New Member

steph57 Member Posts: 19 Member

Hello All

I am glad to be able to be on a site that I feel comfortable with. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Rectal Cancer and I start my first round of Chemo Om Sept 2nd. I am scared but I know that in the end that I will be able to see my grandchildren grow up, never miss a birthday or graduation, ball games and school activites. My prayers to all you with cancer.




  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    look up my history and you will see thaat I was treated  10 years ago!  I have beeen NED(no evedence of disease)ever since.  May you also end up NED!!  Good Luck!!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Welcome to the forum, Steph

    It's not a forum people care to join, but it sure is helpful when you find yourself in riding the Cancer train. 

    Those first steps into treatment are rather scary. The unknown is scary.  I remember my first chemo appointment. I watched as other patients were taken 'back', and tried to imagine what was happening.  Then, it was my turn, and I found that the build up was definitely more scary.  

    The chemo nurses are all wonderful - at least, I never had one that wasn't.  Remember they are there for you when you have questions or concerns. They look busy, and they are busy, but they will stop and answer any questions that pop up. 

    Do you have a port?  I always made sure to wear a nice stretchy top, so that they could access my port easily, and that would be comfortable when hooked up.  

    Again, if you have a port; make sure they give you some lidocaine, either in gel form - which you apply about 30 minutes before hook-up, or a spray or both. It just makes access a little more comfortable.  Yeah, I'm all about comfort. 

    A blanket to keep warm, no matter how hot it is outside. 

    A good book. Food. Music. Take a nap. Its a long sit down time while you're being infused. Mine was four hours. 

    So, just a few tips. 

    Look forward to getting to know you, as you make this journey. We're all here for you. 

    Tru - Stage IV - Six years Four months No Evidence of Disease. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited August 2020 #4

    Welcome to the boards and I'm sorry that you need to be here.  We will help you get through this.  I've also had rectal cancer and went through radiation/chemo, surgery, and then chemo again.  There are so many people here that can give you help.  You sound like you have the right attitude going in, looking forward to the future and what it holds.  That will carry you far.  Wishing you the best and you will be in my prayers.


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    edited August 2020 #5
    Welcome too the forum and

    Welcome to the forum and good luck in the days ahead. This is a great site where you will find lots of help and compassion.

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    edited August 2020 #6

    Welcome.  I hope we will be able to be a resource and support network for you.

  • Horney
    Horney Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2020 #7
    Karen Horney ... leg pain

    I went through chemo and radiation in October of last year ... for correctal cancer ... two surgeries ... of course that awful bag ... and recently my legs have become so painful ... does it take that long to have side effects?

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited August 2020 #8
    Horney said:

    Karen Horney ... leg pain

    I went through chemo and radiation in October of last year ... for correctal cancer ... two surgeries ... of course that awful bag ... and recently my legs have become so painful ... does it take that long to have side effects?


    Welcome to the boards and sorry you have to be here.  Pain is something that can always pop up after, but it would be a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure that everything is still okay.  If you don't feel like something is right, schedule an appointment and see what they say.  It would be nice if you could start a new post on the board and introduce yourself.  Others would like to welcome you and know a little more about you.  Wishing you well.


  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member

    Welcome to the forum no one wanted to join! But we are here for you!

    I remember that the beginning is the hardest. You get the scary diagnosis cancer, then the stage what makes people more afraid. You dont know what will happen. How will be the chemo? How the surgeries?

    Not long ago I was in a similar situation. In Jan/Feb this year my dadsfight against colon cancer started. Some days will be easier, others harder but sometimes you will see the silver lining. Dont give up and when you are down, we are here!

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Wecome to the blog, it has

    Wecome to the blog, it has been and is useful and reassuring to talk with those walking similar paths, and for many like me, it's a place to unload and talk about stuff that you don't share anywhere else. You sound strong and resolved, and that's a good start...........................................Dave