Halfway finished

PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member


Hello....my husband had his second Cisplatin dose scheduled today, but his WBCs were too low to give it. He’s pretty bummed about that, because he was mentally prepared for it. He had even had an injection on Saturday to try to boost the WBCs, but wasn’t effective.  Going to recheck labs tomorrow and decide. Did any of you have a delay with chemo because of that?? Hoping it doesn’t decrease the efficacy if the timing is off. 

 Other than that bit of disappointment.....after tomorrow’s radiation treatment, he will be half way done with those!! He’s really doing well......the chemo has probably been the worst for him. Really knocked him down for about 4 days after the last one. The doctors are now having him come in for extra IV Fluids for hydration on a regular basis, 3 days per week after radiation. One extra thing to do, but not really a big deal as it only takes about an hour. He seems to be on a pretty good sleep schedule again....right after chemo, he was just really tired. Still eating mostly normal food, with the exception of anything really crunchy. I do supplement his diet with a really high protein, caloric dense smoothie daily, and almost 3 weeks in he hasn’t lost any weight ( he does not have a PEG tube). He’s actually a little disappointed in the non weight loss thing! He thinks he can stand to lose a few! He has a small amount of discomfort when swallowing larger pieces of things. No dry mouth yet, but taste is nearly gone for now. So overall, he would say treatment is going pretty well......definitely know the intensity will ramp up, however. 

Thanks to all of you who have given us information! This forum is an amazing comfort, and I sure hope to help those going through this in the future. I look back on my initial post, so full of fear. Almost paralyzed. But many of you just encouraged us that this was doable, and you’ve been so right. I know the hardest part is still  probably to come, but it’s still doable! And all the words of comfort on this forum has helped me to encourage my husband in that. It’s amazing, also, when you all told me that once a plan is in place, it actually becomes less fearful of a situation ~ how true those words have been!

Thanks again to everyone on here who reached out with advice! Much appreciated!



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited May 2020 #2
    Thanks For The Update

    It sure sounds like things are going well and glad he is halfway done. I never had to delay my chemo but I am sure others did. I think a few days and he will be good to go his count will be up. Don't let these little adjustments get you down jut keep your eye on the big goal. Glad he is still eating but losing flavor is a bummer because you have to force food sort of but sounds like he is dealing well with it. Tell him not to be disappointed in the non-weight loss thing because that can happen easily enough and even go to the negative side pretty quickly. Hope everything continues smoothly for you folks-Take Care-God Bless

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    I agree with Russ

    It sounds like your husband is doing quite well for being at the halfway mark.  I also had no delays for chemo, although I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to get the last one because the 2nd one helped cause dehydration.  I became faint while having blood drawn and the had to take me up to the "chemo lounge" to pump 2 liters of fluids into me.  Fluids had become very hard to ingest due to taste, not physically.  I had to force myself to drink, and the last few weeks I had to switch entrely to Gatorade because water was undrinkable.  I ended up having my 3rd round of chemo and by then I had learned my lesson on hydration. Honestly, I never felt fatigued and stayed busy working around the house the entire time.  Keep a positive attitude, it'll do wonders.

    All the best to you and your husband through the second half of the treatments and on through recovery.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited May 2020 #4

    My white blood cells delayed Cisplatin a week, one time. It only took 1 week to get back on track!

    I'm glad he's halfway through. He'll be done before you know it...

    I hope you get the best result possible!!


  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2020 #5
    Half Way if a Good Way

    My guess is the wieght loss will come.  Tell him not to get worried at all about not losing weight, he can always go on a diet later.  Some people do sail right through.  I did not have any mojor problems unitil my last three weeks.  Then it started.  I was determied not to use a feeding tube,  Pride or something foolish like that.  I soon learned who was boss, it was not me.  I hope he has no issues, but wise to be prepared.  Even if things get a bit rough it is more than worth it on the other side.  That loss of taste really bothered me, eating was a joy for me as I was (am) the cook in the family.  I thought it would never come back. It did.  I learned to just wait.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    edited May 2020 #6
    Sounds as if he's doing well.

    Sounds as if he's doing well. I never missed a chemo, but came close. They'd have me do a blood draw a day or two prior to chemo to make sure things looked good. If anything was low, they'd make some recommendations so the numbers would be good on chemo days. 

    I didn't have a PEG either. I also didn't suffer much in the first half of my treatment. I did hit a brick wall though as I neared the end. I could no longer eat solid food, the mucous was horrible and I began coughing up blood and bits of throat tissue. That lasted for a few weeks and then all went back to normal. I lost weight early on, but mostly because the doctor had me packing it on during the weeks leading up to treatment starting. Once i couldn't eat solid food, I really dropped the weight and a lot of it. So hopefully your husband continues to be able to eat. Good luck!

    I'm three years post treatment and you'd never know I ever had cancer.

  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited May 2020 #7
    wbcgaruss said:

    Thanks For The Update

    It sure sounds like things are going well and glad he is halfway done. I never had to delay my chemo but I am sure others did. I think a few days and he will be good to go his count will be up. Don't let these little adjustments get you down jut keep your eye on the big goal. Glad he is still eating but losing flavor is a bummer because you have to force food sort of but sounds like he is dealing well with it. Tell him not to be disappointed in the non-weight loss thing because that can happen easily enough and even go to the negative side pretty quickly. Hope everything continues smoothly for you folks-Take Care-God Bless

    Thanks Russ!! Only three more

    Thanks Russ!! Only three more to go!

  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member
    ERomanO said:

    I agree with Russ

    It sounds like your husband is doing quite well for being at the halfway mark.  I also had no delays for chemo, although I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to get the last one because the 2nd one helped cause dehydration.  I became faint while having blood drawn and the had to take me up to the "chemo lounge" to pump 2 liters of fluids into me.  Fluids had become very hard to ingest due to taste, not physically.  I had to force myself to drink, and the last few weeks I had to switch entrely to Gatorade because water was undrinkable.  I ended up having my 3rd round of chemo and by then I had learned my lesson on hydration. Honestly, I never felt fatigued and stayed busy working around the house the entire time.  Keep a positive attitude, it'll do wonders.

    All the best to you and your husband through the second half of the treatments and on through recovery.

    Thank you very much!!

    Thank you very much!!

  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member


    My white blood cells delayed Cisplatin a week, one time. It only took 1 week to get back on track!

    I'm glad he's halfway through. He'll be done before you know it...

    I hope you get the best result possible!!


    Thank you mg!!!

    Thank you mg!!!

  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member

    Half Way if a Good Way

    My guess is the wieght loss will come.  Tell him not to get worried at all about not losing weight, he can always go on a diet later.  Some people do sail right through.  I did not have any mojor problems unitil my last three weeks.  Then it started.  I was determied not to use a feeding tube,  Pride or something foolish like that.  I soon learned who was boss, it was not me.  I hope he has no issues, but wise to be prepared.  Even if things get a bit rough it is more than worth it on the other side.  That loss of taste really bothered me, eating was a joy for me as I was (am) the cook in the family.  I thought it would never come back. It did.  I learned to just wait.

    Thank you! How are you doing

    Thank you! How are you doing with everything?

  • PipLily
    PipLily Member Posts: 132 Member
    OKCnative said:

    Sounds as if he's doing well.

    Sounds as if he's doing well. I never missed a chemo, but came close. They'd have me do a blood draw a day or two prior to chemo to make sure things looked good. If anything was low, they'd make some recommendations so the numbers would be good on chemo days. 

    I didn't have a PEG either. I also didn't suffer much in the first half of my treatment. I did hit a brick wall though as I neared the end. I could no longer eat solid food, the mucous was horrible and I began coughing up blood and bits of throat tissue. That lasted for a few weeks and then all went back to normal. I lost weight early on, but mostly because the doctor had me packing it on during the weeks leading up to treatment starting. Once i couldn't eat solid food, I really dropped the weight and a lot of it. So hopefully your husband continues to be able to eat. Good luck!

    I'm three years post treatment and you'd never know I ever had cancer.

    Thank you! So good to hear

    Thank you! So good to hear wonderful stories of recovery! Congratulations on three years......encouraging for us new or in the thick of this!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited May 2020 #12
    PipLily said:

    Thanks Russ!! Only three more

    Thanks Russ!! Only three more to go!

    WOW Congratulations

    You are just about to go over the finish line. Take Care-God Bless