We discussed circumstances that would require a stay longer than one night. I have a better understanding of the procedure and what to expect. 

  • Sheila Mc
    Sheila Mc Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2020 #12
    eug91 said:

    only one night for me-

    My neph (radical robotic laparoscopic) was just one night in the hospital. 


    One night

    thanks, I am hoping the same for me 

  • Sheila Mc
    Sheila Mc Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2020 #13

    Sheila Mc

    Hope it goes well for you. I'll share my experience. I had an open full nephrectomy. I ended up staying in the hospital about 5 days but i had a very large tumor and I ended up losing a lot of blood so I think that was why my stay was longer than expected. I've never heard of an outpatient nephrectomy. Good vibes and prayers headed your way. I agree with the petson who suggested being active pre surgery. Also they will get you up to walm asap try to walk as much as you are able. 

    Thank for your response

    I am hoping for one night and a partial, but I have had two ablations in three years so I have scar tissue. My tumor is small so He is going to try to remove the tumor and surrounding scar tissue and save the rest of the kidney. If that isn't possible, he will need to remove the kidney. it is a wait and see situation, but all the responses on here helped me create a list of questions that he was happy to answer. 
    thanks again

  • Sheila Mc
    Sheila Mc Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2020 #14
    Biner said:

    I did partial next day

    I did partial next day realized home


    thanks, hoping for the same results 

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    edited October 2020 #15
    Sheila Mc said:

    Thank for your response

    I am hoping for one night and a partial, but I have had two ablations in three years so I have scar tissue. My tumor is small so He is going to try to remove the tumor and surrounding scar tissue and save the rest of the kidney. If that isn't possible, he will need to remove the kidney. it is a wait and see situation, but all the responses on here helped me create a list of questions that he was happy to answer. 
    thanks again

    Best wishes for a short,

    Best wishes for a short, boring, uneventful surgery.