Caregiving to 2nd Spouse (1st died in2003)Caregiving and Upcoming Hospice Care

embee2020 Member Posts: 1


I stumbled across this site today...I am currently caring for my 2nd spouse who has leukemia. He will be entering hospice care soon. My first husband died in 2003 from lung cancer, leaving me to raise 2 children. The children are grown and on their own so this situation is different, but I'm finding I'm struggling with all sorts of flashbacks and reliving my first husbands death again. Anyone out there whose been through this?


  • Primavera
    Primavera Member Posts: 231 Member
    These boards are slow these days

    I just stumbled upon your post.I was just diagnosed with breast cancer and will start chemo soon and was checking out the drug I'll have that might give me leukemia down the road and problems with my heart.

    I'm sorry this is happening to you again. I can't start to imagine how you're feeling. It must be so hard to relive something so painful at the same time that something similar is happening again.

    This site is very slow lately. Almost nobody answers. I find all these heart-breaking stories and I feel so bad, so powerless, not to be able to help. I pray you can get through this.
