CT scan

just a quick question for all you experts!  I am in for my 6 month CT.  I've had a lot of them!   I've always had to drink the 2 bottles of water with contrast, and also had IV contrast. This time I'm drinking 2 bottles of plain water and having IV contrast. I questioned them and they said the radiologist decides and no longer uses contrast in the water.   It makes me a bit nervous.  Does anyone know anything about this.  I'll definately ask my oncologist on Tuesday when I see her. 



  • Lym999
    Lym999 Member Posts: 43 Member
    Contrast Drink

    They give me that terrible thick white chalky stuff. I believe it is that Barium Sulfate.  I don't care for it at all! Did you say it was just regular water they gave you? I have another CT Scan scheduled for late next month. I wish i could get by with just drinking two regular bottles of water instead.




  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited July 2020 #3


    I know there are a variety of DIFFERENT contrastsing agents, both for CTs and for PETs.   They highlight differing forms of tissue (I learned this from prostate cancer, where different agents are used from mainstream PETs).   And, of course, there are CTs with NO contrast ordered.   These tests are continuously evolving and 'improving.'

    I seriously doubt there was an error or problem with the form of liquid you drank, but it would be interesting to know what the deal was.  I can recall drinking contrasing agents with differing TASTES back in 2010; some pleasant, some not.

  • Sal0101
    Sal0101 Member Posts: 136 Member



    I know there are a variety of DIFFERENT contrastsing agents, both for CTs and for PETs.   They highlight differing forms of tissue (I learned this from prostate cancer, where different agents are used from mainstream PETs).   And, of course, there are CTs with NO contrast ordered.   These tests are continuously evolving and 'improving.'

    I seriously doubt there was an error or problem with the form of liquid you drank, but it would be interesting to know what the deal was.  I can recall drinking contrasing agents with differing TASTES back in 2010; some pleasant, some not.


    I remember different tastes. My very first was banana ( it was pretty good), then the ones that tasted like strawberry Crystal light. Then just water flavor ( which I  like) but they were all laced with a contrast.  Today was just water. IV was the same as always. Warm flushing ☺️   Ill let you know what my oncologist says next week! Ahhhhhh the worry!!

  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    edited July 2020 #5
    Check with your oncologist

    Sal, I can recall at least one occasion when a radiologist changed my orders in a similar way.  I happened to have heard my doc give the original orders in which she stressed to the scheduler that she wanted the scan done "the same way as the original".  When I asked about the change, she was immediately on the horn with Radiology getting it returned to the original request.

    I say: definitely check in with your oncologist about it!  Good luck.

  • Scubamom for two
    Scubamom for two Member Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 2020 #6
    Hi Sal 0101,

    Hi Sal 0101,


    You probably got your answer yesterday from your doctor.  I have now had 13 PET/CT or CT scans done since my initial diagnosis of DLBCL, the most recent done just last week.  For all of the CT scans, I had to drink a large container of Barium because all of the scans were ordered with contrast.  I was told to drink a lot of water before the CT scans and of course afterwards too.  I think the contrast vs no contrast may somewhat depend on what part(s) of the body the scans are being performed on.  It is my lay-person understanding that the oral contrast helps provide a better view of the stomach and bowels.  It sounds like your last scan was ordered without contrast, was that the case?  Anyway, I hope all is well and you receive good news.


    Scubamom for two

  • Sal0101
    Sal0101 Member Posts: 136 Member
    edited July 2020 #7
    CT scan

    CT was good! Whewwww. I forgot to ask her about the technique, oral contrast vs water. however I emaied Her when I got home.  She said she's  not worried about the techniqe.  She thinks is was read correctly.  next CT 6 months. 

  • Lym999
    Lym999 Member Posts: 43 Member
    Great News!

    Hi Sal,

    That is great news! How long have you been doing 6 months CT Scans?

