Four year post

AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member

Lapped four years today, still clear.  Neck  gets stiff periodically, dry mouth continues to improve tho more slowly than earlier.  Taste came back mostly.  Some things are not the same, and there remains a residule of saltiness in the background. I have to be fanatical about sun screen on my burn area.  

If I had it to do over again... I would be more attentive to the stretching routines.  I did 35 doses of IMRT with Chemo, no surgery.  I felt fine during treatment, but you accumulate scar tissue, and once that hardens it is tough to undo.   That can take a while to show up, so stretch now, or stretch more later.

I lost 55 lbs during treatment, fighting to keep the regain under 20 lbs.  Most of the time I'm winning, but Covid lockdown is making it tougher.

You will come thru this, and life will be good, just a bit different.


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited August 2020 #2

    and wise advice about the scar tissue and stretching. Got plans for 2030?

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited August 2020 #3
    Congratulations on

    On your fourth anniversary, worth a celebration for sure. Sounds like your after-effects are pretty normal for H & N treatment something to deal with. Wishing you many more-Take Care-God Bless

  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited August 2020 #4

    My husband is just 2 1/2 months post treatment.....I read your post to him as an encouragement to CONTINUE with his exercises! He wants to get lazy with them because he feels so great!!!

    Congratulations to you, and continued blessings and best wishes!

  • nancytc
    nancytc Member Posts: 70 Member
    edited August 2020 #5
    Great news! In addition to

    Great news! In addition to stretching, its important to "move the skin" daily at a minimum. I do circular motions with lotion daily on my entire throat area to keep the layers of skin from attaching to each other. My physical therapist motivated me to do this basically forever as she sees the "wooden neck" far too often after radiation. Blessings to you.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    four years, nice milestone. pretty much in the clear now, just keep doing the neck stretches and self massage. It's a constant reminder but such a small annoyance given the enormity of the full experience. I think for most, at 4 years, it is what it is, be thankful, and enjoy each day.

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    PipLily said:


    My husband is just 2 1/2 months post treatment.....I read your post to him as an encouragement to CONTINUE with his exercises! He wants to get lazy with them because he feels so great!!!

    Congratulations to you, and continued blessings and best wishes!

    I would repeat what Nancy

    I would repeat what Nancy said - The lotion is surprisingly important, and that doesn't end.  I use CeraVe, and I know when I've forgotten.  Mine is loose enough that I can get by most days even if I ignore it, which leads to bad habbits and eventually painful reminders.  That's followed by a period earning redemption, followed by an inevitable return to sloth. 

    Dry mouth is the same thing.  I use a lot of Xylimelts, but I can get busy on a project and forget to sip or stick one on.  Done that routine for up to eight hours.  It takes a while to recover after to realize you've done that.

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263

    I so wish I could.  I'm 4 yrs but so messed from being overdosed.  Most of My Drs have said problems due to treatments and now can't change...  gets to the point don't want to get up in Morning & repeat another day.  I too do Arnica Gel 2x daily & message in really good.  Actually cured My turkey neck better than taping.  But thyroid such a mess they can't get it regulated 3 Drs in 4 yrs.  finally one looking outside the box.  I'm Hypothyroid but not only cold intolerant but also heat intolerant.  Fl has had a major heat problem 80 at 4 am.  Usually around 105-110 daily with humid& heat index .  Our deck is covered with 4 fans still feels like steam room.  I than retain any heat if I sit outside to talk to kids and takes most of night to get out.  Don't sweat, don't cry, no moisture in mouth or nose.  My Rad Dr did a number on Me.  Took everything out with 70 Gys down to collar bone just about 3rd degree burns.  Needed feeding tube could not even drink water or talk.  For a small piece of skin on where left tonsil use to be.  Chemo Dr 2 horrible drugs for 7 weeks, mouth full of sores being burned over & over, messed my insides good.   I have No quality of life.  Just Chemo Saliva.  Disgusting.  Don't eat much all tastes to strong or yucky so back down to 103 lbs.  can't sleep due to out of wack Cortisol so high all night & early morning so No sleep recently for a month.  I'm a bedvalid.  So exhausted constantly.  Can't eat much basically survive on Plant based protein shakes & a few fruits.  Might as well stilled on feeding tube what's the difference.  So many on here doing so well & thrilled for them don't want anyone to end up like Me.   How long for you now NED?   Stay well, healthy, & safe.  Crazy world out there.   Lisa (Daisy)

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member


    I so wish I could.  I'm 4 yrs but so messed from being overdosed.  Most of My Drs have said problems due to treatments and now can't change...  gets to the point don't want to get up in Morning & repeat another day.  I too do Arnica Gel 2x daily & message in really good.  Actually cured My turkey neck better than taping.  But thyroid such a mess they can't get it regulated 3 Drs in 4 yrs.  finally one looking outside the box.  I'm Hypothyroid but not only cold intolerant but also heat intolerant.  Fl has had a major heat problem 80 at 4 am.  Usually around 105-110 daily with humid& heat index .  Our deck is covered with 4 fans still feels like steam room.  I than retain any heat if I sit outside to talk to kids and takes most of night to get out.  Don't sweat, don't cry, no moisture in mouth or nose.  My Rad Dr did a number on Me.  Took everything out with 70 Gys down to collar bone just about 3rd degree burns.  Needed feeding tube could not even drink water or talk.  For a small piece of skin on where left tonsil use to be.  Chemo Dr 2 horrible drugs for 7 weeks, mouth full of sores being burned over & over, messed my insides good.   I have No quality of life.  Just Chemo Saliva.  Disgusting.  Don't eat much all tastes to strong or yucky so back down to 103 lbs.  can't sleep due to out of wack Cortisol so high all night & early morning so No sleep recently for a month.  I'm a bedvalid.  So exhausted constantly.  Can't eat much basically survive on Plant based protein shakes & a few fruits.  Might as well stilled on feeding tube what's the difference.  So many on here doing so well & thrilled for them don't want anyone to end up like Me.   How long for you now NED?   Stay well, healthy, & safe.  Crazy world out there.   Lisa (Daisy)

    A remote diagnosis by a non

    A remote diagnosis by a non-professional, keep that in mind: 

    My wife has a Thyroid problem (nominally Hyper, but turns out not exclusively) and it took a good while to get a handle on.  It sounds like you might have both a T3 and T4 problem.  They usually test for T3, ignore T4, and many simply blow it off with just TSH.  Also, there are deeply known problems with both Synthroid and Levothyroxin.  My wife was on Synth, a doc switched her to Levo, she got progressively much worse, and I finally stepped in, forced a change of doctors (it helped that kid[1] specializes in civil litigation, tho she has also litigated everything since she was 3), forced a full battery of Tn and TSH tests, and lo there it was.  She is back on Synth, dosage is monitored closely, much improved.  This cycle took years, and I only discovered it thru a friend who had gone through the same thing.   Synth and Levo are NOT equivalent, dosage matters hugely.  Buying thru Costco the extra price of Synth came down to about a dollar per day.  Docs, especially in HMOs (we're in Kaiser) have received regular sermons on the lack of difference not justifying the extra cost of Synth.  It makes a lot of people miserable and sick.



  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    edited August 2020 #10
    Another Survivor


    Read your last post, Hyperthyroidism obviously different than Hypo.  My husband researched and found most of the thyroid drugs have lactose filer.  I'm lactose Intolerant.  Why I was always sick after taking & could not keep breakfast in both ways every morning.  Well he found Triosent, cleanest of all the drugs.  Only 4 ingredients, so easy but now on T3 & doing the same.  Calling the Dr & talk about better version.  For Hypothyroidism they usually only test for T4, TSH not T 3. 3 rd Dr I pushed for testing T3 most important for your thyroid work the hormones correctly.  Well it was low even on T4 dose of 125 mg.  I was batshit depressed on that Dose, No sleep, cold than more recently heat intolerant, get overheated quickly and have to be in air where I get cold. So they are trying something new adding T3 for Me along with lower dose T4 & see what happens.  Such a game getting right.  Drs really don't get it.  Being Overdosed on treatments really screwed up internal organs throughout my body.  I do more Natural & feel better.  Avoid their steroids or antibiotics, etc.  go to Natural Dr.  better than most of My Drs..   May want to look into Triosent for T4, I love it, so less restrictive and no side effects if you need T4.  Now just got to find good T3.  Thank you for your thoughts, these are mine.  Be well, healthy & safe in this crazy world.

    Lisa  (Driving Daisy)
