PCa with bone met? can somebody please help/advice



  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member


    Have you seen a internist to evaluate your condition?

    Frankly you are not a doctor, and are not qualified to make a determination of your condition.

  • Frank-1964
    Frank-1964 Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited August 2020 #23
    Thanks for yout advice and

    Thanks for yout advice and yes you are right Hopeful.

    I got a referral to perform a CT scan on pelvis area from dr. yesterday. so I will take a CT as soon as possible in next week, hopefully.


  • Frank-1964
    Frank-1964 Member Posts: 18 Member
    the PSA of 28 taken 3 hours

    the PSA of 28 taken 3 hours after TRUSP, so the dr said this value is not reliable. took a new PSA yesterday and right now I've got the new value 8.8.

    I measured also CEA (1.4) and CA125 (13) but these are OK values. About GS I have not recieved any information. I have to wait for the result of histology 3. september (LONG time waiting and so much pain, so I am not sure how to manage). I dont know how fast will bone met grew, so it will depend on GS, I think.


    Following tests after 3 hours TRUSP: which seems to be normal especially CRP < 1 but PSA was 28.5


    B-Hemoglobin:14,1 B-Leukocytter:5,7 B-Nøytrofile granulocytter:4,1 B-Lymfocytter:1,1 BMonocytter:

    0,44 B-Eosinofile granulocytter:0,1 B-Basofile granulocytter:0,0 P-Ferritin:81 S-Glukose:7,3*H (4,0- 6,0) P-CRP:< 1 P-Kreatinin:71 Nyre-estimert GFR CKD-EPI Kreatinin (overfl.=1,73m2):100 S-Natrium:142 SKalium:4,5 P-Kalsium:2,40 P-ALAT:40 P-ALP:76 P-GT:14*L (15 - 115) P-Amylase, total:43 P-Albumin:47 PPSA:28,5*H (< 4,0) P-TSH:1,08 P-T4, fritt:15,3




  • Frank-1964
    Frank-1964 Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited August 2020 #25
    Update of my status: I've got

    Update of my status: I've got results from pathology yesterday (5 days earlier than planned date of 3. sept). No cancer is detcted and dr. said there are some inflammations. The MRI showed a small region in the middle with PI-RADS 4. so I have cofused. It is strange that inflammations can result in PI-RADS4 region. I've got new appointment, late september, for further examination, so I am preparing to asking a lot of questions.

    I appreciate all support and advice you have provided me in the last couple of weeks.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,717 Member


    Yes it is confusing that the two tests are and provide due results but got different conclusions. You need to consider that the MRI serves only as a predictive tool. The analyzes of biopsy cores under the microscope provide the real finding. For the moment you can only conclude that you have no cancer. However you need to continue vigilant with periodical testing (PSA) and investigate what is causing that nasty pain.

    Surely the biopsy could miss areas with cancerous cells but the urologist may have directed some needles to the critical area found by the MRI.

    Your initial comment of "I know that I have PCa" has no basis to be considered valid.

    I recommend you to request a Bone-scan in your next meeting with the doctor.



  • Frank-1964
    Frank-1964 Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited August 2020 #27


    Yes it is confusing that the two tests are and provide due results but got different conclusions. You need to consider that the MRI serves only as a predictive tool. The analyzes of biopsy cores under the microscope provide the real finding. For the moment you can only conclude that you have no cancer. However you need to continue vigilant with periodical testing (PSA) and investigate what is causing that nasty pain.

    Surely the biopsy could miss areas with cancerous cells but the urologist may have directed some needles to the critical area found by the MRI.

    Your initial comment of "I know that I have PCa" has no basis to be considered valid.

    I recommend you to request a Bone-scan in your next meeting with the doctor.



    Thank VG. Yes I will do that.

    Thank VG. Yes I will do that.

    Best wishes Frank

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    Bone scan

    Hi Frank,

    I think you might get an x ray or a CT scan, which is a posh x ray, I doubt that you will get a technetium bone scintigraphy.
    That is reserved for cases of suspected prostate cancer metastases, etc. You do not have a primary tumour at the moment so that is not justified on those grounds.
    Doctors do have some latitude in prescribing tests but they do have to justify them to management at the end of the month.
    But you might get another biopsy concentrating on the area of interest to see if they can find something.
    I would be grateful to have dodged the bullet of prostate cancer if I was in your shoes, maybe you have arthritis or something similar?
    Not nice but a breeze compared with metastatic prostate cancer!

    Best wishes,


  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    edited August 2020 #29
    I think I am now 11 yrs out

    I think I am now 11 yrs out from stage iv prostate cancer.  My cancer moved into the bladder neck area instead of heading for bone.


    I just want to share this thought, for what it is worth.  I was given a 50/50 chance of survival and I am still here.

    Most of the terms you are using- I have forgotten what most of them mean.  


    I do have a AUS800 that reminds me that I did have PC every time I pee, but I am still here.  I have been out backpacking in Colorado 2x this year for a total of 17 days in the backcountry.  Not bad for being 71.  

    Just don't give into panic, yet.  It's true some die from PC, but many don't.  


    Saying all that, you have my sympathy.  Life is just very stressful when all this begins to break on a person.


    And if you really start feeling anxious at times, xanix is a nice pill when life gets to be too much.  I didn't use them very often but there were times, especially in the followup treatments I did use xanix once in a while.  


  • Frank-1964
    Frank-1964 Member Posts: 18 Member
    Update of my status

    Hi again. just to update

    Histology results showed no PCA. However, MRI showed a suspecious region in Ramus inferior. So dr. ordered a new MRI and in addition a CT scan of pelvis on 10 sept. I know most probably that the suspecious area will be a type of bone cancer that is giving me this constant and severe pain in legs, knees, feet, arms and back. I am hoping for the best but I know that this pain that I am experincing is something very serious. unfortunately very soon, I am going to find out about it. 

    Best wishes


  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    Good luck!


    It seems that the mri will also  be directed toward the pelvis. The results hopefully will be available this week so the next step can be determined It may be that you will see any pain management doc (anesthesiologist) to manage your case. Just a wild guess from a non medical person - perhaps referred pain coming from the hip


  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    edited September 2020 #32
    Good luck!


    It seems that the mri will also  be directed toward the pelvis. The results hopefully will be available this week so the next step can be determined It may be that you will see a pain management doc (anesthesiologist) to manage your case. Just a wild guess from a non medical person - perhaps referred pain coming from the hip


  • Frank-1964
    Frank-1964 Member Posts: 18 Member

    Good luck!


    It seems that the mri will also  be directed toward the pelvis. The results hopefully will be available this week so the next step can be determined It may be that you will see a pain management doc (anesthesiologist) to manage your case. Just a wild guess from a non medical person - perhaps referred pain coming from the hip


    I am now pasient in urology

    I am now pasient in urology and orthopedy dep.

    urology due to problem with prostate enlargement and orthopedy due to new finding, Chondrosarcoma (bone cancer).

    I am just hoping that the cancer is in early stage and hopefully not spread to lungs.

    Best wishes to all who is living and striving with this disease.


  • Frank-1964
    Frank-1964 Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited September 2020 #34

    I am now pasient in urology

    I am now pasient in urology and orthopedy dep.

    urology due to problem with prostate enlargement and orthopedy due to new finding, Chondrosarcoma (bone cancer).

    I am just hoping that the cancer is in early stage and hopefully not spread to lungs.

    Best wishes to all who is living and striving with this disease.



    The findings seems to be a fatty mass, intraosseeost hemangioma and not cancerous for the time being. But now the dr. is suspecting a great deal towards lung cancer. As the pain in my back, shoulders, shoulder blades, neck, arms and chest are symptoms of lung cancer as well. Lung cancer spreads first into bones. In addition lung cancer cause nervological pain (so pain in my legs due to tumor pressing the nerves). I have smoked for almost thirthy years and I quit smoking in 2013 just before my heart by-pass surgery (5-bypasses).

    So I will do a CT scan of lungs during next week. I know that this is probably the cause and root of all my pain. I will write in Lung cancer forum soon.


    Best wishes to all, struggling with this disease
