Covid 19 & HPV BoT CANCER

Darkdancer333 Member Posts: 115 Member

I am about 2 years post all is well except the small amount of mucus and dry mouth symptons. Along with this comes the dry cough and runny nose that I have had since Radiation days.

What makes it difficult is that these symptons coincide with the covid-19 symptons. Just wondering if there is any other problems they need to be looked out for. No fever and headaches have occured 

but there is always that idea that lurks in the back of your mind. 

Just wanted to see how others are dealing with this pandemic...






  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 125 Member
    edited May 2020 #2
    Fever and shortness of breath

    Fever and shortness of breath are the two big symptoms to look out for.  If there is no change in your "new normal" I think you are good.  Take care, and stay good...but if the nagging thoughts persist, maybe testing has come to your area, and would give you peace of mind.  

  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited May 2020 #3

    Agreed, very hard for many patients to determine if symptoms are allergies, something else, COVID....?

    I would say if your symptoms are CONSISTENT with what you’ve experienced, nothing new, nothing worse, there basically is no treatment other than symptom control; and isolating if need be. So unless you need peace of mind, maybe get tested....otherwiwe, sounds like it’s just “normal “ for you. 

    Take care in these crazy times!


  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited June 2020 #4
    PipLily said:


    Agreed, very hard for many patients to determine if symptoms are allergies, something else, COVID....?

    I would say if your symptoms are CONSISTENT with what you’ve experienced, nothing new, nothing worse, there basically is no treatment other than symptom control; and isolating if need be. So unless you need peace of mind, maybe get tested....otherwiwe, sounds like it’s just “normal “ for you. 

    Take care in these crazy times!


    Just to clarify...

    when I said “no treatment “...... meaning, for mild cases of COVID- other than self- isolation, and usual rest, fluids, etc. Severe cases- obviously a different ballgame. 

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    edited June 2020 #5
    Be Safe

    After reading that cancer survivors have a harder time recovering from covid19 we all need to take extreme care not to get exposed.  You are right to be concerned.  Take all the recommended precautions and lay low if possible.  Can't wait for this to be over.

  • Tonita
    Tonita Member Posts: 197 Member

    Have you been tested?  I wasn't feeling well and went to the doctor and because of my symptoms was treated very differently.  From the dr's office I went to the ER (all in the same place, Dartmouth).  They tested me there and was admitted for aspiration pneumonia.  I tested negative.  The whole experience was really bizarre because of Covid but they were extremely cautious.  I was glad to get the hell out of there.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited August 2020 #7
    Tonita said:


    Have you been tested?  I wasn't feeling well and went to the doctor and because of my symptoms was treated very differently.  From the dr's office I went to the ER (all in the same place, Dartmouth).  They tested me there and was admitted for aspiration pneumonia.  I tested negative.  The whole experience was really bizarre because of Covid but they were extremely cautious.  I was glad to get the hell out of there.

    Well Tonita

    It sounds like you had a bit of an adventure but I am thankful for you that it turned out to be nothing serious and you are back home again-Take care-God Bless-Russ