Never trouble trouble...

SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

..till trouble, troubles you.


Thats what they say, right?


So, the right side of my throat, under my chin, about an inch down, is really hurting when I swallow.. anything.

I am exhausted ALL the time - I can sleep 24 hours a day, no problem, and still be exhausted.


Other little things, like food catching, coughing for no reason, just litttle things.


I promise I have NOT consulted Dr Google, I am about 3 1/2 years out. (did you know the first 2 years were the dangerous ones?) I have a follow up with my ENT next month, I am thinking of moving it up..


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited September 2020 #2

    Sounds like a good idea, so the ENT can check-out the side of your throat. Best of luck, Suz.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited September 2020 #3
    Good Idea Suz

    Move it up if at all possible. Once bitten twice shy they say. Wishing you the best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    That's Terrible

    I'm so sorry Suz for your horrible way of life.  Does your doctor explain why you're fatigued all the time?  Is there any treatment at all for it?  Surely hope things improve with you soon.  You've suffered enough.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    edited November 2020 #5

    Saw ENT - no reoccurance of BOT cancer.

    Saw Ortho (knees and hips (Im not as young as I was) - Synivisc in knee, man, I LOVE that stuff - no pain for 2 years now, it is AWESOME! (btw, options are 3 lil shots or 1 big, so I went with 1 big)

    Bloodwork - this is where it gets a bit muddy - I have 1 of 3 things - yay go me!

    Autoimmune disease of unknown ETI, Cancer as yet Unknown, Bacterial infection of unknown ETI

    This explains the totally exhaustion I have going on. - thats a side effect of all 3 - but now I get to add a Rheumatologist to my list of Drs.

    Again tho, I am Superwoman, I can beat whatever it is, and this too shall pass!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited November 2020 #6
    SuzJ said:


    Saw ENT - no reoccurance of BOT cancer.

    Saw Ortho (knees and hips (Im not as young as I was) - Synivisc in knee, man, I LOVE that stuff - no pain for 2 years now, it is AWESOME! (btw, options are 3 lil shots or 1 big, so I went with 1 big)

    Bloodwork - this is where it gets a bit muddy - I have 1 of 3 things - yay go me!

    Autoimmune disease of unknown ETI, Cancer as yet Unknown, Bacterial infection of unknown ETI

    This explains the totally exhaustion I have going on. - thats a side effect of all 3 - but now I get to add a Rheumatologist to my list of Drs.

    Again tho, I am Superwoman, I can beat whatever it is, and this too shall pass!

    Yay SuzJ I Love Your

    Attitude of "I am a Superwoman" and a positive attitude. I try to do the same but I need to get a little better. So now you have some sort of infection. I tell ya it seems when one thing is done get ready something else is coming soon. but I say enjoy the breaks in between and look ahead. Is this related in any way to cancer or your treatment? So now you added a Rheumatologist to your list of Drs. I know how you feel but sometimes the list shrinks a little when we can put an issue to rest. Hope this next thing of infection or whatever it is is easy to solve for you you need a break, don't we all.

    Wishing you the best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    edited November 2020 #7
    wbcgaruss said:

    Yay SuzJ I Love Your

    Attitude of "I am a Superwoman" and a positive attitude. I try to do the same but I need to get a little better. So now you have some sort of infection. I tell ya it seems when one thing is done get ready something else is coming soon. but I say enjoy the breaks in between and look ahead. Is this related in any way to cancer or your treatment? So now you added a Rheumatologist to your list of Drs. I know how you feel but sometimes the list shrinks a little when we can put an issue to rest. Hope this next thing of infection or whatever it is is easy to solve for you you need a break, don't we all.

    Wishing you the best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

    Isn't that the truth?

    You take care of one issue and then another shows up.  In my case it's carpal tunnel and cataracts... oh, and I get to start thyroid medication tomorrow morning.

    Best wishes to you, SuzJ, in resolving your latest issues.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    edited November 2020 #8

    Thanks everyone..

    Carpal Tunnel - voice of experience speaking here - do NOT say, "what the h***, lets get it over and done with , do them both together" - You have NO IDEA what you need 2 hands for! (weak as a newborn kitten is kinda apt)

    Luckily, I had it done when the World Cup was on, and being medicated kinda took the inevitable sting out of England losing.. again.. meds didn't help. put my head in a wierd place, but I could still feel my wrists, so I switched to Tylenol, then the pain of the World Cup hit.. oh well :)

    Doctor for more bloods on the 4th, yay, my other name is "Pincushion"

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    edited November 2020 #9
    SuzJ said:


    Thanks everyone..

    Carpal Tunnel - voice of experience speaking here - do NOT say, "what the h***, lets get it over and done with , do them both together" - You have NO IDEA what you need 2 hands for! (weak as a newborn kitten is kinda apt)

    Luckily, I had it done when the World Cup was on, and being medicated kinda took the inevitable sting out of England losing.. again.. meds didn't help. put my head in a wierd place, but I could still feel my wrists, so I switched to Tylenol, then the pain of the World Cup hit.. oh well :)

    Doctor for more bloods on the 4th, yay, my other name is "Pincushion"

    Carpal tunnel

    There was never any talk of doing both wrists done at once.  Even though the doc said CTS is usually binary and will likely appear in my other hand eventually, knowing what I know now I won't even have the right hand tested unless I start to have the same extreme symptoms as I had in my left.  I'd sure like to have a little down time from medical procedures for a while before I dive back in.