Radiation treatment for metastasize Lymph node

Gail E
Gail E Member Posts: 19

diag stage IV colon cancer 2014. 2 surgeries and lots of chemo since. I've been having a lot of trouble breathing considering allergies, asthma, cancer, chemo. CT scan showed enlarged lymph node pressing on my lung. Oncologist say radiation will shrink the node and help me breathe better. In. In addition to the usual stuff, I have been taking codine cough meds, ventolin inhailer. Pushing fluids. This will be my 1 st time with radiation. Any thoughts or advice?


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Hello Gail

    It sonds like you have been through the mill, and still not out the other end. 

    I cannot address your question about radiation so high up, as mine was all down below. In around around the colon area, and I have no doubt that it is all different, when other parts of the body are radiated.  

    I am sure someone on the forum has had expereience though. 

    The only advice I would offer is to keep up the fluids, eat healthy and do a little exercise - yoga, to keep your body at optimal health.  I know, optimal health and Cancer don't seem to sleep in the same bed, but they should. The healthier we can go into treatment, I think it gives us a fighting chance at least. 

    Wishing you the best. 


  • Gail E
    Gail E Member Posts: 19
    Trubrit said:

    Hello Gail

    It sonds like you have been through the mill, and still not out the other end. 

    I cannot address your question about radiation so high up, as mine was all down below. In around around the colon area, and I have no doubt that it is all different, when other parts of the body are radiated.  

    I am sure someone on the forum has had expereience though. 

    The only advice I would offer is to keep up the fluids, eat healthy and do a little exercise - yoga, to keep your body at optimal health.  I know, optimal health and Cancer don't seem to sleep in the same bed, but they should. The healthier we can go into treatment, I think it gives us a fighting chance at least. 

    Wishing you the best. 


    I'll know more when I see the radiation oncologist on Monday. I do know that I get to take a break from the chemo while I'm on the radiation. Right now my breathing is so crappy that I can't do much for exercise. I look forward to getting some pulmonary function back. Right now it's bed couch bathroom kitchen table. I am very blessed that my husband takes such good care of me.