Perineural invasion

Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member



I just want to know if someone had a perineural invasion in their report. My dad had it and they got it out but if you look it up there is not a lot of it in the www and if it is most of the time a bad prognosis. But then I am thinking if it has a bad prognosis  because it is hard to operate to get out? 


My dad is going through chemo 3 now. He is at the beginning so he is very tired but he feels better than in March April. The reduced oxaliplatin is better for him.



  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member
    edited September 2020 #2
    When I was waiting on path

    When I was waiting on path report I researched all the poosible findings to be prepared :)  I had no evidence of it.  The papers I read about PNI is when cancer attaches to nerves and signals that way for spread.  But its common to find in CRC.

  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member

    When I was waiting on path

    When I was waiting on path report I researched all the poosible findings to be prepared :)  I had no evidence of it.  The papers I read about PNI is when cancer attaches to nerves and signals that way for spread.  But its common to find in CRC.

    Also read

    I also read that it is common in CRC and they find it more in higher stages. But there is not much on prognosis. Most say that it is a poorer prognosis. Others are more careful because higher stage correlates with more likelihood of PNI... It is scary to think that in my dads case nerves again might affect the outcome

  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member
    edited September 2020 #4
    Tueffel said:

    Also read

    I also read that it is common in CRC and they find it more in higher stages. But there is not much on prognosis. Most say that it is a poorer prognosis. Others are more careful because higher stage correlates with more likelihood of PNI... It is scary to think that in my dads case nerves again might affect the outcome

    I think its grouped with LVI,

    I think its grouped with LVI, LNs as a high risk feature.  I hope your dad is being aggressive with treatment and keeping his immune system strong.


  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member

    I think its grouped with LVI,

    I think its grouped with LVI, LNs as a high risk feature.  I hope your dad is being aggressive with treatment and keeping his immune system strong.



    His treatment approach is agressive. They dont want to operate again because of recurrence. We will try to increase his effieciency of his immune system. It will take a while but hopefully we will see an effect soon

  • DMckee01
    DMckee01 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021 #6
    Perineural Invasion from cSCC

    My husband was diagnosed with PNI from squamous cell carcinoma.  It took years to get a diagnosis, several MRIs and CT Scans.  Once they found it, it was very advanced.  We went to MDAnderson and they gave him x5 radiations to the brain and x2 chemo.  We go back in a couple weeks to find out if the treatments worked.  He had horrible headaches, stabbing face pain, numbness etc.